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Last active February 8, 2018 16:01
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Row Polymorphic-like composition in Haskell
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
import GHC.Exts
-- This code snippet demonstrates how we can compose
-- two functions with row-polymorphic-like arguments.
-- i.e. to implement the type:
-- forall
-- (p :: * -> Constraint)
-- (q :: * -> Constraint)
-- (c :: *).
-- (p c => c -> String) ->
-- (q c => c -> String) ->
-- ((p c, q c) => c -> String)
type Handler p c = (p c => c -> String)
type Union (p :: * -> Constraint) (q :: * -> Constraint) (c :: *) = (p c, q c)
-- Following the Has type class pattern,
-- we define 2 "row" types that represent
-- configuration fields we need in our functions.
class HasFoo a where
getFoo :: a -> String
class HasBar a where
getBar :: a -> String
-- fooHandler is a handler function that process
-- any object with a foo field.
-- In a row polymorphic type systems like PureScript,
-- this is akin to
-- fooHandler :: { foo :: String | r } -> String
fooHandler :: Handler HasFoo c
fooHandler c = "(foo-result " ++ (getFoo c) ++ ")"
-- barHandler is a handler function that process
-- any object with a bar field.
barHandler :: Handler HasBar c
barHandler c = "(bar-result " ++ (getBar c) ++ ")"
-- We define a type synonym to define the type
-- signature of our composeHandlers function
type ComposeType
(p :: * -> Constraint)
(q :: * -> Constraint)
(c :: *) =
(Handler p c) ->
(Handler q c) ->
(Handler (Union p q) c)
-- Compose 2 arbitrary functions with arbitrary
-- constraints together. The resulting composed
-- handler function has a combined constraint.
composeHandlers :: ComposeType p q c
composeHandlers f g c = "(compose-result " ++ (f c) ++ " " ++ (g c) ++ ")"
-- In a row polymorphic type systems like PureScript,
-- this is conceptually something like
-- composeHandlers ::
-- ({| p} -> String) -> ({| q} -> String) ->
-- ({| p, q} -> String)
-- However we can't simply combine two row variables
-- at least in PureScript.
-- In the simplest case we have a simple record
-- type that has foo and bar fields. Note here
-- that they don't need to have the same field
-- labels.
data Config = Config { fooField :: String, barField :: String }
-- Manually instantiate the record type to satisfy
-- our row constraints. Perhaps there are packages
-- that use template Haskell to help us do auto
-- instantiation.
instance HasFoo Config where
getFoo = fooField
instance HasBar Config where
getBar = barField
-- bazHandler is made by composing fooHandler and barHandler.
-- We are able to use the generic composeHandlers function
-- with the help of explicit type application.
-- bazHandler :: Handler (Union HasFoo HasBar) c
bazHandler c = composeHandlers @HasFoo @HasBar fooHandler barHandler c
-- Note: The c parameter has to be passed here as otherwise
-- Haskell would fail with ambiguous type error unless explicit
-- type signature is given.
-- bazHandler is also generic, and we can freely pass
-- our Config record in because it satisfy all constraints.
result = bazHandler $ Config "fooValue" "barValue"
main = putStrLn result
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