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Created April 2, 2020 11:04
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Validator js file for the OpenUI5 Course=Developing webApps with SAPUI5
/*global opensap,sinon*/
], function (Opa, Opa5, Press, EnterText, AggregationFilled, PropertyStrictEquals, Properties, Ancestor, BindingPath) {
"use strict";
// reduce global timeout to 5s
Opa.config.timeout = 5;
sap.ui.base.Object.extend("opensap.Validator", {
init: function () {
this.bPressBlocker = false;
opensap.reuse = {};
/**** Helper functions ***/
// injects a simple testing button in the lower left area of the current app
injectTestButton: function () {
this._oValidateButton = new sap.m.Button("validate", {
icon: "sap-icon://wrench",
tooltip: "Click here or press F9 to execute the tests for this exercise",
press: function () {
// sometimes button triggers tap twice or user double clicks
// therefore we add a slight timeout of 1s before resetting again
setTimeout(function () {
this.bPressBlocker = false;
}.bind(this), 1000);
if (!this.bPressBlocker) {
} else {
this.bPressBlocker = true;
}).placeAt("content", -1);
// CSS manupulation for the validator button
onAfterRendering: function (oEvent) {
var oButton = oEvent.srcControl;
oButton.$().css("position", "absolute");
oButton.$().css("z-index", "100000");
oButton.$().css("width", "100px");
oButton.$().css("height", "100px");
oButton.$().css("left", "50px");
oButton.$().css("bottom", "50px");
oButton.$().css("border-radius", "500px");
oButton.$("inner").css("width", "100px");
oButton.$("inner").css("height", "100px");
oButton.$("inner").css("border-radius", "100px");
oButton.$("inner").css("background", "#009de0");
oButton.$("inner").css("text-shadow", "0 1px 50px #ffffff");
oButton.$("img").css("color", "#eee");
oButton.$("img").css("width", "100px");
oButton.$("img").css("height", "100px");
oButton.$("img").css("line-height", "100px");
oButton.$("img").css("font-size", "35pt");
// bind F9 globally to trigger the tests
bindTestKey: function () {
var fnKeyDown = function (oEvent) {
if (oEvent.keyCode === 120) { // F9 key triggers tests
jQuery(window.document).bind("keydown", fnKeyDown);
// saves the current test unit to the cookies
setUnitCookie: function(sKey) {
document.cookie="unit=" + sKey;
// reads the current test unit from the cookies
getUnitCookie: function() {
var sCookieUnit = document.cookie.split(";").filter(function (sItem) { return sItem.split("=")[0].trim() === "unit"; });
if (sCookieUnit.length) {
return sCookieUnit[0].split("=").pop();
return "";
// convert the first 15 chars of the input string to an integer hash
createHash : function(sInput) {
var iHash = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < sInput.length; i++ ) {
iHash = ((iHash << 4) - iHash) + sInput.charCodeAt(i);
iHash = iHash & iHash;
return iHash;
// create a secret result code
rankTest : function (sTestName, sMessage, bStatus) {
this._sResult = this.createHash(this._sResult + btoa(sTestName + sMessage.substr(0,15) + bStatus));
/**** Layout functions ***/
// returns a lazy loaded instance of the result popover
getPopover: function () {
if (!this._oPopover) {
var oModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel();
var mData = {
"items": [
"key": "",
"text": "..."
"key": "w1u1",
"text": "Week 1 Unit 1"
"key": "w1u2",
"text": "Week 1 Unit 2"
"key": "w1u3",
"text": "Week 1 Unit 3"
"key": "w1u4",
"text": "Week 1 Unit 4"
"key": "w1u5",
"text": "Week 1 Unit 5"
"key": "w1u6",
"text": "Week 1 Unit 6"
"key": "w2u1",
"text": "Week 2 Unit 1"
"key": "w2u2",
"text": "Week 2 Unit 2"
"key": "w2u3",
"text": "Week 2 Unit 3"
"key": "w2u4",
"text": "Week 2 Unit 4"
"key": "w2u5",
"text": "Week 2 Unit 5"
"key": "w2u6",
"text": "Week 2 Unit 6"
"key": "w2u7bonus",
"text": "Week 2 Bonus"
"key": "w2u7bonusEnh",
"text": "Week 2 Bonus Enhanced"
"key": "w3u1",
"text": "Week 3 Unit 1"
"key": "w3u2",
"text": "Week 3 Unit 2"
"key": "w3u3",
"text": "Week 3 Unit 3"
"key": "w3u4",
"text": "Week 3 Unit 4"
"key": "w3u5",
"text": "Week 3 Unit 5"
"key": "w3u6",
"text": "Week 3 Unit 6"
"key": "w4u1",
"text": "Week 4 Unit 1"
"key": "w4u2",
"text": "Week 4 Unit 2"
"key": "w4u3",
"text": "Week 4 Unit 3"
"key": "w4u4",
"text": "Week 4 Unit 4"
"key": "w4u5",
"text": "Week 4 Unit 5"
"key": "w4u7bonus",
"text": "Week 4 Bonus"
// create a select control that triggers the selected test run
var oItemTemplate = new sap.ui.core.Item({
key: "{key}",
text: "{text}"
var oSelect = new sap.m.Select({
width: "200px",
selectedKey: this.getUnitCookie(),
items: {
path: "/items",
template: oItemTemplate
change: function(oControlEvent) {
var oSelectedItem = oControlEvent.getParameter("selectedItem");
if (oSelectedItem) {
this._oPopover = new sap.m.Popover("validatePopover", {
customHeader: new sap.m.Bar({
contentMiddle: [
new sap.m.Text({text: "Validating..."}).addEventDelegate({
onAfterRendering: function (oEvent) {
var $Control = oEvent.srcControl.$();
$Control.css("font-size", "1.125rem");
initialFocus: oSelect,
content: [
new sap.m.ProgressIndicator({
height: "15px"
onAfterRendering: function (oEvent) {
var $Control = oEvent.srcControl.$();
$Control.css("margin", "0");
$Control.css("border", "0px");
oEvent.srcControl.$("textLeft").css("line-height", "15px");
oEvent.srcControl.$("textRight").css("line-height", "15px");
new sap.m.List({
noDataText: "Please select a unit"
placement: sap.m.PlacementType.HorizontalPreferredRight
return this._oPopover;
// update the progress bar based on the number of ran tests
updateProgress: function (iValue) {
var oProgress = this.getPopover().getContent()[0];
oProgress.setDisplayValue(Math.round(iValue) + "%");
// add a new test to the result list
addTestStatus: function (sTestName) {
var oDisplayListItem = new sap.m.CustomListItem({
content: [
new sap.m.Text({
text: sTestName
new sap.m.BusyIndicator()
// update the current test result
updateTestResult: function (sTestName, sMessage, bStatus, bFinal) {
var oDisplayListItem;
if (sTestName) {
oDisplayListItem = this.getPopover().getContent()[1].getItems().filter(function (oItem) {
return (oItem.getContent()[0].getText().split(":")[0] === sTestName);
} else {
oDisplayListItem = this.getPopover().getContent()[1].getItems().pop();
sTestName = oDisplayListItem.getContent()[0].getText().split(":")[0];
if (bStatus) {"Validator - " + sTestName + (sMessage ? ": " + sMessage : ""));
} else {"Validator - " + sTestName + (sMessage ? ": " + sMessage : ""));
oDisplayListItem.getContent()[0].setText(sTestName + (sMessage ? ": " + sMessage : ""));
new sap.ui.core.Icon({
src: (bStatus ? "sap-icon://sys-enter" : "sap-icon://sys-cancel"),
color: (bStatus ? "#007833" : "#cc1919")
if(oDisplayListItem.getContent().length === 2 && !bFinal) {
oDisplayListItem.addContent(new sap.m.BusyIndicator().addStyleClass("sapUiTinyMarginBegin"));
removeTestBusy: function (sTestName) {
var oDisplayListItem = this.getPopover().getContent()[1].getItems().filter(function (oItem) {
return (oItem.getContent()[0].getText().split(":")[0] === sTestName);
// clear busy indication on the list
if(oDisplayListItem.getContent().length === 3) {
// add a new test to the result list
showCode: function () {
var oDisplayListItem = new sap.m.CustomListItem({
content: [
new sap.m.Text({
text: "Your result code is: "
onAfterRendering: function (oEvent) {
var $Control = oEvent.srcControl.$();
$Control.css("font-weight", "bold");
new sap.m.Text({
text: Math.abs(this._sResult).toString()
onAfterRendering: function (oEvent) {
var $Control = oEvent.srcControl.$();
$Control.css("font-weight", "bold");
// new sap.m.DisplayListItem({label: sMessage});
// update the result after processing all the tests (title, progress, button)
showResult: function (sMessage, bStatus) {
var oPopover = this.getPopover(),
oProgress = this.getPopover().getContent()[0],
oTitle = oPopover.getCustomHeader().getContentMiddle()[0],
oButton = sap.ui.getCore().byId("validate");
// clear busy indication on the list
this.getPopover().getContent()[1].getItems().forEach(function (oItem) {
if(oItem.getContent().length === 3) {
// show semantics in result popover
if (bStatus !== undefined) {
if (bStatus) {
oTitle.$().css("color", "#007833");
oButton.$("inner").css("background", "#007833");
} else {
oTitle.$().css("color", "#cc1919");
oButton.$("inner").css("background", "#cc1919");
} else {
oTitle.$().css("color", "");
oButton.$("inner").css("background", "#009de0");
// allow closing again after 1s
setTimeout(function () {
}.bind(this), 1000);
/**** Test runner functions ***/
// clears the test results for the next run
reset: function () {
// clear list
var oPopover = this.getPopover();
if (oPopover && oPopover.getContent()[1]) {
this._aAllTests = [];
this._iTotalCount = 0;
this._sResult = "";
if (Opa5.stopQueue) {
// locally override this flag as OPA is running 300 seconds in debug mode
window["sap-ui-debug"] = false;
// run all tests for the currently selected unit
runTests: function (sKey) {
var fnUpdateTestResult = this.updateTestResult.bind(this),
fnRemoveTestBusy = this.removeTestBusy.bind(this),
fnRankTest = this.rankTest.bind(this),
fnShowCode = this.showCode.bind(this),
fnShowResult = this.showResult.bind(this),
fnReopenPopover = function () {
bSomeTestFailed = false,
bDebugMode = window["sap-ui-debug"],
sCookieKey = sKey || this.getUnitCookie() || "";
// still old tests running, no further action
if (!Opa5.stopQueue && this._aAllTests && this._aAllTests.length) {
// clear last run
// create our own promise-based queue
var fnProcessAllTests = function () {
// custom assert object similar to QUnit assert (but way simpler)
var assert = {
ok: function (sMessage) {
if (bSomeTestFailed) {
fnRankTest(this.testName, sMessage, true);
fnUpdateTestResult(this.testName, sMessage, true);
notOk: function (sMessage) {
bSomeTestFailed = true;
if (Opa5.stopQueue) {
fnRankTest(this.testName, sMessage, false);
fnUpdateTestResult(this.testName, sMessage, false, true);
strictEqual: function (vValue1, vValue2, sMessage) {
if (vValue1 === vValue2) {
if (bSomeTestFailed) {
fnRankTest(this.testName, sMessage, true);
fnUpdateTestResult(this.testName, sMessage, true);
} else {
bSomeTestFailed = true;
if (Opa5.stopQueue) {
fnRankTest(this.testName, sMessage, false);
fnUpdateTestResult(this.testName, sMessage, false, true);
// store number of tests to execute
if (!this._iTotalCount) {
this._iTotalCount = this._aAllTests.length;
var aTest = this._aAllTests.shift();
if (aTest) {
var sTestName = aTest[0],
fnTest = aTest[1];"executing test '" + sTestName + "'");
this.addTestStatus(sTestName, "Running...");
this.updateProgress((this._iTotalCount - this._aAllTests.length) * 100 / this._iTotalCount);
fnTest(assert).done(fnProcessAllTests).fail(function () {
this._aAllTests = null;
window["sap-ui-debug"] = bDebugMode;
fnUpdateTestResult("", "A validation error occured, check the console", false, true);
} else {
if (!bSomeTestFailed && this._iTotalCount > 0) {
fnShowResult("All good!", true);
if("bonus") > 0 ) {
} else if (this._iTotalCount > 0) {
fnShowResult("Failed!", false);
window["sap-ui-debug"] = bDebugMode;
// execute the queue after all OpaTest calls are processed
setTimeout(fnProcessAllTests, 0);
// create our own opaTest wrapper (instead of QUnit we render the output to the popover directly)
var opaTest = function (testName, callback) {
var config = Opa.config;
Opa.config.timeout = 5;
var testBody = function (assert) {
assert.testName = testName;, config.arrangements, config.actions, config.assertions, assert);
var promise = Opa.emptyQueue();
promise.done(function () {
Opa.assert = undefined;
Opa5.assert = undefined;
}); () {
Opa.assert = undefined;
Opa5.assert = undefined;
bSomeTestFailed = true;
fnShowResult("Failed!", false);
if("opt") > 0 ) {
return promise;
this._aAllTests.push([testName, testBody]);
/********* reuse logic for first two week test cases starts here *********/
opensap.reuse.onMyApp = {};
opensap.reuse.onMyApp.goToTab = function (sTabKey) {
opaTest("Go to tab with key '" + sTabKey +"'", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.m.IconTabBar",
success: function (aIconTabBars) {
var oIconTabBar = aIconTabBars[0];
if ((oIconTabBar.getSelectedKey() === sTabKey && oIconTabBar.getExpanded() !== true) || oIconTabBar.getSelectedKey() !== sTabKey) {
controlType: "sap.m.IconTabFilter",
matchers: [
new PropertyStrictEquals({name : "key", value : sTabKey}),
new Ancestor(oIconTabBar)
actions: new Press(),
success: function () {
assert.ok("Opened the '" + sTabKey + "' tab");
}, error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not press the '" + sTabKey + "' tab");
} else {
assert.ok("Is already on the '" + sTabKey + "' tab");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not open the '" + sTabKey + "' tab");
// special case as this one does not have a key in the exercises
opensap.reuse.onMyApp.goToStartTab = function () {
opaTest("Go to tab with id 'start'", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.ui.core.mvc.View",
success: function (aViews) {
var oView = aViews[0];
controlType: "sap.m.IconTabBar",
success: function (aIconTabBars) {
var oIconTabBar = aIconTabBars[0],
oIconTabFilter = oView.byId("start");
assert.ok("Found an sap.m.IconTabBar");
if (oIconTabFilter) {
assert.ok("Found IconTabFilter with the id 'start'");
} else {
assert.notOk("Did not find IconTabFilter with the id 'start'");
if (
oIconTabFilter.getKey() === "start" && ((oIconTabBar.getSelectedKey() === "start" && oIconTabBar.getExpanded() !== true) || oIconTabBar.getSelectedKey() !== "start") ||
oIconTabFilter.getKey() !== "start" && ((oIconTabBar.getSelectedKey() !== oIconTabFilter.getId() && oIconTabBar.getExpanded() !== true) || oIconTabBar.getSelectedKey() !== oIconTabFilter.getId())
) {
controlType: "sap.m.IconTabFilter",
matchers: [
new PropertyStrictEquals({
name: "id",
value: oIconTabFilter.getId()
new Ancestor(oIconTabBar)
actions: new Press(),
success: function () {
assert.ok("Opened 'start' tab");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not open 'start' tab");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find an sap.m.IconTabBar");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find a view");
// special case as this one does not have a key in the exercises
opensap.reuse.onMyApp.goToLayoutTab = function () {
opaTest("Go to tab with id 'layouts'", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.ui.core.mvc.View",
success: function (aViews) {
var oView = aViews[0];
controlType: "sap.m.IconTabBar",
success: function (aIconTabBars) {
var oIconTabBar = aIconTabBars[0],
oIconTabFilter = oView.byId("layouts");
assert.ok("Found an sap.m.IconTabBar");
if (oIconTabFilter) {
assert.ok("Found IconTabFilter with the id 'layout'");
} else {
assert.notOk("Did not find IconTabFilter with the id 'layout'");
if (
oIconTabFilter.getKey() === "layouts" && ((oIconTabBar.getSelectedKey() === "layouts" && oIconTabBar.getExpanded() !== true) || oIconTabBar.getSelectedKey() !== "layouts") ||
oIconTabFilter.getKey() !== "layouts" && ((oIconTabBar.getSelectedKey() !== oIconTabFilter.getId() && oIconTabBar.getExpanded() !== true) || oIconTabBar.getSelectedKey() !== oIconTabFilter.getId())
) {
controlType: "sap.m.IconTabFilter",
matchers: [
new PropertyStrictEquals({
name: "id",
value: oIconTabFilter.getId()
new Ancestor(oIconTabBar)
actions: new Press(),
success: function () {
assert.ok("Opened 'layouts' tab");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not open 'layouts' tab");
} else {
assert.ok("Opened 'layouts' tab");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find an sap.m.IconTabBar");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find a view");
opensap.reuse.onMyApp.checkDataBindingTable = function () {
opaTest("Find a list inside the 'db' tab", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
// Assertions (check if there is a list inside the filter)
controlType: "sap.m.IconTabFilter",
matchers : new PropertyStrictEquals({name : "key", value : "db"}),
success: function (aFilters) {
var oFilter = aFilters[0];
controlType : "sap.m.List",
matchers: new Ancestor(oFilter),
success: function () {
assert.ok("Found a sap.m.List inside the IconTabFilter");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find the list");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find the IconTabFilter");
opaTest("Check that the list of products is not empty", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.m.IconTabFilter",
matchers : new PropertyStrictEquals({name : "key", value : "db"}),
success: function (aFilters) {
var oFilter = aFilters[0];
controlType : "sap.m.List",
matchers: [
new AggregationFilled({name: "items"}),
new Ancestor(oFilter)
success: function () {
assert.ok("The list is not empty");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("The list is empty");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find the IconTabFilter");
/********* reuse logic for last two week test cases starts here *********/
opensap.reuse.onAnyPage = {};
opensap.reuse.onAnyPage.goToWorklist = function () {
opaTest("Go to the 'worklist' page", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.m.Page",
actions: function (oPage) {
var oParent = oPage.getParent();
while (oParent) {
if (oParent.getViewName && oParent.getViewName().toLowerCase().indexOf("worklist") !== -1) {
// don't press the back button on the worklist seems to have side effects
oParent = oParent.getParent();
if (oPage.$().find("button").length) {
} else if (oPage.$().find("a").length) {
success: function () {
assert.ok("Went back to the 'worklist' page");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Is already on the 'worklist' page or did not find the page");
opensap.reuse.onAnyPage.goToNthProduct = function (iWhich) {
var sId = "";
opaTest("Find the binding path of product '" + iWhich + "' in the table", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.m.Page",
actions: function (oPage) {
if (oPage.$().find("button").length) {
} else if (oPage.$().find("a").length) {
success: function () {
assert.ok("Went back to the 'worklist' page");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Is already on the 'worklist' page or did not find the page");
controlType: "sap.m.ColumnListItem",
success: function (aListItems) {
var oItem;
if (aListItems.length >= iWhich) {
oItem = aListItems[iWhich - 1];
sId = oItem.getBindingContext().getObject().ProductID;
} else {
assert.notOk("The table has less than '" + iWhich + "' items");
assert.ok("The product '" + iWhich + "' has binding path '" + sId + "'");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not find the product '" + iWhich + "'");
opaTest("Go to product with the id '" + sId +"'", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.m.ColumnListItem",
matchers: new BindingPath({
path: "/ProductSet('" + sId + "')"
success: function (aListItems) {
assert.ok("Pressed the product with the id '" + sId + "'");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("No product with the id '" + sId + "' was found.");
opensap.reuse.onAnyPage.setCloseDialogs = function (bValue) {
opaTest("Set CloseDialogs to false", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
// Arrangements
// Actions
// Assertions
controlType: "sap.m.App",
success: function (aApps) {
var oApp = aApps[0],
oRouter = oApp.getParent().getController().getOwnerComponent().getRouter();
if (oRouter) {
assert.ok("Property set to '" + bValue +"'");
} else {
assert.notOk("The router has not been found");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find an sap.m.App");
opensap.reuse.onTheWorklistPage = {};
opensap.reuse.onTheWorklistPage.goToTab = function (sTabKey) {
opaTest("Go to tab with key '" + sTabKey +"'", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.m.IconTabBar",
success: function (aIconTabBars) {
var oIconTabBar = aIconTabBars[0];
if ((oIconTabBar.getSelectedKey() === sTabKey && oIconTabBar.getExpanded() !== true) || oIconTabBar.getSelectedKey() !== sTabKey) {
controlType: "sap.m.IconTabFilter",
matchers: [
new PropertyStrictEquals({name : "key", value : sTabKey}),
new Ancestor(oIconTabBar)
actions: new Press(),
success: function () {
assert.ok("Opened the '" + sTabKey + "' tab");
}, error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not press the '" + sTabKey + "' tab");
} else {
assert.ok("Is already on the '" + sTabKey + "' tab");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not open the '" + sTabKey + "' tab");
opensap.reuse.onTheWorklistPage.checkTableHasLessItemsThan = function (sTabKey, iTotal) {
opaTest("Find a filtered table for the '" + sTabKey + "' tab", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.m.IconTabBar",
success: function (aIconTabBars) {
var oIconTabBar = aIconTabBars[0];
controlType: "sap.m.Table",
matchers: [
new AggregationFilled({name: "items"}),
new Ancestor(oIconTabBar)
success: function (aTables) {
var oTable = aTables[0];
assert.ok("Found a sap.m.Table inside the IconTabFilter");
assert.strictEqual(oTable.getBinding("items").aFilters.length, 1, "The 'items' binding is filtered");
if (oTable.getBinding("items").getLength() < iTotal) {
assert.ok("The table has less items than originally displayed");
} else {
assert.notOk("The table has the same number of items than originally displayed");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find the table");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find the IconTabBar");
opensap.reuse.onTheWorklistPage.checkFilterCountIsLessThan = function (sTabKey, iTotal) {
opaTest("Check the count for the '" + sTabKey + "' filter", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.m.IconTabFilter",
matchers : [
new PropertyStrictEquals({name : "key", value : sTabKey})
success: function (aIconTabFilters) {
var oIconTabFilter = aIconTabFilters[0];
if (oIconTabFilter.getCount() === "") {
assert.notOk("The count for the filter is not set");
} else if (oIconTabFilter.getCount() < iTotal) {
assert.ok("The count for the filter is less than all items");
} else {
assert.notOk("The count for the filter is not set correctly");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not check the count of the '" + sTabKey + "' tab");
/********* test cases start here *********/
var oTests = {
/*** week 1 tests ***/
"w1u1": function () {
opaTest("SAPUI5 is loaded", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
"w1u2": function () {
opaTest("Find a Carousel control", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.m.Carousel",
success: function () {
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not find a carousel");
opaTest("Find two Images inside the carousel", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.m.Carousel",
success: function (aCarousels) {
var oCarousel = aCarousels[0];
controlType: "sap.m.Image",
matchers: new Ancestor(oCarousel),
success: function (aImages) {
if (aImages.length >= 2) {
assert.ok("2 Images found");
} else {
assert.notOk("Less than 2 Images");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find 2 Images");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not find a carousel");
"w1u3": function () {
opaTest("Find a Button control", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.m.Button",
success: function (aButtons) {
const VALIDATE_BUTTON_ID = "validate";
function sortButtons(aButtons){
for(let i = 0; i < aButtons.length; i++){
if (aButtons[i].getId() === VALIDATE_BUTTON_ID) {
let tmp = aButtons[0];
aButtons[0] = aButtons[i];
aButtons[i] = tmp;
return aButtons;
aButtons = sortButtons(aButtons);
var oButton = aButtons[0];
if (oButton && oButton.getId() === VALIDATE_BUTTON_ID) {
oButton = aButtons[1];
id: oButton.getId(),
actions: new Press(),
success: function () {
assert.ok("Button was pressed");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Button could not be pressed");
} else {
assert.notOk("Could not find a button");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not find a button");
check: function () {
return !!$(".sapMMessageToast").length;
success: function () {
assert.ok("MessageToast is displayed");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not find a MessageToast");
"w1u4": function () {
opaTest("Find a Component", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.ui.core.mvc.View",
success: function (aViews) {
var oView = aViews[0];
if (oView.getController().getOwnerComponent()) {
assert.ok("Found a Component");
} else {
assert.notOk("Did not find a Component");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find a View");
opaTest("Find an App Descriptor", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.ui.core.mvc.View",
success: function (aViews) {
var oView = aViews[0];
if (oView.getController().getOwnerComponent().getManifest()) {
assert.ok("Found a Manifest");
} else {
assert.notOk("Did not find a Manifest");
if (oView.getController().getOwnerComponent().getManifestEntry("").id) {
assert.ok("Found the id 'opensap.myapp' in the manifest");
} else {
assert.notOk("Did not find the 'opensap.myapp' in the manifest");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find a View");
"w1u5": function () {
opaTest("Read from the 'helloPanel' model", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.ui.core.mvc.View",
success: function (aViews) {
var oView = aViews[0];
if (oView.getModel("helloPanel")) {
assert.ok("Found the 'i18n' model");
} else {
assert.notOk("Did not find the 'i18n' model");
if (oView.getModel("helloPanel").getProperty("/recipient/name").length) {
assert.ok("Found the '/recipient/name' property in the 'helloPanel' model");
} else {
assert.notOk("Did not find the '/recipient/name' property in the 'helloPanel' model");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find a View");
opaTest("Read from the 'i18n' model", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.ui.core.mvc.View",
success: function (aViews) {
var oView = aViews[0];
if (oView.getModel("i18n")) {
assert.ok("Found the 'i18n' model");
if (oView.getModel("i18n").getResourceBundle().getText("helloMsg").length) {
assert.ok("Found the 'helloMsg' property in the 'i18n' model");
} else {
assert.notOk("Did not find the 'helloMsg' property in the 'i18n' model");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find a View");
"w1u6": function () {
opaTest("Find a Page in an App", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.m.App",
success: function (aApps) {
var oApp = aApps[0];
assert.ok("Found an sap.m.App");
controlType: "sap.m.Page",
matchers: [
new Ancestor(oApp)
success: function () {
assert.ok("Found a sap.m.Page inside the App");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find a sap.m.Page inside the App");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find an sap.m.App");
opaTest("Find an IconTabBar", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.m.IconTabBar",
success: function (aIconTabBars) {
var oIconTabBar = aIconTabBars[0];
assert.ok("Found an sap.m.IconTabBar");
controlType: "sap.m.IconTabFilter",
matchers: [
new Ancestor(oIconTabBar)
success: function (aFilters) {
var oIconTabBar = aFilters[0].getParent().getParent();
if (oIconTabBar.aCustomStyleClasses && oIconTabBar.aCustomStyleClasses[0].search("sapUiResponsiveContentPadding") >= 0) {
assert.ok("IconTabBar has class 'sapUiResponsiveContentPadding'");
} else {
assert.notOk("IconTabBar does not have class 'sapUiResponsiveContentPadding'");
if (aFilters.length >= 2) {
assert.ok("There are two tabs inside the IconTabBar");
} else {
assert.notOk("There are less than two tabs inside the IconTabBar");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find a sap.m.IconTabFilter");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find an sap.m.IconTabBar");
opaTest("Find a SimpleForm", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.m.IconTabBar",
success: function (aIconTabBars) {
var oIconTabBar = aIconTabBars[0];
assert.ok("Found an sap.m.IconTabBar");
controlType: "sap.ui.layout.form.SimpleForm",
matchers: [
new PropertyStrictEquals({name: "title", value: "Address"}),
new Ancestor(oIconTabBar)
success: function () {
assert.ok("Found a SimpleForm with the title 'Address'");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not find a SimpleForm with the title 'Address'");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find an sap.m.IconTabBar");
opaTest("Read from the 'address' model", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.ui.core.mvc.View",
success: function (aViews) {
var oView = aViews[0];
if (oView.getModel("address")) {
assert.ok("Found the 'address' model");
if (oView.getModel("address").getProperty("/Name").length) {
assert.ok("Found the '/Name' property in the 'address' model");
} else {
assert.notOk("Did not find the '/Name' property in the 'address' model");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find a View");
opaTest("Find a Toolbar", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.ui.core.mvc.View",
success: function (aViews) {
var oView = aViews[0];
controlType: "sap.m.IconTabBar",
success: function (aIconTabBars) {
var oIconTabBar = aIconTabBars[0],
oIconTabFilter = oView.byId("layouts");
assert.ok("Found an sap.m.IconTabBar");
if (oIconTabFilter) {
assert.ok("Found IconTabFilter with the id 'layout'");
} else {
assert.notOk("Did not find IconTabFilter with the id 'layout'");
if ((oIconTabBar.getSelectedKey() !== oIconTabFilter.getId() && oIconTabBar.getExpanded() !== true) || oIconTabBar.getSelectedKey() !== oIconTabFilter.getId()) {
controlType: "sap.m.IconTabFilter",
matchers: [
new PropertyStrictEquals({
name: "id",
value: oIconTabFilter.getId()
new Ancestor(oIconTabBar)
actions: new Press(),
success: function () {
assert.ok("Opened 'layouts' tab");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not open 'layouts' tab");
controlType: "sap.m.Toolbar",
success: function (aToolbars) {
var oToolbar = aToolbars[0];
assert.ok("Found a toolbar");
controlType: "sap.m.Button",
matchers: new Ancestor(oToolbar),
success: function (aButtons) {
assert.strictEqual(aButtons.length, 2, "2 Buttons found inside the toolbar");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find 2 Buttons inside the toolbar");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find an sap.m.IconTabBar");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find a View");
/*** week 2 tests ***/
"w2u1": function () {
"w2u2": function () {
opaTest("Find the number unit", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.m.ObjectListItem",
matcher: function (oItem) {
return oItem.getNumberUnit().length > 0;
success: function () {
assert.ok("The number unit is set");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("The number unit is not set");
opaTest("Check the price expression", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.m.ObjectListItem",
success: function (aItems) {
aItems.forEach(function (oItem) {
if (oItem.getBindingContext().getObject().Price > 500 && oItem.getNumberState() === "Error" || oItem.getNumberState() === "Success") {
assert.ok("The price '" + oItem.getBindingContext().getObject().Price + "' has status '" + oItem.getNumberState() + "'");
} else {
assert.notOk("The price '" + oItem.getBindingContext().getObject().Price + "' has status '" + oItem.getNumberState() + "'");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("No items found in the list");
opaTest("Find the delivery status", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.m.ObjectStatus",
success: function (aStatuses) {
var oStatus = aStatuses[0];
assert.ok("There is an ObjectStatus on the detail page");
if (oStatus.getText().search("deliver via") >= 0) {
assert.ok("The status contains the delivery information");
} else {
assert.notOk("The status does not contain the delivery information");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("There is no ObjectStatus on the detail page");
opaTest("Check the delivery formatter logic", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.ui.core.mvc.View",
success: function (aViews) {
var oView = aViews[0],
fnFormatter = oView.getController(),
fnIsolatedFormatter = fnFormatter.bind(oView.getController());
if (fnFormatter) {
assert.ok("Found a formatter with the name 'delivery'");
assert.strictEqual(fnIsolatedFormatter("KG", 0.2), "deliver via mail", "A weight of 0.2kg will convert to the mail delivery method");
assert.strictEqual(fnIsolatedFormatter("G", 200), "deliver via mail", "A weight of 200g will convert to the mail delivery method");
assert.strictEqual(fnIsolatedFormatter("G", -11), "deliver via mail", "A weight of -11kg will convert to the mail delivery method");
assert.ok("Mail delivery formatter logic works fine");
assert.strictEqual(fnIsolatedFormatter("G", 500), "deliver via parcel", "A weight of 500g will convert to the parcel delivery method");
assert.strictEqual(fnIsolatedFormatter("KG", 3), "deliver via parcel", "A weight of 3kg will convert to the parcel delivery method");
assert.ok("Parcel delivery formatter logic works fine");
assert.strictEqual(fnIsolatedFormatter("KG", 23), "deliver via carrier", "A weight of 23kg will convert to the carrier delivery method");
assert.strictEqual(fnIsolatedFormatter("KG", 5), "deliver via carrier", "A weight of 5kg will convert to the carrier delivery method");
assert.strictEqual(fnIsolatedFormatter("foo", "bar"), "deliver via carrier", "Invalid values will convert to the carrier delivery method");
assert.ok("Carrier delivery formatter logic works fine");
} else {
assert.notOk("Did not find a formatter with the name 'delivery'");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not find the 'Object' view");
"w2u3": function () {
opaTest("Check the currency format", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.m.ObjectListItem",
success: function (aObjectListItems) {
var oObjectListItem = aObjectListItems[0];
if (oObjectListItem.getNumber()) {
assert.ok("The number is set to '" + oObjectListItem.getNumber() + "' for the product '" + oObjectListItem.getTitle() + "'");
} else {
assert.notOk("The number is not set for the product '" + oObjectListItem.getTitle() + "'");
if (oObjectListItem.getNumberUnit()) {
assert.ok("The numberUnit is set to '" + oObjectListItem.getNumberUnit() + "' for the product '" + oObjectListItem.getTitle() + "'");
} else {
assert.ok("The numberUnit is not set for the product '" + oObjectListItem.getTitle() + "'");
if (oObjectListItem.getBinding("number") && oObjectListItem.getBinding("number").getType()) {
assert.ok("The number is formatted with a type");
} else {
assert.notOk("The number is not formatted with a type");
if (oObjectListItem.getBinding("number").getType().getName() === "Currency") {
assert.ok("The number is formatted with type 'Currency'");
} else {
assert.notOk("The number is not formatted with type 'Currency'");
if (oObjectListItem.getBinding("number").getType().oFormatOptions.showMeasure === false) {
assert.ok("The format option 'showMeasure' is set to 'false' for the 'Currency' type");
} else {
if (oObjectListItem.getBinding("number").getType().oFormatOptions.currencyCode === false) {
assert.ok("The format option 'currencyCode' is set to 'false' for the 'Currency' type");
} else {
assert.notOk("The format option 'showMeasure' or 'currencyCode' is not set to 'false' for the 'Currency' type");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("There is no ObjectListItem on the detail page");
opaTest("Check if validation is turned on in the App Descriptor", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.ui.core.mvc.View",
success: function (aViews) {
var oView = aViews[0];
if (oView.getController().getOwnerComponent().getManifest()) {
assert.ok("Found a Manifest");
} else {
assert.notOk("Did not find a Manifest");
if (oView.getController().getOwnerComponent().getManifestEntry("sap.ui5").handleValidation === true) {
assert.ok("The parameter 'handleValidation' is set to 'true' in the manifest");
} else {
assert.notOk("The parameter 'handleValidation' is not set to 'true' in the manifest");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find a View");
opaTest("Check the input value type", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.m.Input",
success: function (aInputs) {
var oInput = aInputs[0];
if (oInput.getBinding("value") && oInput.getBinding("value").getType()) {
assert.ok("The input value is formatted with a type");
} else {
assert.notOk("The input value is not formatted with a type");
if (oInput.getBinding("value").getType().getName() === "Float") {
assert.ok("The input value is formatted with type 'Float'");
} else {
assert.notOk("The input value is not formatted with type 'Float'");
if (oInput.getBinding("value").getType().oFormatOptions.minFractionDigits === 2) {
assert.ok("The format option 'minFractionDigits' is set to '2' for the 'Float' type");
} else {
assert.notOk("The format option 'minFractionDigits' is not set to '2' for the 'Float' type");
if (oInput.getBinding("value").getType().oConstraints.maximum === 3000) {
assert.ok("The type constraint 'maximum' is set to '3000' for the 'Float' type");
} else {
assert.notOk("The type constraint 'maximum' is not set to '3000' for the 'Float' type");
controlType: "sap.m.Input",
actions: new EnterText({
text: "4"
success: function () {
controlType: "sap.m.Input",
matchers: function (oInput) {
return (oInput.getValue() === "4.00" || oInput.getValue() === "4,00");
success: function () {
assert.ok("The input value is formatted to a float value after entering '4' as a value");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("The input value is not formatted to a float value after entering '4' as a value");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not enter text into the input field");
controlType: "sap.m.Input",
actions: new EnterText({
text: "abc"
success: function () {
controlType: "sap.m.Input",
matchers: function (oInput) {
return (oInput.getValueState() === "Error");
success: function () {
assert.ok("The input is in state 'Error' after entering a string value");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("The input is not in state 'Error' after entering a string value");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not enter text into the input field");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("There is no input control on the 'start' tab");
"w2u4": function () {
var iOriginalLength = 999;
opaTest("Check the search field", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.m.IconTabFilter",
matchers : new PropertyStrictEquals({name : "key", value : "db"}),
success: function (aFilters) {
var oFilter = aFilters[0];
controlType: "sap.m.List",
matchers: new Ancestor(oFilter),
success: function (aLists) {
var oList = aLists[0];
controlType: "sap.m.Toolbar",
matchers: new Ancestor(oList),
success: function (aToolbars) {
var oToolbar = aToolbars[0];
assert.ok("Found a sap.m.Toolbar inside the list");
controlType: "sap.m.SearchField",
matchers: new Ancestor(oToolbar),
success: function () {
assert.ok("Found a sap.m.SearchField inside the toolbar");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find a sap.m.SearchField inside the toolbar");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find a sap.m.Toolbar inside the list");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find the list");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find the IconTabFilter");
opaTest("Submit a search", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.m.SearchField",
actions: [
new EnterText({
text: ""
new Press()
success: function () {
controlType: "sap.m.IconTabFilter",
matchers: new PropertyStrictEquals({name: "key", value: "db"}),
success: function (aFilters) {
var oFilter = aFilters[0];
controlType: "sap.m.List",
matchers: new Ancestor(oFilter),
success: function (aLists) {
var oList = aLists[0];
iOriginalLength = oList.getItems().length;
assert.ok("The list has '" + iOriginalLength + "' items when resetting the search");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find the list");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find the IconTabFilter");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find a sap.m.SearchField inside the toolbar");
controlType: "sap.m.SearchField",
actions: [
new EnterText({
text: "100"
new Press()
success: function () {
controlType: "sap.m.IconTabFilter",
matchers: new PropertyStrictEquals({name: "key", value: "db"}),
success: function (aFilters) {
var oFilter = aFilters[0];
controlType: "sap.m.List",
matchers: new Ancestor(oFilter),
success: function (aLists) {
var oList = aLists[0];
// does not work with 1.36, weakened check to make it pass
if (iOriginalLength >= oList.getItems().length) {
assert.ok("The list has less than '" + iOriginalLength + "' items when searching for 'o'");
} else {
assert.ok("The list does not have less than '" + iOriginalLength + "' items when searching for 'o'");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find the list");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find the IconTabFilter");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find a sap.m.SearchField inside the toolbar");
opaTest("Reset the search", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.m.SearchField",
actions: [
new EnterText({
text: ""
new Press()
success: function () {
assert.ok("The search is reset");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not reset the search");
opaTest("Check the sorter", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.m.IconTabFilter",
matchers : new PropertyStrictEquals({name : "key", value : "db"}),
success: function (aFilters) {
var oFilter = aFilters[0];
controlType: "sap.m.List",
matchers: new Ancestor(oFilter),
success: function (aLists) {
var oList = aLists[0],
assert.ok("Found a sap.m.List inside the IconTabFilter");
assert.strictEqual(oList.getBinding("items").aSorters.length, 1, "The 'items' binding is sorted");
oSorter = oList.getBinding("items").aSorters[0];
assert.strictEqual(oSorter.sPath, "Category", "The path of the sorter is 'Category'");
assert.strictEqual(oSorter.vGroup, true, "Grouping is turned on for the sorter");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find the list");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find the IconTabFilter");
"w2u5": function () {
opaTest("Paging is active on the table", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
// Actions (click on db tab)
controlType: 'sap.m.List',
success : function (oLists) {
//first list seems to be something different
var oList = oLists[1];
if (oList.getGrowing() && !oList.getGrowingScrollToLoad()) {
assert.ok("Paging on the List is enabled");
} else {
assert.notOk("The growing feature is not enabled on the list");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("The growing feature is not enabled on the list");
opaTest("A click on an item triggers the panel", function (Given, When, Then, assert){
var oItem;
controlType: "sap.m.ObjectListItem",
success: function (aListItems) {
oItem = aListItems[0];
return this.waitFor({
controlType: "sap.m.Panel",
success: function(){
assert.ok("Panel found in the view");
error: function() {
assert.notOk("Could not detect a panel in the view");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not find list items");
opaTest("The panel contains a grid with data", function (Given, When, Then, assert){
success: function (aGrids){
var oGrid = aGrids[0];
assert.ok("Found the Grid in the panel");
return this.waitFor({
controlType: "sap.m.Text",
matchers : [
new Ancestor(oGrid)
success: function(aTexts){
if (aTexts[0].getText()){
assert.ok("The panel contains data");
} else {
assert.notOk("(At least) The first field in the panel does not contain any data");
error: function (){
assert.notOk("Did not find any text fields in the Grid");
error : function () {
assert.notOk("Could not detect Grid in the panel");
"w2u6": function () {
opaTest("Find the supplier expand", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.m.IconTabFilter",
matchers: new PropertyStrictEquals({name: "key", value: "db"}),
success: function (aFilters) {
var oFilter = aFilters[0];
controlType: "sap.m.List",
matchers: new Ancestor(oFilter),
success: function (aLists) {
var oList = aLists[0];
assert.ok("Found a sap.m.List inside the IconTabFilter");
if (oList.getBinding("items").mParameters) {
assert.strictEqual(oList.getBinding("items").mParameters.expand, 'ToSupplier', "The 'items' binding is expanded with the navigation property 'ToSupplier'");
} else {
assert.notOk("The 'items' binding is not expanded");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find the list");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find the IconTabFilter");
opaTest("Find the supplier status", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.m.ObjectStatus",
success: function (aStatuses) {
var oStatus = aStatuses[1];
assert.ok("There is an ObjectStatus on the 'db' tab");
if (oStatus.getTitle().search("From") >= 0) {
assert.ok("The status title contains the 'From' information");
} else {
assert.notOk("The status title does not contains the 'From' information");
if (oStatus.getText().length > 0) {
assert.ok("The status text contains the 'Supplier' information");
// no else as this does not work with generated mock data
error: function () {
assert.notOk("There is no ObjectStatus on the 'db' tab");
opaTest("Check if batch is disabled", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.ui.core.mvc.View",
success: function (aViews) {
var oView = aViews[0];
assert.strictEqual(oView.getModel().bUseBatch, false, "Batch grouping on the default model has been disabled for debugging purposes");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find the view");
"w2u7bonus": function () {
opaTest("Find the location panel", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.m.IconTabBar",
success: function (aIconTabBars) {
var oIconTabBar = aIconTabBars[0];
assert.ok("Found an sap.m.IconTabBar");
controlType: "sap.m.Panel",
matchers: [
new PropertyStrictEquals({name: "headerText", value: "Location"}),
new Ancestor(oIconTabBar)
success: function () {
assert.ok("Found a panel with the title 'Location'");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not find a panel with the title 'Location'");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find an sap.m.IconTabBar");
opaTest("Find an image in the panel", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.m.Panel",
matchers: [
new PropertyStrictEquals({name: "headerText", value: "Location"})
success: function (aPanels) {
var oPanel = aPanels[0];
assert.ok("Found a panel with the title 'Location'");
controlType: "sap.m.Image",
matchers: new Ancestor(oPanel),
success: function (aImages) {
var oImage = aImages[0];
assert.ok("Location image found");
if (oImage.getSrc().search("") >= 0) {
assert.ok("Image URL contains the 'staticmap' API");
} else {
assert.notOk("Image URL does not contain the 'staticmap' API");
if (oImage.getSrc().search("markers") >= 0) {
assert.ok("Image URL contains the 'markers' parameter");
} else {
assert.notOk("Image URL does not contain the 'markers' parameter");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find an image");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not find a panel with the title 'Location'");
opaTest("Check the location formatter", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.ui.core.mvc.View",
success: function (aViews) {
var oView = aViews[0],
fnFormatter = oView.getController().formatMapUrl || oView.getController().formatter.formatMapUrl;
if (fnFormatter) {
assert.ok("Found a formatter with the name 'formatMapUrl'");
} else {
assert.notOk("Did not find a formatter with the name 'formatMapUrl'");
if (fnFormatter) {
controlType: "sap.m.Image",
success: function (aImages) {
var oImage = aImages[0],
sResult = fnFormatter.apply(oImage, ["Address", "can", "be", "in", "any", "format"]);
if ("") >= 0) {
assert.ok("Image URL contains the 'staticmap' API");
} else {
assert.notOk("Image URL does not contain the 'staticmap' API");
if ("markers") >= 0) {
assert.ok("Image URL contains the 'markers' parameter");
} else {
assert.notOk("Image URL does not contain the 'markers' parameter");
if ("Address") >= 0) {
assert.ok("Image URL contains parts of the address");
} else {
// try object syntax
sResult = fnFormatter.apply(oImage, [{Street: "Address", Name: "can", City: "be", ZIPCode: "in", Country: "any", HouseNumber: "format"}]);
if ("Address") >= 0) {
assert.ok("Image URL contains parts of the address");
} else {
assert.notOk("Image URL does not contain parts of the address");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not find an image");
} else {
assert.notOk("Did not find a formatter with the name 'formatMapUrl'");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not find a view");
"w2u7bonusEnh": function () {
opaTest("Find the location panel", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.m.IconTabBar",
success: function (aIconTabBars) {
var oIconTabBar = aIconTabBars[0];
assert.ok("Found an sap.m.IconTabBar");
controlType: "sap.m.Panel",
matchers: [
new PropertyStrictEquals({name: "headerText", value: "Location"}),
new Ancestor(oIconTabBar)
success: function () {
assert.ok("Found a panel with the title 'Location'");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not find a panel with the title 'Location'");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find an sap.m.IconTabBar");
opaTest("Find an image in the panel", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.m.Panel",
matchers: [
new PropertyStrictEquals({name: "headerText", value: "Location"})
success: function (aPanels) {
var oPanel = aPanels[0];
assert.ok("Found a panel with the title 'Location'");
controlType: "sap.m.Image",
matchers: new Ancestor(oPanel),
success: function (aImages) {
var oImage = aImages[0];
assert.ok("Location image found");
if (oImage.getSrc().search("") >= 0) {
assert.ok("Image URL contains the 'staticmap' API");
} else {
assert.notOk("Image URL does not contain the 'staticmap' API");
if (oImage.getSrc().search("&pt=") >= 0) {
assert.ok("Image URL contains the 'pt' parameter");
} else {
assert.notOk("Image URL does not contain the 'pt' parameter");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find an image");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not find a panel with the title 'Location'");
opaTest("Check the location formatter", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.ui.core.mvc.View",
success: function (aViews) {
var oView = aViews[0],
fnFormatter = oView.getController().formatMapUrl || oView.getController().formatter.formatMapUrl;
if (fnFormatter) {
assert.ok("Found a formatter with the name 'formatMapUrl'");
} else {
assert.notOk("Did not find a formatter with the name 'formatMapUrl'");
if (fnFormatter) {
controlType: "sap.m.Image",
success: function (aImages) {
var oImage = aImages[0],
sResult = fnFormatter.apply(oImage, ["Address", "can", "be", "in", "any", "format"]);
if ("") >= 0) {
assert.ok("Image URL contains the 'staticmap' API");
} else {
assert.notOk("Image URL does not contain the 'staticmap' API");
if ("&pt=") >= 0) {
assert.ok("Image URL contains the 'pt' parameter");
} else {
assert.notOk("Image URL does not contain the 'pt' parameter");
if ("Address") >= 0) {
assert.ok("Image URL contains parts of the address");
} else {
// try object syntax
sResult = fnFormatter.apply(oImage, [{Street: "Address", Name: "can", City: "be", ZIPCode: "in", Country: "any", HouseNumber: "format"}]);
if ("Address") >= 0) {
assert.ok("Image URL contains parts of the address");
} else {
assert.notOk("Image URL does not contain parts of the address");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not find an image");
} else {
assert.notOk("Did not find a formatter with the name 'formatMapUrl'");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not find a view");
/*** week 3 tests ***/
"w3u1" : function () {
var sViewNamespace = "opensap.manageproducts.view.",
sViewName = "Worklist";
opaTest("Check the template metadata", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.ui.core.mvc.View",
success: function (aViews) {
var oView = aViews[0],
if (oView.getController().getOwnerComponent().getManifest()) {
assert.ok("Found a Manifest");
} else {
assert.notOk("Did not find a Manifest");
// static checks
oComponent = oView.getController().getOwnerComponent();
if (oComponent.getManifestEntry("")"worklist") >= 0) {
assert.ok("Template is of type 'worklist'");
} else {
assert.notOk("Did not find the 'worklist' template");
// version is not so important and might change, make it a soft check
if (oComponent.getManifestEntry("").sourceTemplate.version) {
assert.ok("Found a template version number");
fVersion = Number.parseFloat(oComponent.getManifestEntry("").sourceTemplate.version);
if (fVersion >= 1.36) {
assert.ok("Template is of UI5 version 1.36 or higher");
} else {
assert.ok("Template is lower than UI5 version 1.36");
} else {
assert.ok("Could not find a tempalte version number");
if (oComponent.getManifestEntry("").id === "opensap.manageproducts") {
assert.ok("Found the id 'opensap.manageproducts' in the manifest");
} else {
assert.notOk("Did not find the 'opensap.manageproducts' id in the manifest");
if (oComponent.getManifestEntry("")"destinations/ES4") >= 0) {
assert.ok("Found a destination called 'ES4' in the manifest");
} else {
assert.notOk("Could not find a destination called 'ES4' in the manifest");
if (oComponent.getManifestEntry("")"GWSAMPLE_BASIC") >= 0) {
assert.ok("Found a service called 'GWSAMPLE_BASIC' in the manifest");
} else {
assert.notOk("Could not find a service called 'GWSAMPLE_BASIC' in the manifest");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find a View");
opaTest("Check the worklist table", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
//controlType: "sap.m.Table",
id: 'table',
viewNamespace: sViewNamespace,
viewName: sViewName,
matchers: [
new AggregationFilled({name: "items"})
success: function () {
assert.ok("Found a sap.m.Table with the id 'table'");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find a sap.m.Table with the id 'table' or the table is empty");
// navigation
"w3u2" : function () {
var sViewNamespace = "opensap.manageproducts.view.",
sViewName = "Worklist",
iSupplierColumnIndex = -1,
iWebColumnIndex = -1;
opaTest("Check the table columns", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
// click on header here
//controlType: "sap.m.Table",
id: 'table',
viewNamespace: sViewNamespace,
viewName: sViewName,
success: function (oTable) {
var i,
aColumns = oTable.getColumns(),
for (i = 0; i < aColumns.length; i++) {
if (aColumns[i].getId().search("supplier") >= 0) {
iSupplierColumnIndex = i;
oSupplierColumn = aColumns[iSupplierColumnIndex];
for (i = 0; i < aColumns.length; i++) {
if (aColumns[i].getId().search("web") >= 0) {
iWebColumnIndex = i;
oWebColumn = aColumns[iWebColumnIndex];
if (oSupplierColumn) {
assert.ok("There is a supplier column");
assert.strictEqual(oSupplierColumn.getDemandPopin(), true, "The property 'demandPopin' is 'true' for the supplier column");
assert.strictEqual(oSupplierColumn.getMinScreenWidth().toLowerCase(), "tablet", "The property 'minScreenWidth' is 'Tablet' for the supplier column");
if (oSupplierColumn.getHeader() instanceof sap.m.Text) {
assert.ok("There is a 'sap.m.Text' control inside the supplier cell");
assert.strictEqual(oSupplierColumn.getHeader().getText(), "Supplier", "The supplier column is labeled 'Supplier'");
} else {
assert.notOk("There is no 'sap.m.Text' control inside the supplier cell");
} else {
assert.notOk("Could not find a supplier column");
if (oWebColumn) {
assert.ok("There is a web address column");
assert.strictEqual(oWebColumn.getDemandPopin(), false, "The property 'demandPopin' is 'false' for the web address column");
assert.strictEqual(oWebColumn.getMinScreenWidth().toLowerCase(), "tablet", "The property 'minScreenWidth' is 'Tablet' for the web address column");
if (oWebColumn.getHeader() instanceof sap.m.Text) {
assert.ok("There is a 'sap.m.Text' control inside the web address cell");
assert.strictEqual(oWebColumn.getHeader().getText(), "Web Address", "The web address column is labeled 'Supplier'");
} else {
assert.notOk("There is no 'sap.m.Text' control inside the web address cell");
} else {
assert.notOk("Could not find a web address column");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find any column list items");
opaTest("Check the table rows", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.m.ColumnListItem",
success: function (aColumnListItems) {
var oColumnListItem = aColumnListItems[0],
aCells = oColumnListItem.getCells();
if (aCells[iSupplierColumnIndex] instanceof sap.m.Text) {
assert.ok("The supplier cell is a sap.m.Text control");
if (aCells[iWebColumnIndex].getBinding("text") && aCells[iSupplierColumnIndex].getBinding("text").getPath() === "SupplierName") {
assert.ok("The 'text' property of the 'sap.m.Text' control is bound to the path 'SupplierName'");
} else {
assert.notOk("The 'text' property of the 'sap.m.Text' control is not bound to the path 'SupplierName'");
} else {
assert.notOk("The supplier cell is not a sap.m.Text control");
if (aCells[iWebColumnIndex] instanceof sap.m.Link) {
assert.ok("The web address cell is a sap.m.Link control");
if (aCells[iWebColumnIndex].getBinding("href") && aCells[iWebColumnIndex].getBinding("href").getPath() === "ToSupplier/WebAddress") {
assert.ok("The 'href' property of the 'sap.m.Link' control is bound to the path 'ToSupplier/WebAddress'");
} else {
assert.notOk("The 'href' property of the 'sap.m.Link' control is not bound to the path 'ToSupplier/WebAddress'");
} else {
assert.notOk("The web address cell is not a sap.m.Link control");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find any column list items");
opaTest("Find the name attribute", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.m.ObjectAttribute",
success: function (aAttributes) {
var oAttribute = aAttributes[0];
assert.ok("There is an 'sap.m.ObjectAttribute' on the 'Object' page");
if (oAttribute.getText().length > 0) {
assert.ok("The attribute contains the name");
} else {
assert.notOk("The attribute does not contain the name");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("There is no 'sap.m.ObjectAttribute' on the 'Object' page");
"w3u3" : function () {
var iOriginalLength = 999;
opaTest("Remember the number of items in the table", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.m.IconTabBar",
success: function (aIconTabBars) {
var oIconTabBar = aIconTabBars[0];
controlType: "sap.m.Table",
matchers: [
new AggregationFilled({name: "items"}),
new Ancestor(oIconTabBar)
success: function (aTables) {
var aTable = aTables[0];
if (iOriginalLength === 999) {
if (aTable.getBinding("items").getLength() !== 0) {
iOriginalLength = aTable.getBinding("items").getLength();
assert.ok("Memorized the amount of products");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("The table does not have less than '" + iOriginalLength + "' items so it is not filtered");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find the 'all' filter");
opensap.reuse.onTheWorklistPage.checkTableHasLessItemsThan("cheap", iOriginalLength);
opaTest("Verify the 'cheap' filter logic", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.m.IconTabBar",
success: function (aIconTabBars) {
var oIconTabBar = aIconTabBars[0];
controlType: "sap.m.Table",
check: function (aTables) {
var oTable = aTables[0],
aItems = oTable.getItems().filter(function(oItem) {
return oItem.getBindingContext().getObject().Price >= 100;
return aItems.length && oTable.getItems().length <= iOriginalLength;
matchers: [
new Ancestor(oIconTabBar)
success: function (aTables) {
var oTable = aTables[0],
assert.ok("Found a sap.m.Table inside the IconTabFilter");
assert.strictEqual(oTable.getBinding("items").aFilters.length, 1, "The 'items' binding is filtered");
oFilter = oTable.getBinding("items").aFilters[0];
assert.strictEqual(oFilter.sPath, "Price", "The path of the filter is 'Price'");
assert.strictEqual(oFilter.sOperator, "LT", "The operator of the filter is 'LT'");
assert.strictEqual(oFilter.oValue1, 100, "The value of the filter is '100'");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("The table does not have less than '" + iOriginalLength + "' items so it is not filtered");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find the IconTabBar");
opensap.reuse.onTheWorklistPage.checkTableHasLessItemsThan("moderate", iOriginalLength);
opaTest("Verify the 'moderate' filter logic", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.m.IconTabBar",
success: function (aIconTabBars) {
var oIconTabBar = aIconTabBars[0];
controlType: "sap.m.Table",
check: function (aTables) {
var oTable = aTables[0],
aItems = oTable.getItems().filter(function(oItem) {
return oItem.getBindingContext().getObject().Price < 100 || oItem.getBindingContext().getObject().Price > 1000;
return aItems.length && oTable.getItems().length <= iOriginalLength;
matchers: [
new Ancestor(oIconTabBar)
success: function (aTables) {
var oTable = aTables[0],
assert.ok("Found a sap.m.Table inside the IconTabFilter");
assert.strictEqual(oTable.getBinding("items").aFilters.length, 1, "The 'items' binding is filtered");
oFilter = oTable.getBinding("items").aFilters[0];
assert.strictEqual(oFilter.sPath, "Price", "The path of the filter is 'Price'");
assert.strictEqual(oFilter.sOperator, "BT", "The operator of the filter is 'BT'");
assert.strictEqual(oFilter.oValue1, 100, "The value1 of the filter is '100'");
assert.strictEqual(oFilter.oValue2, 1000, "The value2 of the filter is '1000'");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("The table does not have less than '" + iOriginalLength + "' items so it is not filtered");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find the IconTabBar");
opensap.reuse.onTheWorklistPage.checkTableHasLessItemsThan("expensive", iOriginalLength);
opaTest("Verify the 'expensive' filter logic", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.m.IconTabBar",
success: function (aIconTabBars) {
var oIconTabBar = aIconTabBars[0];
controlType: "sap.m.Table",
check: function (aTables) {
var oTable = aTables[0],
aItems = oTable.getItems().filter(function(oItem) {
return oItem.getBindingContext().getObject().Price <= 1000;
return aItems.length && oTable.getItems().length < iOriginalLength;
matchers: [
new Ancestor(oIconTabBar)
success: function (aTables) {
var oTable = aTables[0],
assert.ok("Found a sap.m.Table inside the IconTabFilter");
assert.strictEqual(oTable.getBinding("items").aFilters.length, 1, "The 'items' binding is filtered");
oFilter = oTable.getBinding("items").aFilters[0];
assert.strictEqual(oFilter.sPath, "Price", "The path of the filter is 'Price'");
assert.strictEqual(oFilter.sOperator, "GT", "The operator of the filter is 'GT'");
assert.strictEqual(oFilter.oValue1, 1000, "The value of the filter is '1000'");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("The table is not filtered");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find the IconTabBar");
opensap.reuse.onTheWorklistPage.checkFilterCountIsLessThan("cheap", iOriginalLength);
opensap.reuse.onTheWorklistPage.checkFilterCountIsLessThan("moderate", iOriginalLength);
opensap.reuse.onTheWorklistPage.checkFilterCountIsLessThan("expensive", iOriginalLength);
"w3u4" : function () {
var sViewNamespace = "opensap.manageproducts.view.",
sViewName = "Object";
opaTest("Check the ObjectHeader", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType : 'sap.m.ObjectHeader',
viewNamespace: sViewNamespace,
viewName: sViewName,
success : function(aObjectHeaders){
var oObjectHeader = aObjectHeaders[0];
if (oObjectHeader.getResponsive()) {
assert.ok("The 'sap.m.ObjectHeader' property 'responsive' is set to true");
} else {
assert.notOk("The 'sap.m.ObjectHeader' property 'responsive' is not set to true");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not find the ObjectHeader");
opaTest("Search for Panels on the Object page", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType : 'sap.m.Panel',
viewNamespace: sViewNamespace,
viewName: sViewName,
success : function(aPanels){
if (aPanels.length >= 2) {
assert.ok("There are 3 or more 'sap.m.Panel' controls on the 'Object' view");
} else {
assert.notOk("Could not find 3 or more 'sap.m.Panel' controls on the 'Object' view");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not find any sap.m.Panel controls on the 'Object' view");
opaTest("Check the first panel", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType : 'sap.m.Panel',
viewNamespace: sViewNamespace,
viewName: sViewName,
success : function(aPanels){
var oPanel = aPanels[0];
if (oPanel.aCustomStyleClasses && oPanel.aCustomStyleClasses[0].search("sapUiResponsiveMargin") >= 0) {
assert.ok("The first panel has the class 'sapUiResponsiveMargin'");
} else {
assert.notOk("The first panel does not have the class 'sapUiResponsiveMargin'");
if (oPanel.getExpandable()) {
assert.ok("The first panel is not expandable on desktop devices");
} else {
assert.ok("The first panel is expandable on desktop devices");
controlType: 'sap.ui.layout.form.SimpleForm',
matchers: new Ancestor(oPanel),
success: function () {
assert.ok("There is a 'sap.m.SimpleForm' inside the first panel");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not find a 'sap.m.SimpleForm' inside the first panel");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not find any sap.m.Panel controls on the 'Object' view");
opaTest("Check the second panel", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType : 'sap.m.Panel',
viewNamespace: sViewNamespace,
viewName: sViewName,
success : function(aPanels){
var oPanel = aPanels[1];
if (oPanel.aCustomStyleClasses && oPanel.aCustomStyleClasses[0].search("sapUiResponsiveMargin") >= 0) {
assert.ok("The second panel has the class 'sapUiResponsiveMargin'");
} else {
assert.notOk("The second panel does not have the class 'sapUiResponsiveMargin'");
if (oPanel.getVisible()) {
assert.ok("The second panel is only visible on desktop devices");
} else {
assert.notOk("The second panel is not visible on desktop devices");
if (!oPanel.getExpandable()) {
assert.ok("The second panel is not expanded on phone devices");
} else {
assert.notOk("The second panel is expanded but should be closed on phone devices");
controlType: 'sap.m.List',
matchers: [
new AggregationFilled({name: "items"}),
new Ancestor(oPanel)
success: function (aLists) {
var oList = aLists[0],
assert.ok("There is a non-empty 'sap.m.List' inside the second panel");
aItems = oList.getItems().filter(function (oItem) {
return oItem.aCustomStyleClasses && oItem.aCustomStyleClasses[0].search("sapUiVisibleOnlyOnDesktop") >= 0;
if (aItems.length > 0) {
assert.ok("There is a list item with the class 'sapUiVisibleOnlyOnDesktop' in the list");
} else {
assert.notOk("There is no list item with the class 'sapUiVisibleOnlyOnDesktop' in the list");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not find a non-empty 'sap.m.List' inside the second panel");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not find any sap.m.Panel controls on the 'Object' view");
opaTest("Check the third panel", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType : 'sap.m.Panel',
viewNamespace: sViewNamespace,
viewName: sViewName,
success : function(aPanels){
var oPanel = aPanels[2];
if (aPanels.length === 2) {
assert.ok("The third panel is hidden on phone devices");
if (oPanel.aCustomStyleClasses && oPanel.aCustomStyleClasses[0].search("sapUiResponsiveMargin") >= 0) {
assert.ok("The third panel has the class 'sapUiResponsiveMargin'");
} else {
assert.notOk("The third panel does not have the class 'sapUiResponsiveMargin'");
if (oPanel.aCustomStyleClasses && oPanel.aCustomStyleClasses[0].search("sapUiHideOnPhone") >= 0) {
assert.ok("The third panel has the class 'sapUiHideOnPhone'");
} else {
assert.notOk("The third panel does not have the class 'sapUiHideOnPhone'");
controlType: 'sap.m.Image',
matchers: [
new Ancestor(oPanel)
success: function (aImages) {
var oImage = aImages[0];
assert.ok("There is an 'sap.m.Image' control the third panel");
if (oImage.getSrc().search("") >= 0) {
assert.ok("Image URL contains the 'staticmap' API");
} else {
assert.notOk("Image URL does not contain the 'staticmap' API");
if (oImage.getSrc().search("markers") >= 0) {
assert.ok("Image URL contains the 'markers' parameter");
} else {
assert.notOk("Image URL does not contain the 'markers' parameter");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not find a non-empty 'sap.m.List' inside the third panel");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not find any sap.m.Panel controls on the 'Object' view");
"w3u5" : function () {
var sViewNamespace = "opensap.manageproducts.view.",
sViewName = "Object";
opaTest("Find a nested view on the detail page", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
//controlType : 'sap.m.semantic.FullscreenPage',
id: 'page',
viewNamespace: sViewNamespace,
viewName: sViewName,
success : function(oPage){
controlType: 'sap.ui.core.mvc.View',
matchers: [
new Ancestor(oPage)
success : function(){
assert.ok("Found a nested view inside the page");
error : function (){
assert.notOk("Could not find a nested view inside the page");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not find the page");
opaTest("Find the fragment content in the object view", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
//controlType : 'sap.m.semantic.FullscreenPage',
id: 'page',
viewNamespace: sViewNamespace,
viewName: sViewName,
success : function(oPage){
controlType: "sap.m.Panel",
matchers : [
new Ancestor(oPage)
success : function(aPanels){
assert.ok("3 Panels, 2 (hopefully) from fragment found in the object view");
} else {
assert.notOk("There should be three panels in the object view. I have found " + aPanels.length);
error : function (){
assert.notOk("Could not find the panels from the fragment in the object view");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not find the page");
"w3u6" : function () {
opaTest("The Popover opens on click of the title of an ObjectIdentifier in the list", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
// click on header here
controlType: "sap.m.ColumnListItem",
success: function () {
//check if header is active:
controlType: "sap.m.ObjectIdentifier",
matchers: [
new PropertyStrictEquals({name : "titleActive", value : true})
success : function(aObjectIdentifiers){
var oIdentifier = aObjectIdentifiers[0];
oIdentifier.fireTitlePress({domRef: jQuery(oIdentifier.$().find('a')[0])});
assert.ok("Header is active and can be tapped");
// check if popup is open and contains data
searchOpenDialogs : true,
controlType : "sap.m.Text",
matchers: [
new sap.ui.test.matchers.Properties({
text: new RegExp("Weight", "i")
success: function() {
assert.ok("Found a text in the popover");
error : function() {
assert.notOk("Did not find the popover");
error: function(){
assert.notOk("Could not find any object identifiers in the list where I can click on");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Did not find any column list items");
opaTest("The Popover opens on click of the Product Identifier in the Object View", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
// click on header here
controlType: "sap.m.ObjectHeader",
matchers: [
new PropertyStrictEquals({name : "titleActive", value : true})
success : function(aObjectHeaders){
var oObjectHeader = aObjectHeaders[0];
oObjectHeader.fireTitlePress({domRef: jQuery(oObjectHeader.$().find('a')[0])});
assert.ok("Header is active and can be tapped");
// check if popup is open and contains data
searchOpenDialogs : true,
controlType : "sap.m.Text",
matchers: [
new sap.ui.test.matchers.Properties({
text: new RegExp("Weight", "i")
success: function() {
assert.ok("Found a text in the popover");
error : function() {
assert.notOk("Did not find the popover");
error: function(){
assert.notOk("Could not find any object header in this view with a title I can click on");
/*** week 4 tests ***/
"w4u1" : function () {
opaTest("Go to the add page", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
var sViewNamespace = "opensap.manageproducts.view.",
sViewName = "Worklist";
//controlType: "sap.m.Button",
viewNamespace: sViewNamespace,
viewName: sViewName,
id: "addButton",
actions: new Press(),
success: function () {
assert.ok("Pressed the add button");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("No button with the id 'addButton' was found.");
controlType: "sap.m.Page",
viewNamespace: sViewNamespace,
viewName: "Add",
success: function (aPages) {
var oPage = aPages[0];
assert.ok("Navigated to the add page");
if (oPage.getParent().getTitle() === "New Product" || oPage.getTitle() === "New Product" ) {
assert.ok("The add page has title 'New Product'");
} else {
assert.notOk("The add page does not have the title 'New Product'");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not navigate to the add page");
"w4u2" : function () {
var oProperties = {
Name: "Validator Test Product",
Category: "Notebooks",
SupplierID: "0100000000",
Price: "2342"
opaTest("Go to the add page", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
var sViewNamespace = "opensap.manageproducts.view.",
sViewName = "Worklist";
//controlType: "sap.m.Button",
viewNamespace: sViewNamespace,
viewName: sViewName,
id: "addButton",
actions: new Press(),
success: function () {
assert.ok("Pressed the add button");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("No button with the id 'addButton' was found.");
controlType: "sap.m.Page",
viewNamespace: sViewNamespace,
viewName: "Add",
success: function (aPages) {
var oPage = aPages[0];
assert.ok("Navigated to the add page");
if (oPage.getParent().getTitle() === "New Product" || oPage.getTitle() === "New Product" ) {
assert.ok("The add page has title 'New Product'");
} else {
assert.notOk("The add page does not have the title 'New Product'");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not navigate to the add page");
opaTest("Add a new product", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
var sViewNamespace = "opensap.manageproducts.view.",
sViewName = "Add";
//controlType: "sap.ui.comp.smartform.SmartForm",
id: 'form',
viewNamespace: sViewNamespace,
viewName: sViewName,
success: function (aSmartForms) {
var oSmartForm = aSmartForms[0];
assert.ok("Found a 'sap.ui.comp.smartform.SmartForm' on the 'add' page");
controlType: "sap.m.Input",
matchers: new Ancestor(oSmartForm),
success: function (aInputs) {
id: aInputs[0].getId(),
//controlType: "sap.m.Input",
matchers: new Ancestor(oSmartForm),
actions: new EnterText({
text: oProperties.Name
success: function () {
assert.ok("Entered '" + oProperties.Name + "' in the first input field");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not enter '" + oProperties.Name + "' in the first input field");
id: aInputs[1].getId(),
//controlType: "sap.m.Input",
matchers: new Ancestor(oSmartForm),
actions: new EnterText({
text: oProperties.Category
success: function () {
assert.ok("Entered '" + oProperties.Category + "' in the second input field");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not enter '" + oProperties.Category + "' in the second input field");
id: aInputs[2].getId(),
//controlType: "sap.m.Input",
matchers: new Ancestor(oSmartForm),
actions: new EnterText({
text: oProperties.SupplierID
success: function () {
assert.ok("Entered '" + oProperties.SupplierID + "' in the third input field");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not enter '" + oProperties.SupplierID + "' in the third input field");
id: aInputs[3].getId(),
//controlType: "sap.m.Input",
matchers: new Ancestor(oSmartForm),
actions: new EnterText({
text: oProperties.Price
success: function () {
assert.ok("Entered '" + oProperties.Price + "' in the fourth input field");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not enter '" + oProperties.Price + "' in the fourth input field");
id: "save-button",
viewNamespace: sViewNamespace,
viewName: sViewName,
actions: new Press(),
success: function () {
assert.ok("Pressed the 'save' button'");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not press the 'save' button'");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not find any 'sap.m.Input' controls inside the SmartForm");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not find a 'sap.ui.comp.smartform.SmartForm' on the 'add' page");
opaTest("Find the new product", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.m.ObjectAttribute",
matchers: new PropertyStrictEquals({name : "text", value : oProperties.Name}),
success: function () {
assert.ok("Found the new product '" + oProperties.Name + "'");
error: function () {
assert.ok("Could not find the new product '" + oProperties.Name + "'");
"w4u3" : function () {
var sViewNamespace = "opensap.manageproducts.view.",
sViewName = "Object";
opaTest("Find the delivery status", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.m.ObjectStatus",
success: function (aStatuses) {
var oStatus = aStatuses[0];
assert.ok("There is an ObjectStatus on the detail page");
if (oStatus.getText().search("deliver via") >= 0) {
assert.ok("The status contains the delivery information");
} else {
assert.notOk("The status does not contain the delivery information");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("There is no ObjectStatus on the detail page");
opaTest("Check the delivery formatter logic", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.ui.core.mvc.View",
matchers: function (oView) {
return oView.getViewName() === sViewNamespace + sViewName;
success: function (aViews) {
var oView = aViews[0],
fnFormatter = oView.getController(),
fnIsolatedFormatter = fnFormatter.bind(oView.getController());
if (fnFormatter) {
assert.ok("Found a formatter with the name 'delivery'");
assert.strictEqual(fnIsolatedFormatter("KG", 0.2), "deliver via mail", "A weight of 0.2kg will convert to the mail delivery method");
assert.strictEqual(fnIsolatedFormatter("G", 200), "deliver via mail", "A weight of 200g will convert to the mail delivery method");
assert.strictEqual(fnIsolatedFormatter("G", -11), "deliver via mail", "A weight of -11kg will convert to the mail delivery method");
assert.ok("Mail delivery formatter logic works fine");
assert.strictEqual(fnIsolatedFormatter("G", 500), "deliver via parcel", "A weight of 500g will convert to the parcel delivery method");
assert.strictEqual(fnIsolatedFormatter("KG", 3), "deliver via parcel", "A weight of 3kg will convert to the parcel delivery method");
assert.ok("Parcel delivery formatter logic works fine");
assert.strictEqual(fnIsolatedFormatter("KG", 23), "deliver via carrier", "A weight of 23kg will convert to the carrier delivery method");
assert.strictEqual(fnIsolatedFormatter("KG", 5), "deliver via carrier", "A weight of 5kg will convert to the carrier delivery method");
assert.strictEqual(fnIsolatedFormatter("foo", "bar"), "deliver via carrier", "Invalid values will convert to the carrier delivery method");
assert.ok("Carrier delivery formatter logic works fine");
} else {
assert.notOk("Did not find a formatter with the name 'delivery'");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not find the 'Object' view");
opaTest("Check the delivery formatter unit tests", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.ui.core.mvc.View",
viewNamespace: sViewNamespace,
viewName: sViewName,
success: function () {
// load dependencies"sap.ui.thirdparty.qunit");"sap.ui.qunit.qunit-junit");"sap.ui.thirdparty.sinon");"sap.ui.thirdparty.sinon-qunit");
sinon.config.injectIntoThis= true;
// create spies
sinon.test(function () {
var fnQUnitModuleSpy = this.spy(QUnit, "module");
var fnQUnitTestSpy = this.spy(QUnit, "test");
// load and run unit tests"test.unit", "./test/unit");
try {"opensap.manageproducts.test.unit.model.formatter");
// trigger assertions
if (fnQUnitModuleSpy.callCount >= 2) {
assert.ok("There are at least two QUnit modules defined");
} else {
assert.notOk("There is only one QUnit module defined");
var aDeliveryCalls = fnQUnitModuleSpy.getCalls().filter(function (oDeliveryCall) {
return oDeliveryCall.args[0].toLowerCase().search("delivery") >= 0;
if (aDeliveryCalls.length > 0) {
assert.ok("There is a 'delivery' QUnit module");
} else {
assert.notOk("There is no 'delivery' QUnit module");
if (fnQUnitTestSpy.callCount > 5) {
assert.ok("There are " + (fnQUnitTestSpy.callCount - 4) + " QUnit tests for the 'delivery' formatter");
} else {
assert.notOk("There are no QUnit tests for the 'delivery' formatter");
} catch (e) {
throw e;
} finally {"opensap/manageproducts/test/unit/model/formatter.js", false, true);
sinon.config.injectIntoThis= false;
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not find the 'Object' view");
"w4u4" : function () {
var sViewNamespace = "opensap.manageproducts.view.",
sViewName = "Add";
opaTest("Go to the add page", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
viewNamespace: sViewNamespace,
viewName: "Worklist",
id: "addButton",
actions: new Press(),
success: function () {
assert.ok("Pressed the add button");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("No button with the id 'addButton' was found.");
controlType: "sap.m.Page",
viewNamespace: sViewNamespace,
viewName: sViewName,
success: function (aPages) {
var oPage = aPages[0];
assert.ok("Navigated to the add page");
if (oPage.getParent().getTitle() === "New Product" || oPage.getTitle() === "New Product" ) {
assert.ok("The add page has title 'New Product'");
} else {
assert.notOk("The add page does not have the title 'New Product'");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not navigate to the 'Add' view");
// fake: due to the dynamic dependency of the opaTest method we cannot spy on it
opaTest("Check for new OPA tests", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.ui.core.mvc.View",
matchers: function (oView) {
return oView.getViewName() === sViewNamespace + "Add";
success: function () {
assert.ok("There are new OPA tests defined");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not find the 'Add' view");
"w4u5" : function () {
var sViewNamespace = "opensap.manageproducts.view.",
sViewName = "Object",
iNewValue = 3;
opaTest("Find the 'ProductRate' control in the app", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
viewNamespace: sViewNamespace,
viewName: sViewName,
controlType: "opensap.manageproducts.control.ProductRate",
success: function () {
assert.ok("There is a 'ProductRate' control displayed on the object view");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not find the 'opensap.manageproducts.control.ProductRate' control on the object view");
opaTest("Rate a new value", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
viewNamespace: sViewNamespace,
viewName: sViewName,
controlType: "opensap.manageproducts.control.ProductRate",
success: function (aProductRatings) {
var oProductRating = aProductRatings[0];
controlType: "sap.m.RatingIndicator",
matchers: new Ancestor(oProductRating),
success: function (aRatings) {
var oRating = aRatings[0];
iNewValue = (oRating.getValue() + 1) % oRating.getMaxValue();
// fake, did not want to adjust press action for ratings
oRating.fireLiveChange({ value: iNewValue });
oRating.fireChange({ value: iNewValue });
if (oProductRating.getValue() === iNewValue) {
assert.ok("When changing the value of the rating to '" + iNewValue + "' it is reflected in the 'ProductRate' control");
} else {
assert.notOk("When changing the value of the rating to '" + iNewValue + "' it is not reflected in the 'ProductRate' control");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not find a 'sap.m.Rating' control inside the 'ProductRate' control");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not find the 'opensap.manageproducts.control.ProductRate' control on the object view");
opaTest("Submit the rating", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
viewNamespace: sViewNamespace,
viewName: sViewName,
controlType: "opensap.manageproducts.control.ProductRate",
success: function (aProductRatings) {
var oProductRating = aProductRatings[0];
controlType: "sap.m.Button",
matchers: new Ancestor(oProductRating),
actions: new Press(),
success: function (aButtons) {
var oButton = aButtons[0];
assert.ok("The button has been pressed");
if (oButton.getEnabled() === false) {
assert.ok("The button is disabled after the new value has been submitted");
} else {
assert.notOk("The button is still enabled after the new value has been submitted");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not find or press a 'sap.m.Button' control inside the 'ProductRate' control");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not find the 'opensap.manageproducts.control.ProductRate' control on the object view");
opaTest("Find a MessageToast with the new rating value", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
check: function () {
return !!$(".sapMMessageToast").length;
success: function () {
assert.ok("MessageToast is displayed");
if ($(".sapMMessageToast").text().search(iNewValue) >= 0) {
assert.ok("The MessageToast contains the new rating value '" + iNewValue + "'");
} else {
assert.notOk("The MessageToast does not contain the new rating value '" + iNewValue + "'");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not find a MessageToast");
opaTest("Check the 'ProductRate' API", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
viewNamespace: sViewNamespace,
viewName: sViewName,
controlType: "opensap.manageproducts.control.ProductRate",
success: function (aProductRatings) {
var oProductRating = aProductRatings[0];
if (oProductRating.getValue) {
assert.ok("The 'ProductRate' control has a 'getValue' method");
} else {
assert.notOk("The 'ProductRate' control does not have a 'getValue' method");
if (oProductRating.getAggregation("_rating") instanceof sap.m.RatingIndicator) {
assert.ok("The 'ProductRate' control has a hidden '_rating' aggregation");
} else {
assert.notOk("The 'ProductRate' control does not have a hidden '_rating' aggregation");
if (oProductRating.getAggregation("_button") instanceof sap.m.Button) {
assert.ok("The 'ProductRate' control has a hidden '_button' aggregation");
} else {
assert.notOk("The 'ProductRate' control does not have a hidden '_button' aggregation");
if (oProductRating.fireValueSubmit) {
assert.ok("The 'ProductRate' control has a 'valueSubmit' event");
} else {
assert.notOk("The 'ProductRate' control does not have a 'valueSubmit' event");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not find the 'opensap.manageproducts.control.ProductRate' control on the object view");
/*** week 4 bonus ***/
"w4u7bonus" : function () {
var sBindingPath = "",
sProductName = "",
// if there was somehow a stub that is still active
if(sap.ui.model.odata.v2.ODataModel.prototype.remove.restore) {
opaTest("Delete the first product in the table", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
controlType: "sap.m.ColumnListItem",
success: function (aListItems) {
var oItem;
if (aListItems.length >= 1) {
oItem = aListItems[0];
assert.ok("Found the first item");
sBindingPath = oItem.getBindingContextPath();
sProductName = oItem.getBindingContext().getObject().Name;
controlType: "sap.m.Button",
matchers: new Ancestor(oItem),
success: function (aButtons) {
var oButton = aButtons[0];
if (oButton.getId().search("delete") >=0) {
assert.ok("The button has the id 'delete'");
} else {
assert.notOk("The button does not have the id 'delete'");
if (oButton.getIcon().search("delete") >=0) {
assert.ok("The button has a 'delete' icon");
} else {
assert.notOk("The button does not have a 'delete' icon");
oDeleteStub = sinon.stub(sap.ui.model.odata.v2.ODataModel.prototype, "remove", function (sPath) {"The application deleted the item with the path '" + sPath + "'.\n" +
"The item will not be removed from the List/Server but you did a good job in the exercise!\n" +
"We decided to skip the deletion of items by the validator.",{
duration: 10000,
at: "center top"
error: function () {
assert.notOk("No button was found inside the table item");
controlType: "sap.m.Button",
matchers: new Ancestor(oItem),
actions: new Press(),
success: function () {
assert.ok("Pressed the delete button");
error: function () {
if (oDeleteStub) {
assert.notOk("No button was found inside the table item");
} else {
assert.notOk("The table is empty");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not find any items in the table");
opaTest("Check if the product has been deleted", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
success: function () {
if (oDeleteStub.callCount === 0) {
assert.notOk("The function was not called");
if (oDeleteStub.callCount > 1) {
assert.notOk("The function was calle " + oDeleteStub.callCount + " times should only be called once!");
var aArgs = oDeleteStub.getCall(0).args;
if (sBindingPath !== aArgs[0]) {
assert.notOk("Removed the wrong binding path expected '" + sBindingPath + "' but got '" + aArgs[0] + "'");
if ($.isFunction(aArgs[1] && aArgs[1].success)) {
assert.ok("Product was deleted");
error: function () {
if (oDeleteStub) {
assert.notOk("The product with the binding path '" + sBindingPath + "' was not deleted");
opaTest("Find a MessageToast with the product id", function (Given, When, Then, assert) {
check: function () {
return !!$(".sapMMessageToast").length;
success: function () {
assert.ok("MessageToast is displayed");
if ($(".sapMMessageToast").text().search(sProductName) >= 0) {
assert.ok("The MessageToast contains the product name '" + sProductName + "'");
} else {
assert.notOk("The MessageToast does not contain the product name '" + sProductName + "'");
error: function () {
assert.notOk("Could not find a MessageToast");
/********* test cases end here *********/
// run the selected tests
if(oTests[sCookieKey]) {
} else if (sCookieKey) {
this.showResult("Error!", false);"Tests for key '" + sCookieKey + "' not found");
} else {
// attach the validator to the global init event of UI5
sap.ui.getCore().attachInit(function () {
new opensap.Validator().init();
Copy link

sodogan commented Apr 2, 2020

This script will check the course exercises and only needs to be set up once for each app project.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>openSAP - Developing Web Apps with SAPUI5</title>
<script id="sap-ui-bootstrap" src="...resources/sap-ui-core.js" ...>
<script src="
<body class="sapUiBody" id="content">

The validator script for this course is hosted on a public GitHub repository. Just add the script tag after
the SAPUI5 boostrap tag. It injects a button that can run tests against your application coding to verify
the functionality that you have added.

Copy link

sodogan commented Apr 2, 2020

OpenSap course is at (
Developing Webapps with SapUI5
Check the Week0 preparation week for setting up the Validation

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