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Created September 22, 2015 17:04
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Mac 10.10 Mac Yosemite - Parallels Desktop OS Chooser Login Items Script
-- From Mac ScriptEditor, export as "Application" and add to startup items
set os_mac to "Mac"
set os_windows to "Windows 7"
set os_choice to os_mac
set os_windows_image to POSIX file "/Users/Shared/Parallels/Windows 7.pvm"
set log_file to "/log.txt"
logMessage("Paralles Desktop chooser activating")
on promptOsChoice()
global os_mac, os_windows, os_choice
tell me to activate
set os_prompt to display dialog "Welcome!" & return & return & "On this computer, you can choose to use either Mac or Windows." & return & return & "Please choose an operating system." with icon alias ((path to me) & "::" & "uw_logo.icns" as string) buttons {os_mac, os_windows} default button 1 giving up after 30
set no_response to (gave up of os_prompt)
set os_choice to button returned of os_prompt
if (no_response is not true) and (os_choice is equal to os_windows) then launchWindows()
end promptOsChoice
on launchWindows()
global os_choice, os_windows, os_windows_image
do shell script "sleep 2s"
tell application "Finder"
open os_windows_image
end tell
end launchWindows
on restartWhenClosed()
-- Reboot if Parallels is not running
-- Set Parallels Desktop preferences to close on shutdown
global os_windows
-- delay here so Windows may start
do shell script "sleep 12s"
tell application "System Events"
if (exists of application process os_windows) is false then
end if
end tell
end repeat
end restartWhenClosed
on logMessage(message, clear_log)
global log_file
if (clear_log is not false) then do shell script "echo '' > " & log_file & ""
set log_message to date string of (current date) & "|" & time string of (current date) & "|" & message
do shell script "echo '" & log_message & " ' >> " & log_file & ""
end logMessage
-- Prompt for OS Choice and launch Parallels Desktop Windows
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