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Last active June 16, 2016 21:54
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Things carry, support, mid should do in dota2
This quote from reddit inspired me a lot about how
to win dota2 game:
"Mindlessly safe play does not win high level pub games.
You win by identifying enemy weaknesses and exploiting them,
and if you’re consistently doing neither than you are as much of
a handicap to your teams as any of the feeders that you identify."
Analysising their weaknesses bascially means know enemy safelane carry, jungler and mid players's weakness.
Carry's Weakness in laning phase
Most of the safelane carry are very weak during the laning phase before 6,
so if enemy carry is meele hero with only one support we can
choose the range hero such as Windranger,Puck,Phoenix,Weaver,Mirana,Natural prophet, lone druid
or meele hero such as Tidehunter, Axe, Undying, dark seer, bristleback, Clock, timbersaw, beastmaste, (NEC, ET,riki,sky)
to make him unplayable. if he can not farm critcal item during early game, we can create large timing windows difference between
our carry and their carry. This will let our carry out farm enemy carry eventually.
Carry's Weakness in Mid game
during the mid game, enmey carry is farming his crital item such as bke for sven and pa ; radiance for spectre; diffsual for PL.
if we notice the emey carry has weak and ineffiency jungling ability, we will be able to smoke gank him on lane. on the other hand
we hwill gank him in the jungle.
Carry's Weakness in late game
Since most carry will focus on support during teamfight in late game, support player have to farm on life saving items such
ghost scepter or force staff during the mid game. That would help support to kate enmey carry and cast more spell during the teamfight.
Mid's Weakness in laning phase
be sure to control rune
Some Mid heros are easy to be ganked such as SF, SS (before 6), TA ,PL, invoker, Tinker, DP, Lina, Leshrac.
this is innate weakness for the enmey team. if we can gank them twich during early game, we would able to buy more time
for our own carry to farm.
Some mid hero has decent escape abiliy such as Qop, Puck, Windranger, OD, Morphning
will be hard to gank but they will act very agressive during laning phase in order to snow ball into late game.
To deal with this case, ur should play defensively or choose a defensive support to protect your own mid.
some defensive supports are omniknight, dazzle, treant, Warlock, Abbda.
Some meele mid hero are either durable or has some densive skill to protect themselves which made they risky to gank.
in this case, we had better focus on their offlaner or safelane to take their tower when we have enough damge.
Mid's Weakness in mid game:
Mid viabilty during the mid game is highly depends on the vision and support player.
Mid's Weakness in late game:
things to do as support:
Did i farm fast enough? comparing creep score with high mmr player with same hero in the replay at different time interval
Did i impact the teamfight? check the battle detail in the reply
why did i dead in the teamfight? comparing your item;camera;postion with high mmr player in replay
Did i hit critial item timing right?
There is any safewards during first night , second night, third night?
Did i deward and checked enemy items constantly ?
Did i ward roshan pit if they have ursa, troll , drow , huskar?
What is farm pattern for this hero?
When should we look for fight when should we farm?
Some great offlane heroes are Lich, Doom, Undying, Tusk, Earth Spirit, Slardar.
When paired in offlane, they can completely dominate lane and opponents usually can't coordinate well enough to stop it,
and our safelane carry is meanwhile safely farming with support that is getting both levels and farm from pulls.
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