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Created August 21, 2012 10:21
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WP2Chatter Kynetx
ruleset a1000x9 {
meta {
name 'WP2Chatter'
description <<
author "soe soe"
logging on
key wp2chatter {
'sf_consumer_key': '3MVG9y6x0357HlefOUZYRoC6WlirjXHuUcS_tZaaCqH8IlRtei16TZYG.ygxO9Vb76DH1E9Bt7xgC5qY.iVbm',
'sf_consumer_secret': '2985057897405945646',
'sf_redirect_uri': '',
'char_limit': 997
dispatch {
domain ""
domain ""
global {
// get acess token from url hash after use has authorized via Salesforce
rule get_access_token_ruleset {
select when pageview re#\#access_token=(.*)&refresh_token=(.*)&instance_url=(.*)&id=# setting(sf_access_token, sf_refresh_token, sf_instance_url)
pre {
url = event:param('url');
ok = url.match('access_token=([^&]+)');
emit <<
if(ok) alert('Authorization successful. You may close this window.');
else alert('Authorization unsuccessful. You may close this window.');
fired {
// save Salesforce auth info into persistent entities
set ent:sf_access_token uri:unescape(sf_access_token);
set ent:sf_refresh_token uri:unescape(sf_refresh_token);
set ent:sf_instance_url uri:unescape(sf_instance_url);
rule do_refresh_token_ruleset {
select when web do_refresh_token
pre {
appRID = meta:rid();
url = ''
+'&client_id='+ keys:wp2chatter('sf_consumer_key')
+'&refresh_token='+ ent:sf_refresh_token;
// now call the REST api
r = http:get(url);
emit <<
console.log('do refresh token');
if(r.status_code == 400) { // refresh token invalid
} else {
// refresh token ok
// update the persistent entities with new auth info
// todo - test
// now post_to_chatter
var app = KOBJ.get_application(appRID);
// remove auth info from the plugin
rule clear_access_token_ruleset {
select when click '#chatter-box-unauth-btn'
pre { }
emit <<
fired {
// clear Salesforce auth info from persistent entities
clear ent:sf_access_token;
clear ent:sf_refresh_token;
clear ent:sf_instance_url;
// post to Salesforce chatter
rule post_to_chatter_ruleset {
select when click '#chatter-box-post-btn' or web post_to_chatter
pre {
// get Salesforce auth info from Kynetx's persistence entities
sf_access_token = ent:sf_access_token;
sf_refresh_token = ent:sf_refresh_token;
sf_instance_url = ent:sf_instance_url;
// get from chatter-box textarea
text = 'testing from wp2chatter';
url = sf_instance_url + '/services/data/v23.0/chatter/feeds/news/me/feed-items';
emit <<
console.log('post to chatter');
// disable the post button
$K('#chatter-box-button').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
// do http post to Salesforce REST api
with params = {
'text': text
} and headers = {
'Authorization': 'OAuth #{sf_access_token}'
} and autoraise = 'post_to_chatter_response';
// handle response from post_to_chatter
rule post_to_chatter_response_ruleset {
select when http post label "post_to_chatter_response"
pre {
appRID = meta:rid();
content = event:param("content");
status_code = event:param("status_code");
emit <<
console.log('post to chatter response');
if(status_code == 201) {
// enable the post button
} else if(status_code == 401) {
if(content.indexOf('INVALID_SESSION_ID') > -1) {
// do refresh token
var app = KOBJ.get_application(appRID);
} else {
// ask for authorization
} else {
// ask for authorization
// insert chatter button in WordPress' sharedaddy widget area
rule insert_chatter_button_ruleset {
select when pageview '.*' setting ()
pre {
chatter_button = <<
<li class="share-twitter" style="min-width: 80px;">
<a rel="nofollow" class="sd-button share-icon share-chatter" href="#" title="Click to share on Chatter" id="sharing-chatter">
<span style="background-image: url('');">Chatter</span>
before('li.share-end', chatter_button);
// insert chatter box (chatter post form)
rule insert_chatter_box_ruleset {
select when pageview '.*' setting ()
pre {
appRID = meta:rid();
char_limit = keys:wp2chatter('char_limit');
authorization_url = ''
+'&client_id='+ keys:wp2chatter('sf_consumer_key')
+'&redirect_uri='+ keys:wp2chatter('sf_redirect_uri')
// chatter box html & css
chatter_box = <<
#chatter-box {
width: 360px;
height: 240px;
margin-top: -120px;
margin-left: -180px;
border-radius: 6px;
border: 5px solid rgb(204, 204, 204);
border: 5px solid rgba(204, 204, 204, .5);
-webkit-background-clip: padding-box; /* for Safari */
background-clip: padding-box; /* for IE9+, Firefox 4+, Opera, Chrome */
box-shadow: 3px 3px 9px #888;
position: fixed;
z-index: 999999;
padding: 10px;
background-color: #fff;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
display: none;
#chatter-box > h3 {
float: left;
font-size: 16px;
line-height: 170%:
#chatter-box > textarea {
width: 340px;
padding: 8px;
max-width: 340px;
font-size: 13px;
min-height: 90px;
max-height: 160px;
margin-top: 8px;
#chatter-box > button {
padding: 8px 16px;
font-size: 14px;
margin-right: 10px;
box-shadow: 1px 1px 3px #999;
cursor: hand; cursor: pointer;
#chatter-box-msges {
margin-top: 8px;
height: 54px;
overflow: hidden;
#chatter-box .msg {
width: 340px;
max-width: 340px;
padding: 6px;
font-size: 12px;
border-radius: 3px;
display: none;
background-color: #f6f6f6;
font-family: Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif;
#chatter-box-close-btn {
float: right;
height: 16px;
width: 16px;
border-radius: 50%;
font-size: 14px;
line-height: 14px;
text-align: center;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #eee;
text-decoration: none;
color: #777;
background-color: #f6f6f6;
font-family: Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif;
cursor: hand; cursor: pointer;
#chatter-box-counter {
float: right;
color: #777;
font-family: consolas, monospace;
font-size: 13px;
#chatter-box-auth-btn {
color: #06C432;
cursor: hand; cursor: pointer;
#chatter-box-unauth-btn {
position: absolute;
right: 8px;
bottom: 6px;
color: #D61E49;
cursor: hand; cursor: pointer;
<div id="chatter-box" style="">
<h3>Share on Chatter</h3>
<a href="#" id="chatter-box-close-btn">x</a>
<textarea id="chatter-box-text"></textarea>
<div id="chatter-box-counter"><span></span> of #{char_limit}</div>
<button id="chatter-box-post-btn">Share on Chatter</button><br />
<div id="chatter-box-msges">
<div id="chatter-box-msg-auth" class="msg" >
Please authorize WP2Chatter to access your Salesforce Chatter API. <a href="#" id="chatter-box-auth-btn">&gt;&gt; Authorize Now</a>
<div id="chatter-box-msg-authing" class="msg" >
Authorization in process... <a href="#" id="chatter-box-authed-btn">I have already authorized...</a>
<div id="chatter-box-msg-authed-maybe" class="msg" >
Authorization might have been successful. Please try posting to Chatter.
<div id="chatter-box-msg-authed-success" class="msg" >
Authorization is successful. You can post to your Chatter now.
<div id="chatter-box-msg-posting" class="msg" >
Posting to chatter...
<div id="chatter-box-msg-posted" class="msg" >
Your message is successfully posted to Chatter!
<div id="chatter-box-unauth-btn">&gt;&gt; unauthorize</div>
// now append the chatter box to the HTML body
append('body', chatter_box);
// post_to_chatter ruleset is called when the button is clicked
watch('#chatter-box-post-btn', 'click');
// clear the auth info, clear_access_token ruleset is called
watch('#chatter-box-unauth-btn', 'click');
emit <<
// Chatter share button is clicked
$K('a.share-chatter').on('click', function(e){
// get post title and link from meta tags
var post_title = $K('meta[property="og:title"]').attr('content');;
var post_link = $K('meta[property="og:url"]').attr('content');
$K('#chatter-box-text').val('"'+ post_title +'" '+ post_link);
$K('#chatter-box-counter > span').text($K('#chatter-box-text').val().length);
// show chatter_box
// character limit in chatter post form
$K('#chatter-box-text').on('keyup', function(e) {
var len = $K(this).val().length;
$K('#chatter-box-counter > span').text(len);
if(len >= char_limit && e.keyCode != 8) {
$K(this).val($K(this).val().substring(0, char_limit - 1));
$K('#chatter-box-counter > span').text(char_limit);
// close the chatter box
$K('#chatter-box-close-btn').on('click', function(e){
// hide chatter_box
// when user click on authorization link - show a popup to authorize
$K('#chatter-box-auth-btn').on('click', function(e){
// open popup window for authorization
var auth_window =, "WP2ChatterAuthWindow", "toolbar=no, location=yes, directories=no, status=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=no, menubar=no, resizable=no, width=560, height=420");
// show that autorization is being done
// disable the post button
$K('#chatter-box-post-btn').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
// when user manually says that he/she has authorized, enable the post button
$K('#chatter-box-authed-btn').on('click', function(e){
// remove all msg
// enable the post button
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