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Created October 30, 2016 03:13
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PowerShell to update SharePoint 2013 search content source start addresses from a remote RSS feed
Write-Host "---"
Write-Host "--- Starting job $MyInvocation.ScriptName"
Write-Host "--- Copies URLs from SharePoint list to the URLs list of a search content source"
Write-Host "---"
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
function Execute-Updates {
Write-Host "--- Setting content source start addresses"
$urls = Get-Feed-URLs -RemoteFeedURLs @("")
$cs = Get-Search-Content-Source -SearchContentSource "WebTech Crawl"
Set-Content-Source-URLs -ContentSource $cs -StartAddresses $urls
function Get-Search-Content-Source {
process {
Write-Host "--- Getting SharePoint services"
Get-SPServiceApplication | ForEach-Object {
If ($_.TypeName -like "Search Service*") {
Write-Host "--- Getting search service: " $_.DisplayName
$sa = Get-SPServiceApplication $_.Id
Write-Host "--- Getting content sources"
$cs = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchCrawlContentSource -SearchApplication $sa
$cs | ForEach-Object {
If ($_.Name -like $SearchContentSource) {
Write-Host "--- Getting content source: " $_.Name
return $_
function Set-Content-Source-URLs {
Write-Host "--- Adding unique start addresses"
$addresses = $StartAddresses + $ContentSource.StartAddresses | Get-Unique
$addresses = $addresses -Join ", "
Write-Host "--- New addresses list: " $addresses
$cs | Set-SPEnterpriseSearchCrawlContentSource -StartAddresses "$addresses" -MaxSiteEnumerationDepth 0 -MaxPageEnumerationDepth 0
function Get-Feed-URLs {
Write-Host "--- Getting URLs from feed address"
$links = @()
$RemoteFeedURLs | ForEach-Object {
Write-Host "--- Getting URLs from: " $_
$result = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $_ -UseBasicParsing
[xml]$xml = $result.Content
$xml.SelectNodes('//channel/item') | ForEach-Object {
$links += $
return $links
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