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Forked from gmmowry/cj_vampire.rb
Created April 27, 2017 02:52
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CJ's vampire with comments from Glenna
# build the driver to get the class arguments to pass into initialize
#takes in arguments to flesh out the instance.
#1.collect values from user methods to evaluate at the beginning of vampire evaluate method
#to be better in line with best practice
class VampireIntake
attr_accessor :age, :name, :year_born, :allergy, :vampire, :insurance, :garlic, :allergies
# I would rename your return variables for your evaluation methods so they are not named the exact same as your instance variables
# there's no need for these to be written outside of the class since you're getting them from the user in the driver code
# Someone shouldn't be able to change these variables after instantiation
# You may want to keep them as attr_readers if you want to be able to read them outside the class though
@@current_year = 2017 #how do I use this??
# instead of doing this, I would use your @year instance variable, there's no need to use a class variable
# Check out the Ruby class for Date - instead of hardcoding to 2017 you can dynmically change it based on the current date
attr_reader :year,:current_year
# if you don't need to read something outside the class, it doesn't need to have to have an attr_reader
def initialize(name,age,year_born,garlic,insurance)
@name = name
@age = age
@year_born = year_born
@garlic = garlic
@insurance = insurance
# allergies isn't getting passed in as a parameter, how are you getting the value?
@allergies = allergies
@year = 2017
@vampire = 'undetermined'
def garlic_eval
# garlic = ''
# you can easily refactor this into a quick one line code
# wants_garlic = @garlic == "y"
# and then return wants_garlic which will either be true or false
# avoid naming local variables the same as instance variables, it can be confusing to read
# and understand which one you're accessing
if garlic == "y"
@garlic = true
else @garlic = false
p "garlic #{garlic}"
p @garlic
def insurance_eval
# the same refactor from garlic_eval would apply here
# make sure you return the actual variable not a string so you can use it properly
if insurance == "y"
@insurance = true
@insurance = false
p "insurance #{insurance}"
def allergy_eval #if this is sunshine, how do I stop all other loops? vampire_eval?
@allergies = allergy # this can't work
# you're not passing in anything about allergies on instantiation
# the logic about stopping the loop on "done" or "sunshine" would need to be done in the driver code
# you could have all of the allergies a user enters put into an array
# if that array contains the string 'sunshine' then @vampire would be set, if not, you don't need to set it
if allergies == 'sunshine'
@vampire = 'probably a vampire'
# this will throw your logic off since there is no local variable called vampire
# you don't always need an else statement in an if statement, so it would look like:
# def allergy_eval
# if @allergies.include?('sunshine')
# @vampire = 'probably a vampire'
# end
# @vampire
# end
@vampire = vampire
p @vampire
def real_age
# same refactor as the other evaluator methods
if year_born + age != year
real_age = false
real_age = true
def vampire_evaluate
p "real_age #{real_age}, garlic #{garlic}, insurance #{insurance}, allergy #{allergy}"
if real_age && (garlic && insurance)
@vampire = "Probably not a vampire."
# age = f / garlic = t / insurance = f **OR**
# age = f / garlic = f / insurance = t
if real_age == false && (( garlic && !insurance ) || (!garlic && insurance))
@vampire = "Probably a vampire."
if real_age == false && (!garlic && !insurance)
@vampire = "Almost certainly a vampire"
if name == "Drake Cula" || name == "Tu Fang"
@vampire = "Definitely a vampire"
p @vampire
end #end of class
# puts 'how many employees do you want to process?'
employee_count = gets.chomp.to_i
employees = []
allergy = ''
employee_count.times do
puts 'what is your name'
name = gets.chomp.to_s
puts 'what is your age?'
age = gets.chomp.to_i
puts 'what year were you born?'
year_born = gets.chomp.to_i
puts 'Our company cafeteria serves garlic bread. Should we order some for you? (y/n)'
garlic = gets.chomp
puts 'Would you like to enroll in the company’s health insurance? (y/n)'
insurance = gets.chomp.to_s
# allergy
until allergy == 'done' || allergy == 'sunshine'
puts 'What are your allergies? when done put done'
allergy = gets.chomp.to_s
# x = VampireIntake(name,age,year_born,garlic,insurance)
#?how do I instanciate with the variables just gotten?
# you need to call, age, year_born, garlic, insurance, allergies)
# from my comments above, make sure you pass in allergies to the class and I recommend making it an array
employees << x
# x.vampire_evaluate
# p x.vampire
p employees
# how would I see all the instanciations
# you need to iterate over the employees array and you could return the instances result something like
# employees.each do |person|
# p person.vampire
# end
# why is it returning the number of employees
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