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Last active June 4, 2016 00:57
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出装: 最终 1假腿 2 面纱 4大勋章 5笛子 5大件 6大件
前期 挂件 瓶子 鞋子 眼泪 魔棒 铁艺头盔 挂件 假腿 面纱(增加自己Q和E的法系输出)
面纱出完之后出一个 Vitality Booster(合成 玲珑心或血精)
中期 勋章(加护甲+配合大招爆照) hood of defense(魔法) ==>大勋章 笛子
出完上面两个再出一个Vitality Booster(合成 龙心)
中期 吹风 (吹风可以配合大熊掌把自己的效果给取消掉)| 阿托斯 (对面爆发不高 或者是顺风局可以出阿托斯)
后期 bkb(很多控制)|林肯(冲脸控制:sven) 玲珑心(缺蓝)|龙心(不缺蓝+很多高爆发+秒人很强)
希瓦(逆风局)|强袭(适合物理核+加护甲+配合大招爆照) 飞鞋
情况: 刃甲(逆风 对面高爆发 喜欢秒你) 臂章(小龙心 提供500点 可以在对面没有持续伤害的时候出 配和吹风很厉害)
dp推塔快,所以塔钱和自己清线刷野的能力 可以让自己很快吧中期的物品出出来
基本上有了dp 就可以保证能达到后期
出装目的就是只能自己的魔抗和护甲增加双双达到58%减伤 基本不可能死掉
克制DP的英雄: Medusa lycan drow Gyro Clinkz BS Luna
1 大招
Spirits spawn at Death Prophet's location in 0.3 second intervals, so it takes 2.4/4.8/7.2 seconds for all spirits to be released.
cast point 0.5
Exorcism spirits have a travel time and after each attack must return to Krobelus.
The closer you stand to a target, the less the spirits have to travel, thus dealing more overall damage.
eg: Max attack range the tower died in about 12-13 seconds, while melee range it died in 8 seconds.
In a large clash, Krobelus should be swooping around silencing and nuking enemy supports while eroding their health with Exorcism.
Carries almost unfailingly have higher armor than supports, and since Exorcism is physical damage,
her damage potential is highest when she focuses on the supports.
The heal happens once a spirit returns to Death Prophet at the end of the duration and is based on 25% of their attack damage
multiplied by the amount of attacks the spirit did.
The attacks of the spirits are not regular attacks, so they fully ignore things like evasion and damage block.
This also means that they cannot trigger the on-attack effects of Counter Helix,
Moment of Courage and Reactive Armor or break enemy Tranquil Boots.
The spirits can attack units which take a certain number of attacks to get killed, but deal no damage to them.
Can acquire and attack units in the Fog of War, but not invisible or invulnerable units.
However, if their target turns invulnerable, they still keep attacking it.
2 Spirit Siphon 连接
The health restored on Death Prophet is independent from the actual amount of damage dealt.
This means even if the target takes no damage at all, Death Prophet still gets healed.
(对面开了bkb 还能回血吗? 还能连上去吗?)
Total drain per charge: 150 + 6% / 15% / 24% / 33% of max enemy HP.
3 Crypt Swarm
Can hit units up to 1110 range away (810 travel distance + 300 end radius).
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