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Forked from Skoua/gist:5927652
Last active September 14, 2015 18:21
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Add route to an Apple Map using Google Maps Directions API in Titanium (Alloy).
// setup geolocation purpose and accuracy
Ti.Geolocation.accuracy = Ti.Geolocation.ACCURACY_BEST;
Ti.Geolocation.purpose = L('geo-purpose');
// setup map and poi's annotation
var latitude = 48.847684,
longitude = 2.35165;
var annotation = Titanium.Map.createAnnotation({
animate: true,
pincolor: Titanium.Map.ANNOTATION_PURPLE,
title: L('name'),
subtitle: L('address'),
latitude: latitude,
longitude: longitude
$.mapView.animate = true;
$.mapView.regionFit = true;
$.mapView.userLocation = true;
$.mapView.region = {
latitude: latitude,
longitude: longitude,
latitudeDelta: 0.01,
longitudeDelta: 0.01
// route
$.btnRoute.addEventListener('click', function(){
// user's pin
var userAnnotation = Titanium.Map.createAnnotation({
animate: true,
title: L('your-position'),
latitude: e.coords.latitude,
longitude: e.coords.longitude
// call Google Maps API and parse xml
var data = [];
var url = "" + e.coords.latitude + ',' + e.coords.longitude + "&destination=" + latitude + ',' + longitude + "&sensor=false";
var xhr = Titanium.Network.createHTTPClient();'GET', url);
xhr.onload = function(){
var xml = this.responseXML;
var points = [];
var steps = xml.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('step');
var numSteps = steps.length;
for(var i = 0; i< numSteps; i++)
var step = steps.item(i);
var endLocation = step.getElementsByTagName('end_location').item(0);
var lat = endLocation.getElementsByTagName('lat').item(0).text;
var lng = endLocation.getElementsByTagName('lng').item(0).text;
latitude: lat,
longitude: lng
// create route
var route = {
name: 'My Route',
points: points,
color: 'purple',
width: 3
// add a route
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