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Created May 9, 2024 12:20
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Class: ConsumerBounceTest
File: core/src/test/scala/integration/kafka/api/ConsumerBounceTest.scala
Module: core
Starting a Gradle Daemon (subsequent builds will be faster)
> Configure project :
Starting build with version 3.8.0-SNAPSHOT (commit id 64b5f31b) using Gradle 8.7, Java 17 and Scala 2.13.12
Build properties: maxParallelForks=10, maxScalacThreads=8, maxTestRetries=0
> Task :group-coordinator:processMessages
MessageGenerator: processed 16 Kafka message JSON files(s).
> Task :clients:processMessages
MessageGenerator: processed 162 Kafka message JSON files(s).
> Task :core:compileScala
Unexpected javac output: warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 8
Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
Note: /Volumes/Sense/Work/kafka/kafka-jbod/core/src/main/java/kafka/log/remote/ uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
1 warning.
> Task :core:compileTestScala
Unexpected javac output: warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 8
Note: /Volumes/Sense/Work/kafka/kafka-jbod/core/src/test/java/kafka/log/remote/ uses or overrides a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
1 warning.
> Task :core:test
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 3 > ConsumerBounceTest > testCloseDuringRebalance() PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 3 > ConsumerBounceTest > testClose() PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 3 > ConsumerBounceTest > testSeekAndCommitWithBrokerFailures() PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 3 > ConsumerBounceTest > testConsumerReceivesFatalExceptionWhenGroupPassesMaxSize() PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 3 > ConsumerBounceTest > testSubscribeWhenTopicUnavailable() PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 3 > ConsumerBounceTest > testRollingBrokerRestartsWithSmallerMaxGroupSizeConfigDisruptsBigGroup() SKIPPED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 3 > ConsumerBounceTest > testConsumptionWithBrokerFailures() PASSED
Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 9.0.
You can use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings and determine if they come from your own scripts or plugins.
For more on this, please refer to in the Gradle documentation.
61 actionable tasks: 41 executed, 20 up-to-date
Class: DelegationTokenEndToEndAuthorizationWithOwnerTest
File: core/src/test/scala/integration/kafka/api/DelegationTokenEndToEndAuthorizationWithOwnerTest.scala
Module: core
> Configure project :
Starting build with version 3.8.0-SNAPSHOT (commit id 64b5f31b) using Gradle 8.7, Java 17 and Scala 2.13.12
Build properties: maxParallelForks=10, maxScalacThreads=8, maxTestRetries=0
> Task :core:test
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 4 > DelegationTokenEndToEndAuthorizationWithOwnerTest > testNoConsumeWithoutDescribeAclViaSubscribe(String) > "testNoCon
sumeWithoutDescribeAclViaSubscribe(String).quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 4 > DelegationTokenEndToEndAuthorizationWithOwnerTest > testNoConsumeWithoutDescribeAclViaSubscribe(String) > "testNoCon
sumeWithoutDescribeAclViaSubscribe(String).quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 4 > DelegationTokenEndToEndAuthorizationWithOwnerTest > testProduceConsumeWithPrefixedAcls(String) > "testProduceConsume
WithPrefixedAcls(String).quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 4 > DelegationTokenEndToEndAuthorizationWithOwnerTest > testProduceConsumeWithPrefixedAcls(String) > "testProduceConsume
WithPrefixedAcls(String).quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 4 > DelegationTokenEndToEndAuthorizationWithOwnerTest > testProduceConsumeViaAssign(String) > "testProduceConsumeViaAssi
gn(String).quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 4 > DelegationTokenEndToEndAuthorizationWithOwnerTest > testProduceConsumeViaAssign(String) > "testProduceConsumeViaAssi
gn(String).quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 4 > DelegationTokenEndToEndAuthorizationWithOwnerTest > testNoConsumeWithDescribeAclViaAssign(String) > "testNoConsumeWi
thDescribeAclViaAssign(String).quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 4 > DelegationTokenEndToEndAuthorizationWithOwnerTest > testNoConsumeWithDescribeAclViaAssign(String) > "testNoConsumeWi
thDescribeAclViaAssign(String).quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 4 > DelegationTokenEndToEndAuthorizationWithOwnerTest > testProduceConsumeTopicAutoCreateTopicCreateAcl(String) > "testP
roduceConsumeTopicAutoCreateTopicCreateAcl(String).quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 4 > DelegationTokenEndToEndAuthorizationWithOwnerTest > testProduceConsumeTopicAutoCreateTopicCreateAcl(String) > "testP
roduceConsumeTopicAutoCreateTopicCreateAcl(String).quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 4 > DelegationTokenEndToEndAuthorizationWithOwnerTest > testProduceConsumeWithWildcardAcls(String) > "testProduceConsume
WithWildcardAcls(String).quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 4 > DelegationTokenEndToEndAuthorizationWithOwnerTest > testProduceConsumeWithWildcardAcls(String) > "testProduceConsume
WithWildcardAcls(String).quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 4 > DelegationTokenEndToEndAuthorizationWithOwnerTest > testNoConsumeWithDescribeAclViaSubscribe(String) > "testNoConsum
eWithDescribeAclViaSubscribe(String).quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 4 > DelegationTokenEndToEndAuthorizationWithOwnerTest > testNoConsumeWithDescribeAclViaSubscribe(String) > "testNoConsum
eWithDescribeAclViaSubscribe(String).quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 4 > DelegationTokenEndToEndAuthorizationWithOwnerTest > testNoConsumeWithoutDescribeAclViaAssign(String) > "testNoConsum
eWithoutDescribeAclViaAssign(String).quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 4 > DelegationTokenEndToEndAuthorizationWithOwnerTest > testNoConsumeWithoutDescribeAclViaAssign(String) > "testNoConsum
eWithoutDescribeAclViaAssign(String).quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 4 > DelegationTokenEndToEndAuthorizationWithOwnerTest > testNoGroupAcl(String) > "testNoGroupAcl(String).quorum=kraft" P
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 4 > DelegationTokenEndToEndAuthorizationWithOwnerTest > testNoGroupAcl(String) > "testNoGroupAcl(String).quorum=zk" PASS
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 4 > DelegationTokenEndToEndAuthorizationWithOwnerTest > testNoProduceWithDescribeAcl(String, boolean) > "testNoProduceWi
thDescribeAcl(String, boolean).quorum=kraft, isIdempotenceEnabled=true" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 4 > DelegationTokenEndToEndAuthorizationWithOwnerTest > testNoProduceWithDescribeAcl(String, boolean) > "testNoProduceWi
thDescribeAcl(String, boolean).quorum=kraft, isIdempotenceEnabled=false" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 4 > DelegationTokenEndToEndAuthorizationWithOwnerTest > testNoProduceWithDescribeAcl(String, boolean) > "testNoProduceWi
thDescribeAcl(String, boolean).quorum=zk, isIdempotenceEnabled=true" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 4 > DelegationTokenEndToEndAuthorizationWithOwnerTest > testNoProduceWithDescribeAcl(String, boolean) > "testNoProduceWi
thDescribeAcl(String, boolean).quorum=zk, isIdempotenceEnabled=false" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 4 > DelegationTokenEndToEndAuthorizationWithOwnerTest > testNoDescribeProduceOrConsumeWithoutTopicDescribeAcl(String, bo
olean) > "testNoDescribeProduceOrConsumeWithoutTopicDescribeAcl(String, boolean).quorum=kraft, isIdempotenceEnabled=true" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 4 > DelegationTokenEndToEndAuthorizationWithOwnerTest > testNoDescribeProduceOrConsumeWithoutTopicDescribeAcl(String, bo
olean) > "testNoDescribeProduceOrConsumeWithoutTopicDescribeAcl(String, boolean).quorum=kraft, isIdempotenceEnabled=false" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 4 > DelegationTokenEndToEndAuthorizationWithOwnerTest > testNoDescribeProduceOrConsumeWithoutTopicDescribeAcl(String, bo
olean) > "testNoDescribeProduceOrConsumeWithoutTopicDescribeAcl(String, boolean).quorum=zk, isIdempotenceEnabled=true" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 4 > DelegationTokenEndToEndAuthorizationWithOwnerTest > testNoDescribeProduceOrConsumeWithoutTopicDescribeAcl(String, bo
olean) > "testNoDescribeProduceOrConsumeWithoutTopicDescribeAcl(String, boolean).quorum=zk, isIdempotenceEnabled=false" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 4 > DelegationTokenEndToEndAuthorizationWithOwnerTest > testProduceConsumeViaSubscribe(String) > "testProduceConsumeViaS
ubscribe(String).quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 4 > DelegationTokenEndToEndAuthorizationWithOwnerTest > testProduceConsumeViaSubscribe(String) > "testProduceConsumeViaS
ubscribe(String).quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 4 > DelegationTokenEndToEndAuthorizationWithOwnerTest > testCreateUserWithDelegationToken(String) > "testCreateUserWithD
elegationToken(String).quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 4 > DelegationTokenEndToEndAuthorizationWithOwnerTest > testCreateUserWithDelegationToken(String) > "testCreateUserWithD
elegationToken(String).quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 4 > DelegationTokenEndToEndAuthorizationWithOwnerTest > testCreateTokenForOtherUserFails(String) > "testCreateTokenForOt
herUserFails(String).quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 4 > DelegationTokenEndToEndAuthorizationWithOwnerTest > testCreateTokenForOtherUserFails(String) > "testCreateTokenForOt
herUserFails(String).quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 4 > DelegationTokenEndToEndAuthorizationWithOwnerTest > testDescribeTokenForOtherUserPasses(String) > "testDescribeToken
ForOtherUserPasses(String).quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 4 > DelegationTokenEndToEndAuthorizationWithOwnerTest > testDescribeTokenForOtherUserPasses(String) > "testDescribeToken
ForOtherUserPasses(String).quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 4 > DelegationTokenEndToEndAuthorizationWithOwnerTest > testDescribeTokenForOtherUserFails(String) > "testDescribeTokenF
orOtherUserFails(String).quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 4 > DelegationTokenEndToEndAuthorizationWithOwnerTest > testDescribeTokenForOtherUserFails(String) > "testDescribeTokenF
orOtherUserFails(String).quorum=zk" PASSED
Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 9.0.
You can use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings and determine if they come from your own scripts or plugins.
For more on this, please refer to in the Gradle documentation.
61 actionable tasks: 1 executed, 60 up-to-date
Class: PlaintextConsumerAssignorsTest
File: core/src/test/scala/integration/kafka/api/PlaintextConsumerAssignorsTest.scala
Module: core
> Configure project :
Starting build with version 3.8.0-SNAPSHOT (commit id 64b5f31b) using Gradle 8.7, Java 17 and Scala 2.13.12
Build properties: maxParallelForks=10, maxScalacThreads=8, maxTestRetries=0
> Task :core:test
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 5 > PlaintextConsumerAssignorsTest > testRebalanceAndRejoin(String, String) > "testRebalanceAndRejoin(String, String).as
signmentStrategy=org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.CooperativeStickyAssignor, quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 5 > PlaintextConsumerAssignorsTest > testRebalanceAndRejoin(String, String) > "testRebalanceAndRejoin(String, String).as
signmentStrategy=org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.RangeAssignor, quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 5 > PlaintextConsumerAssignorsTest > testRebalanceAndRejoin(String, String) > "testRebalanceAndRejoin(String, String).as
signmentStrategy=org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.CooperativeStickyAssignor, quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 5 > PlaintextConsumerAssignorsTest > testRebalanceAndRejoin(String, String) > "testRebalanceAndRejoin(String, String).as
signmentStrategy=org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.RangeAssignor, quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 5 > PlaintextConsumerAssignorsTest > testRemoteAssignorRange(String, String) > testRemoteAssignorRange(String, String).q
uorum=kraft+kip848.groupProtocol=consumer PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 5 > PlaintextConsumerAssignorsTest > testMultiConsumerStickyAssignor(String, String) > testMultiConsumerStickyAssignor(S
tring, String).quorum=zk.groupProtocol=classic PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 5 > PlaintextConsumerAssignorsTest > testMultiConsumerStickyAssignor(String, String) > testMultiConsumerStickyAssignor(S
tring, String).quorum=kraft.groupProtocol=classic PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 5 > PlaintextConsumerAssignorsTest > testMultiConsumerStickyAssignor(String, String) > testMultiConsumerStickyAssignor(S
tring, String).quorum=kraft+kip848.groupProtocol=classic PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 5 > PlaintextConsumerAssignorsTest > testMultiConsumerDefaultAssignor(String, String) > testMultiConsumerDefaultAssignor
(String, String).quorum=zk.groupProtocol=classic PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 5 > PlaintextConsumerAssignorsTest > testMultiConsumerDefaultAssignor(String, String) > testMultiConsumerDefaultAssignor
(String, String).quorum=kraft.groupProtocol=classic PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 5 > PlaintextConsumerAssignorsTest > testMultiConsumerDefaultAssignor(String, String) > testMultiConsumerDefaultAssignor
(String, String).quorum=kraft+kip848.groupProtocol=classic PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 5 > PlaintextConsumerAssignorsTest > testMultiConsumerDefaultAssignorAndVerifyAssignment(String, String) > testMultiCons
umerDefaultAssignorAndVerifyAssignment(String, String).quorum=zk.groupProtocol=classic PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 5 > PlaintextConsumerAssignorsTest > testMultiConsumerDefaultAssignorAndVerifyAssignment(String, String) > testMultiCons
umerDefaultAssignorAndVerifyAssignment(String, String).quorum=kraft.groupProtocol=classic PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 5 > PlaintextConsumerAssignorsTest > testMultiConsumerDefaultAssignorAndVerifyAssignment(String, String) > testMultiCons
umerDefaultAssignorAndVerifyAssignment(String, String).quorum=kraft+kip848.groupProtocol=classic PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 5 > PlaintextConsumerAssignorsTest > testRemoteAssignorInvalid(String, String) > testRemoteAssignorInvalid(String, Strin
g).quorum=kraft+kip848.groupProtocol=consumer PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 5 > PlaintextConsumerAssignorsTest > testMultiConsumerRoundRobinAssignor(String, String) > testMultiConsumerRoundRobinAs
signor(String, String).quorum=zk.groupProtocol=classic PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 5 > PlaintextConsumerAssignorsTest > testMultiConsumerRoundRobinAssignor(String, String) > testMultiConsumerRoundRobinAs
signor(String, String).quorum=kraft.groupProtocol=classic PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 5 > PlaintextConsumerAssignorsTest > testMultiConsumerRoundRobinAssignor(String, String) > testMultiConsumerRoundRobinAs
signor(String, String).quorum=kraft+kip848.groupProtocol=classic PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 5 > PlaintextConsumerAssignorsTest > testRoundRobinAssignment(String, String) > testRoundRobinAssignment(String, String)
.quorum=zk.groupProtocol=classic PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 5 > PlaintextConsumerAssignorsTest > testRoundRobinAssignment(String, String) > testRoundRobinAssignment(String, String)
.quorum=kraft.groupProtocol=classic PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 5 > PlaintextConsumerAssignorsTest > testRoundRobinAssignment(String, String) > testRoundRobinAssignment(String, String)
.quorum=kraft+kip848.groupProtocol=classic PASSED
Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 9.0.
You can use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings and determine if they come from your own scripts or plugins.
For more on this, please refer to in the Gradle documentation.
61 actionable tasks: 1 executed, 60 up-to-date
Class: SaslSslConsumerTest
File: core/src/test/scala/integration/kafka/api/SaslSslConsumerTest.scala
Module: core
> Configure project :
Starting build with version 3.8.0-SNAPSHOT (commit id 64b5f31b) using Gradle 8.7, Java 17 and Scala 2.13.12
Build properties: maxParallelForks=10, maxScalacThreads=8, maxTestRetries=0
> Task :core:test
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 6 > SaslSslConsumerTest > testCoordinatorFailover(String, String) > testCoordinatorFailover(String, String)
oupProtocol=classic PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 6 > SaslSslConsumerTest > testCoordinatorFailover(String, String) > testCoordinatorFailover(String, String).quorum=kraft
.groupProtocol=classic PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 6 > SaslSslConsumerTest > testCoordinatorFailover(String, String) > testCoordinatorFailover(String, String).quorum=kraft
+kip848.groupProtocol=classic PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 6 > SaslSslConsumerTest > testCoordinatorFailover(String, String) > testCoordinatorFailover(String, String).quorum=kraft
+kip848.groupProtocol=consumer PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 6 > SaslSslConsumerTest > testClusterResourceListener(String, String) > testClusterResourceListener(String, String).quor
um=zk.groupProtocol=classic PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 6 > SaslSslConsumerTest > testClusterResourceListener(String, String) > testClusterResourceListener(String, String).quor
um=kraft.groupProtocol=classic PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 6 > SaslSslConsumerTest > testClusterResourceListener(String, String) > testClusterResourceListener(String, String).quor
um=kraft+kip848.groupProtocol=classic PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 6 > SaslSslConsumerTest > testClusterResourceListener(String, String) > testClusterResourceListener(String, String).quor
um=kraft+kip848.groupProtocol=consumer PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 6 > SaslSslConsumerTest > testSimpleConsumption(String, String) > testSimpleConsumption(String, String).quorum=zk.groupP
rotocol=classic PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 6 > SaslSslConsumerTest > testSimpleConsumption(String, String) > testSimpleConsumption(String, String).quorum=kraft.gro
upProtocol=classic PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 6 > SaslSslConsumerTest > testSimpleConsumption(String, String) > testSimpleConsumption(String, String).quorum=kraft+kip
848.groupProtocol=classic PASSED
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 6 > SaslSslConsumerTest > testSimpleConsumption(String, String) > testSimpleConsumption(String, String).quorum=kraft+kip
848.groupProtocol=consumer PASSED
Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 9.0.
You can use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings and determine if they come from your own scripts or plugins.
For more on this, please refer to in the Gradle documentation.
61 actionable tasks: 1 executed, 60 up-to-date
Class: DelegationTokenRequestsTest
File: core/src/test/scala/unit/kafka/server/DelegationTokenRequestsTest.scala
Module: core
> Configure project :
Starting build with version 3.8.0-SNAPSHOT (commit id 64b5f31b) using Gradle 8.7, Java 17 and Scala 2.13.12
Build properties: maxParallelForks=10, maxScalacThreads=8, maxTestRetries=0
> Task :core:test
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 7 > DelegationTokenRequestsTest > testDelegationTokenRequests(String) > "testDelegationTokenRequests(String).quorum=kraf
Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 7 > DelegationTokenRequestsTest > testDelegationTokenRequests(String) > "testDelegationTokenRequests(String).quorum=zk"
Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 9.0.
You can use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings and determine if they come from your own scripts or plugins.
For more on this, please refer to in the Gradle documentation.
61 actionable tasks: 1 executed, 60 up-to-date
Class: OffsetsApiIntegrationTest
File: connect/runtime/src/test/java/org/apache/kafka/connect/integration/
Module: connect
> Configure project :
Starting build with version 3.8.0-SNAPSHOT (commit id 64b5f31b) using Gradle 8.7, Java 17 and Scala 2.13.12
Build properties: maxParallelForks=10, maxScalacThreads=8, maxTestRetries=0
Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 9.0.
You can use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings and determine if they come from your own scripts or plugins.
For more on this, please refer to in the Gradle documentation.
Class: MirrorConnectorsIntegrationExactlyOnceTest
File: connect/mirror/src/test/java/org/apache/kafka/connect/mirror/integration/
Module: connect
> Configure project :
Starting build with version 3.8.0-SNAPSHOT (commit id 64b5f31b) using Gradle 8.7, Java 17 and Scala 2.13.12
Build properties: maxParallelForks=10, maxScalacThreads=8, maxTestRetries=0
Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 9.0.
You can use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings and determine if they come from your own scripts or plugins.
For more on this, please refer to in the Gradle documentation.
Class: GetOffsetShellTest
File: tools/src/test/java/org/apache/kafka/tools/
Module: tools
> Configure project :
Starting build with version 3.8.0-SNAPSHOT (commit id 64b5f31b) using Gradle 8.7, Java 17 and Scala 2.13.12
Build properties: maxParallelForks=10, maxScalacThreads=8, maxTestRetries=0
> Task :tools:test
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testGetLatestOffsets() > testGetLatestOffsets [1] Type=Raft-Isolated, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0,
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testGetLatestOffsets() > testGetLatestOffsets [2] Type=Raft-Combined, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0,
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testGetLatestOffsets() > testGetLatestOffsets [3] Type=ZK, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Security=P
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPartitionsFlagWithTopicFlagCauseExit() > testTopicPartitionsFlagWithTopicFlagCauseExi
t [1] Type=Raft-Isolated, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Security=PLAINTEXT PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPartitionsFlagWithTopicFlagCauseExit() > testTopicPartitionsFlagWithTopicFlagCauseExi
t [2] Type=Raft-Combined, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Security=PLAINTEXT PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPartitionsFlagWithTopicFlagCauseExit() > testTopicPartitionsFlagWithTopicFlagCauseExi
t [3] Type=ZK, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Security=PLAINTEXT PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testGetOffsetsByTimestamp() > testGetOffsetsByTimestamp [1] Type=Raft-Isolated, MetadataVersio
n=3.8-IV0, Security=PLAINTEXT PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testGetOffsetsByTimestamp() > testGetOffsetsByTimestamp [2] Type=Raft-Combined, MetadataVersio
n=3.8-IV0, Security=PLAINTEXT PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testGetOffsetsByTimestamp() > testGetOffsetsByTimestamp [3] Type=ZK, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0,
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testPrintHelp() > testPrintHelp [1] Type=Raft-Isolated, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Security=PLAI
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testPrintHelp() > testPrintHelp [2] Type=Raft-Combined, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Security=PLAI
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testPrintHelp() > testPrintHelp [3] Type=ZK, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Security=PLAINTEXT PASSE
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPartitionsArgWithInternalIncluded() > testTopicPartitionsArgWithInternalIncluded [1]
Type=Raft-Isolated, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Security=PLAINTEXT PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPartitionsArgWithInternalIncluded() > testTopicPartitionsArgWithInternalIncluded [2]
Type=Raft-Combined, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Security=PLAINTEXT PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPartitionsArgWithInternalIncluded() > testTopicPartitionsArgWithInternalIncluded [3]
Type=ZK, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Security=PLAINTEXT PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPatternArgWithPartitionsArg() > testTopicPatternArgWithPartitionsArg [1] Type=Raft-Is
olated, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Security=PLAINTEXT PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPatternArgWithPartitionsArg() > testTopicPatternArgWithPartitionsArg [2] Type=Raft-Co
mbined, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Security=PLAINTEXT PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPatternArgWithPartitionsArg() > testTopicPatternArgWithPartitionsArg [3] Type=ZK, Met
adataVersion=3.8-IV0, Security=PLAINTEXT PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicNameArg() > testTopicNameArg [1] Type=Raft-Isolated, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Securit
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicNameArg() > testTopicNameArg [2] Type=Raft-Combined, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Securit
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicNameArg() > testTopicNameArg [3] Type=ZK, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Security=PLAINTEXT
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPatternArg() > testTopicPatternArg [1] Type=Raft-Isolated, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, S
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPatternArg() > testTopicPatternArg [2] Type=Raft-Combined, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, S
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPatternArg() > testTopicPatternArg [3] Type=ZK, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Security=PLA
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPartitionsNotFoundForNonExistentTopic() > testTopicPartitionsNotFoundForNonExistentTo
pic [1] Type=Raft-Isolated, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Security=PLAINTEXT PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPartitionsNotFoundForNonExistentTopic() > testTopicPartitionsNotFoundForNonExistentTo
pic [2] Type=Raft-Combined, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Security=PLAINTEXT PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPartitionsNotFoundForNonExistentTopic() > testTopicPartitionsNotFoundForNonExistentTo
pic [3] Type=ZK, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Security=PLAINTEXT PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testPartitionsArg() > testPartitionsArg [1] Type=Raft-Isolated, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Secur
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testPartitionsArg() > testPartitionsArg [2] Type=Raft-Combined, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Secur
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testPartitionsArg() > testPartitionsArg [3] Type=ZK, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Security=PLAINTE
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testGetOffsetsByMaxTimestamp() > testGetOffsetsByMaxTimestamp [1] Type=Raft-Isolated, Metadata
Version=3.8-IV0, Security=PLAINTEXT PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testGetOffsetsByMaxTimestamp() > testGetOffsetsByMaxTimestamp [2] Type=Raft-Combined, Metadata
Version=3.8-IV0, Security=PLAINTEXT PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testGetOffsetsByMaxTimestamp() > testGetOffsetsByMaxTimestamp [3] Type=ZK, MetadataVersion=3.8
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testNoOffsetIfTimestampGreaterThanLatestRecord() > testNoOffsetIfTimestampGreaterThanLatestRec
ord [1] Type=Raft-Isolated, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Security=PLAINTEXT PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testNoOffsetIfTimestampGreaterThanLatestRecord() > testNoOffsetIfTimestampGreaterThanLatestRec
ord [2] Type=Raft-Combined, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Security=PLAINTEXT PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testNoOffsetIfTimestampGreaterThanLatestRecord() > testNoOffsetIfTimestampGreaterThanLatestRec
ord [3] Type=ZK, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Security=PLAINTEXT PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testGetEarliestOffsets() > testGetEarliestOffsets [1] Type=Raft-Isolated, MetadataVersion=3.8-
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testGetEarliestOffsets() > testGetEarliestOffsets [2] Type=Raft-Combined, MetadataVersion=3.8-
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testGetEarliestOffsets() > testGetEarliestOffsets [3] Type=ZK, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Securi
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPartitionsArgWithInternalExcluded() > testTopicPartitionsArgWithInternalExcluded [1]
Type=Raft-Isolated, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Security=PLAINTEXT PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPartitionsArgWithInternalExcluded() > testTopicPartitionsArgWithInternalExcluded [2]
Type=Raft-Combined, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Security=PLAINTEXT PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPartitionsArgWithInternalExcluded() > testTopicPartitionsArgWithInternalExcluded [3]
Type=ZK, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Security=PLAINTEXT PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testNoFilterOptions() > testNoFilterOptions [1] Type=Raft-Isolated, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, S
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testNoFilterOptions() > testNoFilterOptions [2] Type=Raft-Combined, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, S
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testNoFilterOptions() > testNoFilterOptions [3] Type=ZK, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Security=PLA
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPartitionsFlagWithPartitionsFlagCauseExit() > testTopicPartitionsFlagWithPartitionsFl
agCauseExit [1] Type=Raft-Isolated, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Security=PLAINTEXT PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPartitionsFlagWithPartitionsFlagCauseExit() > testTopicPartitionsFlagWithPartitionsFl
agCauseExit [2] Type=Raft-Combined, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Security=PLAINTEXT PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPartitionsFlagWithPartitionsFlagCauseExit() > testTopicPartitionsFlagWithPartitionsFl
agCauseExit [3] Type=ZK, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Security=PLAINTEXT PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPartitionsArg() > testTopicPartitionsArg [1] Type=Raft-Isolated, MetadataVersion=3.8-
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPartitionsArg() > testTopicPartitionsArg [2] Type=Raft-Combined, MetadataVersion=3.8-
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPartitionsArg() > testTopicPartitionsArg [3] Type=ZK, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Securi
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testInternalExcluded() > testInternalExcluded [1] Type=Raft-Isolated, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0,
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testInternalExcluded() > testInternalExcluded [2] Type=Raft-Combined, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0,
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testInternalExcluded() > testInternalExcluded [3] Type=ZK, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Security=P
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPartitionsNotFoundForNonMatchingTopicPartitionPattern() > testTopicPartitionsNotFound
ForNonMatchingTopicPartitionPattern [1] Type=Raft-Isolated, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Security=PLAINTEXT PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPartitionsNotFoundForNonMatchingTopicPartitionPattern() > testTopicPartitionsNotFound
ForNonMatchingTopicPartitionPattern [2] Type=Raft-Combined, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Security=PLAINTEXT PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPartitionsNotFoundForNonMatchingTopicPartitionPattern() > testTopicPartitionsNotFound
ForNonMatchingTopicPartitionPattern [3] Type=ZK, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Security=PLAINTEXT PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testPrintVersion() > testPrintVersion [1] Type=Raft-Isolated, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Securit
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testPrintVersion() > testPrintVersion [2] Type=Raft-Combined, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Securit
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testPrintVersion() > testPrintVersion [3] Type=ZK, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Security=PLAINTEXT
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPartitionsNotFoundForExcludedInternalTopic() > testTopicPartitionsNotFoundForExcluded
InternalTopic [1] Type=Raft-Isolated, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Security=PLAINTEXT PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPartitionsNotFoundForExcludedInternalTopic() > testTopicPartitionsNotFoundForExcluded
InternalTopic [2] Type=Raft-Combined, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Security=PLAINTEXT PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 9 > GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPartitionsNotFoundForExcludedInternalTopic() > testTopicPartitionsNotFoundForExcluded
InternalTopic [3] Type=ZK, MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Security=PLAINTEXT PASSED
Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 9.0.
You can use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings and determine if they come from your own scripts or plugins.
For more on this, please refer to in the Gradle documentation.
89 actionable tasks: 16 executed, 73 up-to-date
Class: TopicCommandIntegrationTest
File: tools/src/test/java/org/apache/kafka/tools/
Module: tools
> Configure project :
Starting build with version 3.8.0-SNAPSHOT (commit id 64b5f31b) using Gradle 8.7, Java 17 and Scala 2.13.12
Build properties: maxParallelForks=10, maxScalacThreads=8, maxTestRetries=0
> Task :tools:test
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testAlterPartitionCount(String) > "testAlterPartitionCount(String).quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testAlterPartitionCount(String) > "testAlterPartitionCount(String).quorum=kraft" PAS
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testAlterWhenTopicDoesntExistWithIfExists(String) > "testAlterWhenTopicDoesntExistWi
thIfExists(String).quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testAlterWhenTopicDoesntExistWithIfExists(String) > "testAlterWhenTopicDoesntExistWi
thIfExists(String).quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testCreateWithDefaultReplication(String) > "testCreateWithDefaultReplication(String)
.quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testCreateWithDefaultReplication(String) > "testCreateWithDefaultReplication(String)
.quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testDescribeAtMinIsrPartitions(String) > "testDescribeAtMinIsrPartitions(String).quo
rum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testDescribeAtMinIsrPartitions(String) > "testDescribeAtMinIsrPartitions(String).quo
rum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testCreateWithNegativeReplicationFactor(String) > "testCreateWithNegativeReplication
Factor(String).quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testCreateWithNegativeReplicationFactor(String) > "testCreateWithNegativeReplication
Factor(String).quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testCreateWithInvalidReplicationFactor(String) > "testCreateWithInvalidReplicationFa
ctor(String).quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testCreateWithInvalidReplicationFactor(String) > "testCreateWithInvalidReplicationFa
ctor(String).quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testListTopicsWithExcludeInternal(String) > "testListTopicsWithExcludeInternal(Strin
g).quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testListTopicsWithExcludeInternal(String) > "testListTopicsWithExcludeInternal(Strin
g).quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testDescribeUnderReplicatedPartitionsWhenReassignmentIsInProgress(String) > "testDes
cribeUnderReplicatedPartitionsWhenReassignmentIsInProgress(String).quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testDescribeUnderReplicatedPartitionsWhenReassignmentIsInProgress(String) > "testDes
cribeUnderReplicatedPartitionsWhenReassignmentIsInProgress(String).quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testCreateWithNegativePartitionCount(String) > "testCreateWithNegativePartitionCount
(String).quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testCreateWithNegativePartitionCount(String) > "testCreateWithNegativePartitionCount
(String).quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testAlterWhenTopicDoesntExist(String) > "testAlterWhenTopicDoesntExist(String).quoru
m=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testAlterWhenTopicDoesntExist(String) > "testAlterWhenTopicDoesntExist(String).quoru
m=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testCreateAlterTopicWithRackAware(String) > "testCreateAlterTopicWithRackAware(Strin
g).quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testCreateAlterTopicWithRackAware(String) > "testCreateAlterTopicWithRackAware(Strin
g).quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testListTopicsWithIncludeList(String) > "testListTopicsWithIncludeList(String).quoru
m=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testListTopicsWithIncludeList(String) > "testListTopicsWithIncludeList(String).quoru
m=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testTopicDeletion(String) > "testTopicDeletion(String).quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testTopicDeletion(String) > "testTopicDeletion(String).quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testCreateWithDefaults(String) > "testCreateWithDefaults(String).quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testCreateWithDefaults(String) > "testCreateWithDefaults(String).quorum=kraft" PASSE
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testDescribeReportOverriddenConfigs(String) > "testDescribeReportOverriddenConfigs(S
tring).quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testDescribeReportOverriddenConfigs(String) > "testDescribeReportOverriddenConfigs(S
tring).quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testCreateWithTopicNameCollision(String) > "testCreateWithTopicNameCollision(String)
.quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testCreateWithTopicNameCollision(String) > "testCreateWithTopicNameCollision(String)
.quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testDescribeWhenTopicDoesntExist(String) > "testDescribeWhenTopicDoesntExist(String)
.quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testDescribeWhenTopicDoesntExist(String) > "testDescribeWhenTopicDoesntExist(String)
.quorum=kraft" PASSED
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: Sharing is only supported for boot loader classes because bootstrap classpath has been appended
> Task :tools:test
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testDescribeDoesNotFailWhenListingReassignmentIsUnauthorized(String) > "testDescribe
DoesNotFailWhenListingReassignmentIsUnauthorized(String).quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testDescribeDoesNotFailWhenListingReassignmentIsUnauthorized(String) > "testDescribe
DoesNotFailWhenListingReassignmentIsUnauthorized(String).quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testAlterAssignmentWithMoreAssignmentThanPartitions(String) > "testAlterAssignmentWi
thMoreAssignmentThanPartitions(String).quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testAlterAssignmentWithMoreAssignmentThanPartitions(String) > "testAlterAssignmentWi
thMoreAssignmentThanPartitions(String).quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testDescribeWhenTopicDoesntExistWithIfExists(String) > "testDescribeWhenTopicDoesntE
xistWithIfExists(String).quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testDescribeWhenTopicDoesntExistWithIfExists(String) > "testDescribeWhenTopicDoesntE
xistWithIfExists(String).quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testCreateWithDefaultPartitions(String) > "testCreateWithDefaultPartitions(String).q
uorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testCreateWithDefaultPartitions(String) > "testCreateWithDefaultPartitions(String).q
uorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testListTopics(String) > "testListTopics(String).quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testListTopics(String) > "testListTopics(String).quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testDeleteWhenTopicDoesntExistWithIfExists(String) > "testDeleteWhenTopicDoesntExist
WithIfExists(String).quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testDeleteWhenTopicDoesntExistWithIfExists(String) > "testDeleteWhenTopicDoesntExist
WithIfExists(String).quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testCreateWhenAlreadyExistsWithIfNotExists(String) > "testCreateWhenAlreadyExistsWit
hIfNotExists(String).quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testCreateWhenAlreadyExistsWithIfNotExists(String) > "testCreateWhenAlreadyExistsWit
hIfNotExists(String).quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testDeleteInternalTopic(String) > "testDeleteInternalTopic(String).quorum=zk" PASSE
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testDeleteInternalTopic(String) > "testDeleteInternalTopic(String).quorum=kraft" PAS
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testInvalidTopicLevelConfig(String) > "testInvalidTopicLevelConfig(String).quorum=zk
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testInvalidTopicLevelConfig(String) > "testInvalidTopicLevelConfig(String).quorum=kr
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testDescribeWithDescribeTopicPartitionsApi(String) > "testDescribeWithDescribeTopicP
artitionsApi(String).quorum=quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testDescribeWithDescribeTopicPartitionsApi(String) > "testDescribeWithDescribeTopicP
artitionsApi(String).quorum=quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testAlterAssignmentWithMorePartitionsThanAssignment(String) > "testAlterAssignmentWi
thMorePartitionsThanAssignment(String).quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testAlterAssignmentWithMorePartitionsThanAssignment(String) > "testAlterAssignmentWi
thMorePartitionsThanAssignment(String).quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testConfigPreservationAcrossPartitionAlteration(String) > "testConfigPreservationAcr
ossPartitionAlteration(String).quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testConfigPreservationAcrossPartitionAlteration(String) > "testConfigPreservationAcr
ossPartitionAlteration(String).quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testCreateWithConfigs(String) > "testCreateWithConfigs(String).quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testCreateWithConfigs(String) > "testCreateWithConfigs(String).quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testDescribeUnderReplicatedPartitions(String) > "testDescribeUnderReplicatedPartitio
ns(String).quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testDescribeUnderReplicatedPartitions(String) > "testDescribeUnderReplicatedPartitio
ns(String).quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testDescribeUnderMinIsrPartitions(String) > "testDescribeUnderMinIsrPartitions(Strin
g).quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testDescribeUnderMinIsrPartitions(String) > "testDescribeUnderMinIsrPartitions(Strin
g).quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testDeleteWhenTopicDoesntExist(String) > "testDeleteWhenTopicDoesntExist(String).quo
rum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testDeleteWhenTopicDoesntExist(String) > "testDeleteWhenTopicDoesntExist(String).quo
rum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testDescribeAndListTopicsWithoutInternalTopics(String) > "testDescribeAndListTopicsW
ithoutInternalTopics(String).quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testDescribeAndListTopicsWithoutInternalTopics(String) > "testDescribeAndListTopicsW
ithoutInternalTopics(String).quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testDescribeUnavailablePartitions(String) > "testDescribeUnavailablePartitions(Strin
g).quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testDescribeUnavailablePartitions(String) > "testDescribeUnavailablePartitions(Strin
g).quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testCreateWithReplicaAssignment(String) > "testCreateWithReplicaAssignment(String).q
uorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testCreateWithReplicaAssignment(String) > "testCreateWithReplicaAssignment(String).q
uorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testAlterWithInvalidPartitionCount(String) > "testAlterWithInvalidPartitionCount(Str
ing).quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testAlterWithInvalidPartitionCount(String) > "testAlterWithInvalidPartitionCount(Str
ing).quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testCreate(String) > "testCreate(String).quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testCreate(String) > "testCreate(String).quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testDescribeUnderMinIsrPartitionsMixed(String) > "testDescribeUnderMinIsrPartitionsM
ixed(String).quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testDescribeUnderMinIsrPartitionsMixed(String) > "testDescribeUnderMinIsrPartitionsM
ixed(String).quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testCreateWhenAlreadyExists(String) > "testCreateWhenAlreadyExists(String).quorum=zk
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testCreateWhenAlreadyExists(String) > "testCreateWhenAlreadyExists(String).quorum=kr
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testDescribe(String) > "testDescribe(String).quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testDescribe(String) > "testDescribe(String).quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testAlterAssignment(String) > "testAlterAssignment(String).quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testAlterAssignment(String) > "testAlterAssignment(String).quorum=kraft" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testTopicWithCollidingCharDeletionAndCreateAgain(String) > "testTopicWithCollidingCh
arDeletionAndCreateAgain(String).quorum=zk" PASSED
Gradle Test Run :tools:test > Gradle Test Executor 10 > TopicCommandIntegrationTest > testTopicWithCollidingCharDeletionAndCreateAgain(String) > "testTopicWithCollidingCh
arDeletionAndCreateAgain(String).quorum=kraft" PASSED
Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 9.0.
You can use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings and determine if they come from your own scripts or plugins.
For more on this, please refer to in the Gradle documentation.
89 actionable tasks: 1 executed, 88 up-to-date
Class: CoordinatorTest
File: trogdor/src/test/java/org/apache/kafka/trogdor/coordinator/
Module: trogdor
> Configure project :
Starting build with version 3.8.0-SNAPSHOT (commit id 64b5f31b) using Gradle 8.7, Java 17 and Scala 2.13.12
Build properties: maxParallelForks=10, maxScalacThreads=8, maxTestRetries=0
> Task :trogdor:test
Gradle Test Run :trogdor:test > Gradle Test Executor 13 > CoordinatorTest > testTaskRequest() PASSED
Gradle Test Run :trogdor:test > Gradle Test Executor 13 > CoordinatorTest > testTaskDestruction() PASSED
Gradle Test Run :trogdor:test > Gradle Test Executor 13 > CoordinatorTest > testTasksRequestMatches() PASSED
Gradle Test Run :trogdor:test > Gradle Test Executor 13 > CoordinatorTest > testWorkersExitingAtDifferentTimes() PASSED
Gradle Test Run :trogdor:test > Gradle Test Executor 13 > CoordinatorTest > testAgentFailureAndTaskExpiry() PASSED
Gradle Test Run :trogdor:test > Gradle Test Executor 13 > CoordinatorTest > testTaskDistribution() PASSED
Gradle Test Run :trogdor:test > Gradle Test Executor 13 > CoordinatorTest > testTaskRequestWithOldStartMsGetsUpdated() PASSED
Gradle Test Run :trogdor:test > Gradle Test Executor 13 > CoordinatorTest > testNetworkPartitionFault() PASSED
Gradle Test Run :trogdor:test > Gradle Test Executor 13 > CoordinatorTest > testTaskRequestWithFutureStartMsDoesNotGetRun() PASSED
Gradle Test Run :trogdor:test > Gradle Test Executor 13 > CoordinatorTest > testTaskCancellation() PASSED
Gradle Test Run :trogdor:test > Gradle Test Executor 13 > CoordinatorTest > testCreateTask() PASSED
Gradle Test Run :trogdor:test > Gradle Test Executor 13 > CoordinatorTest > testTasksRequest() PASSED
Gradle Test Run :trogdor:test > Gradle Test Executor 13 > CoordinatorTest > testCoordinatorStatus() PASSED
Gradle Test Run :trogdor:test > Gradle Test Executor 13 > CoordinatorTest > testCoordinatorUptime() PASSED
Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 9.0.
You can use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings and determine if they come from your own scripts or plugins.
For more on this, please refer to in the Gradle documentation.
19 actionable tasks: 6 executed, 13 up-to-date
[Process exited 0]
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