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Last active August 23, 2021 02:44
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  • Save soasme/594a6394cf7ad074f4230a17c811bd1f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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newline = "\x0a";
@spaced @lifted @squashed
whitespace = " " / "\t" / "\r" / "\n";
@spaced @lifted @squashed
comment = "//" (!"\n" .)* "\n"?
/ "/*" (!"*/" .)* "*/";
unicode_char = !"\x0a" .;
unicode_letter = [\p{L}];
unicode_digit = [\p{Nd}];
letter = unicode_letter / "_";
decimal_digit = [0-9];
binary_digit = [0-1];
octal_digit = [0-7];
hex_digit = [0-9] / [a-f] / [A-F];
@tight @squashed
identifier = !("break" / "default" / "func" / "interface" / "select" /
"case" / "defer" / "go" / "map" / "struct" /
"chan" / "else" / "goto" / "package" / "switch" /
"const" / "fallthrough" / "if" / "range" / "type" /
"continue" / "for" / "import" / "return" / "var"
) letter (letter / unicode_digit)*;
int_lit = (binary_lit / octal_lit / hex_lit / decimal_lit) !letter;
@tight @squashed
decimal_lit = "0" / ([1-9] @cut ("_"? decimal_digits)?);
@tight @squashed
binary_lit = i"0b" @cut "_"? binary_digits;
@tight @squashed
octal_lit = "0" i"o"? "_"? octal_digits;
@tight @squashed
hex_lit = i"0x" @cut "_"? hex_digits;
@tight @squashed
decimal_digits = decimal_digit ("_"? decimal_digit)*;
@tight @squashed
binary_digits = binary_digit ("_"? binary_digit)*;
@tight @squashed
octal_digits = octal_digit ("_"? octal_digit)*;
@tight @squashed
hex_digits = hex_digit ("_"? hex_digit)*;
@tight @squashed
float_lit = decimal_float_lit / hex_float_lit;
@tight @squashed
decimal_float_lit = decimal_digits "." decimal_digits? decimal_exponent? /
decimal_digits decimal_exponent /
"." decimal_digits decimal_exponent?;
@tight @squashed
decimal_exponent = i"e" ("+" / "-")? decimal_digits;
@tight @squashed
hex_float_lit = i"0x" hex_mantissa hex_exponent;
@tight @squashed
hex_mantissa = "_"? hex_digits "." hex_digits? /
"_"? hex_digits /
"." hex_digits;
@tight @squashed
hex_exponent = i"p" ("+" / "-")? decimal_digits;
@tight @squashed
imaginary_lit = (float_lit / int_lit / decimal_digits) "i";
@tight @squashed
rune_lit = "'" ( unicode_value / byte_value ) "'";
unicode_value = unicode_char / little_u_value / big_u_value / escaped_char;
byte_value = octal_byte_value / hex_byte_value;
octal_byte_value = "\\" octal_digit octal_digit octal_digit ;
hex_byte_value = "\\" "x" hex_digit hex_digit ;
little_u_value = "\\" "u" hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit ;
big_u_value = "\\" "U" hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit
hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit ;
escaped_char = "\\" ( "a" / "b" / "f" / "n" / "r" / "t" / "v" / "\\" / "'" / "\"") ;
string_lit = raw_string_lit / interpreted_string_lit ;
@tight @squashed
raw_string_lit = "`" (!"`" (unicode_char / newline))* "`" ;
@tight @squashed
interpreted_string_lit = "\"" (!"\"" (unicode_value / byte_value))* "\"";
Type = TypeLit / "(" Type ")" / TypeName;
TypeName = QualifiedIdent / identifier;
TypeLit = ArrayType / StructType / PointerType / FunctionType / InterfaceType / SliceType / MapType / ChannelType ;
ArrayType = "[" ArrayLength "]" ElementType ;
ArrayLength = Expression ;
ElementType = Type ;
SliceType = "[" "]" ElementType ;
StructType = "struct" "{" ( FieldDecl ";"? )* "}" ;
FieldDecl = (IdentifierList Type / EmbeddedField) Tag? ;
EmbeddedField = "*"? TypeName ;
Tag = string_lit ;
PointerType = "*" BaseType ;
BaseType = Type ;
FunctionType = "func" Signature ;
Signature = Parameters Result? ;
Parameters = "(" @cut (ParameterList ","?)? ")" ;
ParameterList = ParameterDecl ("," @cut ParameterDecl)* ;
ParameterDecl = IdentifierList? "..."? Type ;
Result = Type / ResultParameters;
ResultParameters = "(" @cut (ResultParameterList ","?)? ")" ;
ResultParameterList = ResultParameterDecl ("," @cut ResultParameterDecl)* ;
ResultParameterDecl = IdentifierList "..."? Type / "..."? Type;
InterfaceType = "interface" "{" (( MethodSpec / InterfaceTypeName ) ";"?)* "}" ;
MethodSpec = MethodName Signature ;
MethodName = identifier ;
InterfaceTypeName = TypeName ;
MapType = "map" "[" KeyType "]" ElementType ;
KeyType = Type ;
ChannelType = ( "chan" / "chan" "<-" / "<-" "chan" ) ElementType ;
Block = "{" @cut StatementList "}" ;
StatementList = (Statement ";"?)* ;
Declaration = ConstDecl / TypeDecl / VarDecl ;
TopLevelDecl = Declaration / FunctionDecl / MethodDecl ;
ConstDecl = "const" @cut ( "(" @cut (ConstSpec ";"?)* ")" / ConstSpec) ;
ConstSpec = IdentifierList (Type? "=" ExpressionList)? ;
IdentifierList = identifier ("," @cut identifier)* ;
ExpressionList = Expression ("," @cut Expression)* ;
TypeDecl = "type" ( TypeSpec / "(" (TypeSpec ";"?)* ")" ) ;
TypeSpec = AliasDecl / TypeDef ;
AliasDecl = identifier "=" Type ;
TypeDef = identifier Type ;
VarDecl = "var" ( VarSpec / "(" (VarSpec ";"?)* ")" ) ;
VarSpec = IdentifierList ( Type ("=" ExpressionList)? / "=" ExpressionList ) ;
ShortVarDecl = IdentifierList ":=" ExpressionList ;
FunctionDecl = "func" FunctionName @cut Signature FunctionBody? ;
FunctionName = identifier ;
FunctionBody = Block ;
MethodDecl = "func" Receiver MethodName @cut Signature FunctionBody? ;
Receiver = Parameters ;
Operand = Literal / OperandName / "(" Expression ")" ;
Literal = BasicLit / CompositeLit / FunctionLit ;
BasicLit = int_lit / float_lit / imaginary_lit / rune_lit / string_lit ;
OperandName = QualifiedIdent / identifier;
QualifiedIdent = PackageName "." identifier ;
CompositeLit = LiteralType LiteralValue ;
LiteralType = StructType / ArrayType / "[" "..." "]" ElementType /
SliceType / MapType / TypeName ;
LiteralValue = "{" (ElementList ","?)? "}" ;
ElementList = KeyedElement ("," KeyedElement)* ;
KeyedElement = (Key ":")? Element ;
Key = FieldName / Expression / LiteralValue ;
FieldName = identifier ;
Element = Expression / LiteralValue ;
FunctionLit = "func" Signature FunctionBody ;
PrimaryExpr = (Operand / Conversion / MethodExpr) (Selector / Index / Slice / TypeAssertion / Arguments)*;
Selector = "." identifier ;
Index = "[" Expression "]" ;
Slice = "[" Expression? ":" Expression? "]" /
"[" Expression? ":" Expression ":" Expression "]" ;
TypeAssertion = "." "(" Type ")" ;
Arguments = "(" (( ExpressionList / Type ("," ExpressionList)? ) "..."? ","? )? ")" ;
MethodExpr = ReceiverType "." MethodName ;
ReceiverType = Type ;
Expression = UnaryExpr (binary_op @cut Expression)?;
UnaryExpr = PrimaryExpr / unary_op @cut UnaryExpr ;
binary_op = "||" / "&&" / rel_op / add_op / mul_op ;
rel_op = "==" / "!=" / "<" / "<=" / ">" / ">=" ;
add_op = "+" / "-" / "|" / "^" ;
mul_op = "*" / "/" / "%" / "<<" / ">>" / "&" / "&^" ;
unary_op = "+" / "-" / "!" / "^" / "*" / "&" / "<-" ;
Conversion = Type "(" Expression ","? ")" ;
Statement =
IfStmt / ReturnStmt / Declaration / LabeledStmt /
GoStmt / BreakStmt / ContinueStmt / GotoStmt /
FallthroughStmt / SwitchStmt / SelectStmt / ForStmt /
DeferStmt / SimpleStmt / Block;
SimpleStmt = SendStmt / IncDecStmt / Assignment / ShortVarDecl / ExpressionStmt;
EmptyStmt = &. ;
LabeledStmt = Label ":" Statement ;
Label = identifier ;
ExpressionStmt = Expression ;
SendStmt = Channel "<-" Expression ;
Channel = Expression ;
IncDecStmt = Expression ( "++" / "--" );
Assignment = ExpressionList assign_op ExpressionList ;
assign_op = (add_op / mul_op)? "=" ;
IfStmt = "if" @cut (SimpleStmt ";")? Expression Block ("else" ( IfStmt / Block ))? ;
SwitchStmt = ExprSwitchStmt / TypeSwitchStmt ;
ExprSwitchStmt = "switch" (SimpleStmt ";"?)? Expression? "{" ExprCaseClause* "}" ;
ExprCaseClause = ExprSwitchCase ":" StatementList ;
ExprSwitchCase = "case" ExpressionList / "default" ;
TypeSwitchStmt = "switch" (SimpleStmt ";"?)? TypeSwitchGuard "{" TypeCaseClause* "}" ;
TypeSwitchGuard = (identifier ":=")? PrimaryExpr "." "(" "type" ")" ;
TypeCaseClause = TypeSwitchCase ":" StatementList ;
TypeSwitchCase = "case" TypeList / "default" ;
TypeList = Type ("," Type)* ;
ForStmt = "for" (Condition / ForClause / RangeClause)? Block ;
Condition = Expression ;
ForClause = InitStmt? ";"? Condition? ";"? PostStmt? ;
InitStmt = SimpleStmt ;
PostStmt = SimpleStmt ;
RangeClause = (ExpressionList "=" / IdentifierList ":=")? "range" Expression ;
GoStmt = "go" Expression ;
SelectStmt = "select" "{" CommClause* "}" ;
CommClause = CommCase ":" StatementList ;
CommCase = "case" ( SendStmt / RecvStmt ) / "default" ;
RecvStmt = (ExpressionList "=" / IdentifierList ":=")? RecvExpr ;
RecvExpr = Expression ;
ReturnStmt = "return" ExpressionList? ;
BreakStmt = "break" Label? ;
ContinueStmt = "continue" Label? ;
GotoStmt = "goto" Label ;
FallthroughStmt = "fallthrough" ;
DeferStmt = "defer" Expression ;
SourceFile = &. PackageClause ";"? (ImportDecl ";"?)* (TopLevelDecl ";"?)* !.;
PackageClause = "package" @cut PackageName ;
PackageName = identifier ;
ImportDecl = "import" @cut ( "(" (ImportSpec ";"?)* ")" / ImportSpec) ;
ImportSpec = ("." / PackageName)? ImportPath ;
ImportPath = string_lit ;
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