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Last active December 13, 2021 16:54
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Generating SSH Key for GIT

How to generate the SSH Key

  • Make sure that you set the username and email address via git config
  • git config --global ""

For all the operations we will use git bash,its like a linux environment! ##STEPS

  • First generate the Public and Private Keys, go to Git bash

    ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""

    Follow and save all the defaults, dont choose another path to save!

    Make sure you choose a passphrase, you can leave it blank but not recommended! if success it will generate a .rsa(private key) and key) under .ssh folder

  • Add the key to the SSH Key agent

    eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"

    ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

    Now we have added the SSH Key to our system next step is to add the public key to your Github Account

  • Copy your public Key Git bash you can use clip cat ~/.ssh/ | clip or

    clip < ~/.ssh/

  • Go and add the public key that you copied to your github account!

    Go to Settings under SSH and GPG Keys Create a new SSH Key naming it like Work_laptop Then paste the RSA Key and save.

You are all set and can use SSH key to clone or push to a repo without using uername and password

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