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Last active March 29, 2018 01:38
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Implicit Parameter Experiments
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
import GHC.Exts
-- A handler holds a function that takes in any a that
-- satisfies constraint p. Note that we are simply returning
-- string in here for the sake of simplifying the demo.
data Handler p a = Handler (p => a -> String)
-- callHandler unboxes a handler and apply it to an a
-- that satisfies constraint p.
callHandler :: forall p a. p => Handler p a -> a -> String
callHandler (Handler h) = h
-- fooHandler can take in any object containing a foo of type
-- string, as given by implicit parameter.
fooHandler :: forall a. Handler (?getFoo :: a -> String) a
fooHandler = Handler $ \x -> "(foo " ++ (?getFoo x) ++ ")"
-- barHandler can take in any object containing a bar of type
-- string, as given by implicit parameter.
barHandler :: forall a. Handler (?getBar :: a -> String) a
barHandler = Handler $ \x -> "(bar " ++ (?getBar x) ++ ")"
-- Two example config types that we can pass to foo and bar handler
data Config = Config { foo :: String, bar :: String }
data Config2 = Config2 { foo2 :: String, bar2 :: String, baz :: String }
-- Example instances of the config
config :: Config
config = Config { foo = "foo", bar = "bar" }
config2 :: Config2
config2 = setBaz config "baz"
-- A demo of how we can compose handler functions while still
-- keep track and propogate the constraints.
composeHandler :: forall a p q. Handler p a -> Handler q a -> Handler (p, q) a
composeHandler (Handler f) (Handler g) = Handler $ \x ->
"(composed " ++ (f x) ++ " " ++ (g x) ++ ")"
-- type of composedHandler can be automatically inferred, as compared to
-- naive function composition.
-- composedHandler :: Handler (?getFoo::a -> String, ?getBar::a -> String) a
composedHandler = composeHandler fooHandler barHandler
-- Type synonyms for the combined constraints we have
type FooBarConstraint a = (
(?getFoo :: a -> String),
(?getBar :: a -> String))
type FooBarBazConstraint a = (
(?getFoo :: a -> String),
(?getBar :: a -> String),
(?getBaz :: a -> String))
-- runConfig takes in universally quantified functions that
-- may require the given constraints, and populate the
-- implicit parameters before invoking the functions.
runConfig :: forall b.
(forall a. (FooBarConstraint a) => a -> b)
-> Config -> b
runConfig f config =
?getFoo = foo
?getBar = bar
in f config
runConfig2 :: forall b.
(forall a. (FooBarBazConstraint a => a -> b))
-> Config2 -> b
runConfig2 f config =
?getFoo = foo2
?getBar = bar2
?getBaz = baz
in f config
-- We can partially apply with any handler functions
-- that requires the same or less constraints.
-- For example fooHandler don't require the ?getBar constraint,
-- but we can still run it with the additional constraint given.
-- In a way this is a limited form of subtyping through constraints.
fooHandler2 = runConfig $ callHandler fooHandler
composedHandler2 = runConfig2 $ callHandler composedHandler
-- The partially applied functions become simple functions that take in
-- the corresponding concrete config types. We have effective wrap
-- abstract handler functions into concrete functions!
-- "(foo foo)"
fooResult = fooHandler2 config
-- "(composed (foo foo) (bar bar))"
composedResult = composedHandler2 config2
-- applyConfig takes in the boxed handler object itself and inject the
-- implicit parameter constraints using runConfig.
applyConfig ::
(forall a. Handler (FooBarConstraint a) a)
-> Config -> String
applyConfig handler config = runConfig (callHandler handler) config
-- "(composed (foo foo) (bar bar))"
composedResult2 = applyConfig composedHandler config
-- Although applyConfig looks almost identical to runConfig,
-- it unfortunately cannot give us the free "subtyping" we have
-- in runConfig. The handler passed to applyConfig must have the
-- exact same set of constraints and no less. For example, running:
-- barResult = applyConfig barHandler config
-- give us the following error:
-- • Couldn't match type ‘?getBar::a -> String’
-- with ‘(?getFoo::a -> String, ?getBar::a -> String)’
-- Expected type: Handler (FooBarConstraint a) a
-- Actual type: Handler (?getBar::a -> String) a
-- • In the first argument of ‘applyConfig’, namely ‘barHandler’
-- In the expression: applyConfig barHandler config
-- In an equation for ‘barResult’:
-- barResult = applyConfig barHandler config
-- Additionally, runConfig and runConfig2 cannot be passed as
-- argument to other function as an higher order function.
-- Haskell's lack of support for impredicative polymorphism
-- makes it difficult for us to write a universal runConfig
-- function that can be applied to any config type.
--- Work in Progress ---
-- A filter takes a handler and return a new handler that
-- accepts different type and constraint.
data Filter p a q b = Filter ((Handler q b) -> (Handler p a))
-- Apply a filter on a handler by unboxing the functions and applying them.
applyFilter :: forall p q a b. Filter p a q b -> Handler q b -> Handler p a
applyFilter (Filter f) h = f h
setBaz :: Config -> String -> Config2
setBaz (Config foo bar) val = Config2 { foo2 = foo, bar2 = bar, baz = val }
setBaz2 :: Config2 -> String -> Config2
setBaz2 config val = config { baz = val }
-- bazFilter is a filter that sets the baz value and pass the modified
-- argument to the inner handler.
bazFilter :: forall a b q. Filter
((?getBar :: a -> String),
(?setBaz :: a -> String -> b),
(?applyHandler :: Handler q b -> b -> String))
a q b
bazFilter =
Filter $ \h ->
Handler $ \x ->
?applyHandler h (?setBaz x ("beer with " ++ (?getBar x)))
-- We can apply bazFilter on the composed handler and it will
-- keep track of the new constraints
filteredHandler = applyFilter bazFilter composedHandler
type SetFooBarConstraint a b = (
(?getFoo :: a -> String),
(?getBar :: a -> String),
(?setBaz :: a -> String -> b),
(?applyHandler :: Handler (FooBarBazConstraint b) b -> b -> String))
--- Existential Experiment ---
class Constrainable f where
type Context f a :: Constraint
wrap :: forall a. Context f a => a -> f a
unwrap :: forall r a. f a -> (forall b. Context f b => b -> r) -> r
data EncapFooBar a = FooBarConstraint a => EncapFooBar a
instance Constrainable EncapFooBar where
type Context EncapFooBar a = FooBarConstraint a
wrap = EncapFooBar
unwrap (EncapFooBar x) k = k x
data Exist f = forall a. Constrainable f => Exist (f a)
pack :: forall f a. (Constrainable f, Context f a) => a -> Exist f
pack x = Exist (wrap x)
unpack :: forall f r. Constrainable f => Exist f -> (forall a. Context f a => a -> r) -> r
unpack m k = case m of
Exist x ->
unwrap x k
encapConfig :: Config -> Exist EncapFooBar
encapConfig config =
?getFoo = foo
?getBar = bar
pack config
config3 = encapConfig config
unpackResult = unpack config3 $ \x ->
callHandler composedHandler x
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