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Created January 18, 2021 12:57
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#lang at-exp racket
(require metapict metapict/crop)
;;; Rough Bounding Box
(define (curve->pts c)
(append* (for/list ([b (curve:-bezs c)])
(defm (bez p q r s) b)
(list r s))))
(define (curves->pts cs)
(append* (map curve->pts cs)))
; bounding box given by start and end points of the bezier curve
(define (rough-bbox cs)
(def pts (curves->pts cs))
(def xmin (apply min (map pt-x pts)))
(def xmax (apply max (map pt-x pts)))
(def ymin (apply min (map pt-y pts)))
(def ymax (apply max (map pt-y pts)))
(window xmin xmax ymin ymax))
;;; Chess Characters
(def white-king '♔)
(def white-queen '♕)
(def white-rook '♖)
(def white-bishop '♗)
(def white-knight '♘)
(def white-pawn '♙)
(def black-king '♚)
(def black-queen '♛)
(def black-rook '♜)
(def black-bishop '♝)
(def black-knight '♞)
(def black-pawn '♟)
(def white-symbols
(list white-king white-queen white-rook white-bishop white-knight white-pawn))
(def black-symbols
(list black-king black-queen black-rook black-bishop black-knight black-pawn))
(def all-chess-symbols (append white-symbols black-symbols))
(define (white-symbol? c) (member c white-symbols))
(define (black-symbol? c) (member c black-symbols))
(define (symbol->char s) (string-ref (~a s) 0))
(define (char->symbol s) (string->symbol (~a s)))
(define (white-character? c) (white-symbol? (char->symbol c)))
(define (black-character? c) (black-symbol? (char->symbol c)))
(define (to-black-char c)
(def s (char->symbol c))
[(eqv? s white-king) black-king]
[(eqv? s white-queen) black-queen]
[(eqv? s white-rook) black-rook]
[(eqv? s white-bishop) black-bishop]
[(eqv? s white-knight) black-knight]
[(eqv? s white-pawn) black-pawn]
[else s])))
(define (to-white-char c)
(def s (char->symbol c))
[(eqv? s black-king) white-king]
[(eqv? s black-queen) white-queen]
[(eqv? s black-rook) white-rook]
[(eqv? s black-bishop) white-bishop]
[(eqv? s black-knight) white-knight]
[(eqv? s black-pawn) white-pawn]
[else s])))
;;; Forsyth–Edwards Notation
(define (fen->game fen)
; find the 6 fields, pass the board placements to fen->board
(match (string-split fen)
[(list placements active-color castling en-passant-target-square
halfmove-clock fullmove-number)
(fen->board placements)]
[(list* placements more)
(fen->board placements)]
[_ (error 'fen->game
"expected string with 6 space separated fields in FEN-notation")]))
(define (fen-char->unicode-symbol c)
(case c
[(#\k) black-king]
[(#\q) black-queen]
[(#\r) black-rook]
[(#\b) black-bishop]
[(#\n) black-knight]
[(#\p) black-pawn]
[(#\K) white-king]
[(#\Q) white-queen]
[(#\R) white-rook]
[(#\B) white-bishop]
[(#\N) white-knight]
[(#\P) white-pawn]
[(#\space) '| |]
[else (string->symbol " ")]))
(define (fen->board placements)
; split the placements into rows, expand digits into blanks
; return list of row (8th row is first) represented as strings
(define (digit->blanks d)
(make-string (- (char->integer d) (char->integer #\0)) #\space))
(define rows (string-split placements "/"))
(for/list ([row rows])
(apply string-append
(for/list ([c row])
(case c
[(#\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8)
(digit->blanks c)]
(symbol->string (fen-char->unicode-symbol c))])))))
; (fen->board "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR")
(define dark-color (make-color* #xAE #x89 #x68))
(define light-color (make-color* #xEC #xD9 #xB9))
(define (board->pict rows
#:light-color [light-color light-color]
#:dark-color [dark-color dark-color]
#:white-outline [white-outline "black"]
#:white-fill [white-fill "white"]
#:black-outline [black-outline "white"]
#:black-fill [black-fill "black"])
(defm (list width height) (get-field-device-size))
(for/draw ([row rows] [j (in-naturals)])
(for/draw ([c row] [i (in-naturals)])
(def field-color (if (even? (+ i j)) light-color dark-color))
(def outline-color (if (white-character? c) white-outline black-outline))
(def fill-color (if (white-character? c) white-fill black-fill))
(draw (brushcolor field-color (fill (shifted i j unitsquare)))
(and (not (equal? c #\space))
(label-cnt (char->pict (to-white-char c)
outline-color fill-color width height)
(pt (+ i 0.5) (+ j 0.5))))))))
(define (chessboard m n)
(for*/draw ([i m] [j n])
(and (even? (+ i j))
(brushcolor "red" (fill (shifted i j unitsquare))))))
(define (center-pict p w h)
(def pw (pict-width p))
(def ph (pict-height p))
(def padx (* 0.5 (- w pw)))
(def pady (* 0.5 (- h ph)))
(blank padx 0)
(above (blank 0 pady) p (blank 0 pady))
(blank padx 0)))
(define (crop-text p)
; remove space above and below actual text
(def w (pict-width p))
(def h (pict-height p))
(def a (pict-ascent p))
(def d (pict-descent p))
(parameterize ([curve-pict-width w]
[curve-pict-height h])
(with-window (window 0 w 0 h)
(crop p w (- a d) 0 d))))
(define (post-scale p h)
(scale (/ h (pict-height p)) p))
(define (piece c size text-color)
(font-size size (text (~a c) #:text-color text-color)))
(define (transfer from-p to-p)
; use ascent and descent fom from-p on the to-p pict
(defm (pict draw width height ascent descent children panbox last) to-p)
(pict draw width height (pict-ascent from-p) (pict-descent from-p) children panbox last))
(define (piecemask c p size iw ih ix iy)
(defm (list dx dy) (pict-dims p))
; (displayln (list 'piecemask dx dy))
(parameterize ([curve-pict-width dx]
[curve-pict-height dy])
(with-window (window 0 dx 0 dy)
(defv (outline bbox) (text-outline (make-similar-font the-font #:size size)
(~a c) #:return-bounding-box? #t))
(def bb (rough-bbox outline))
(defm (window xmin xmax ymin ymax) bb)
; (displayln bbox) (displayln bb) ; shows that the ymin ymax values are identical
(def α 0.98)
(def β (/ (- 1 α) 2))
(def shift ((shifted 0 (+ (- (- dy (+ iy ih)) (* -1 β ih))))
(scaled (* α (/ ih (- ymax ymin))))
(shifted 0 (- ymin))))
(def out (map shift outline))
(def pm
#;(color "green" (draw (shifted 0 (- dy (+ iy ih))
(curve (pt ix 0) -rectangle (pt (+ ix iw) ih)))))
(map fill out)
#;(color "yellow" (draw (curve (pt ix 0) -- (pt ix dy))))))
(transfer p pm))))
(def example
@~a{R N B Q K B N R
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
p p p p p p p p
r n b q k b n r})
(set-curve-pict-size 600 600)
(define (get-field-device-size)
(defm (vec dx dy) (pt- ((current-curve-transformation) (pt 1 1))
((current-curve-transformation) (pt 0 0))))
(list (abs dx) (abs dy)))
;; (with-window (window -1 9 -1 9)a
;; (def field-size (get-field-device-size))
;; (def h (second field-size))
;; (def r1 (label-cnt (piece black-rook h) (pt 0.5 0.5)))
;; (def k1 (label-cnt (piece black-king h) (pt 1.5 0.5)))
;; (def k2 (label-cnt (piece white-king h) (pt 2.5 0.5)))
;; (def p1 (label-cnt (piece black-pawn h) (pt 3.5 0.5)))
;; (draw (chessboard 8 8)
;; k1 k2 p1
;; #;(label-bbox l))
;; )
(def the-font (make-similar-font (new-font) #:face "Arial Unicode MS" #:size 50))
(current-font the-font)
(define (deep t x)
(define (d x) (deep t x))
(if (list? x)
(map d x)
(t x)))
;; (with-window (window -1 9 -1 9)
;; (def field-size (get-field-device-size))
;; (def h (second field-size))
;; (def r1 (label-cnt (piece black-rook h) (pt 0.5 0.5)))
;; (def k1 (label-cnt (piece black-king h) (pt 1.5 0.5)))
;; (def k2 (label-cnt (piece white-king h) (pt 2.5 0.5)))
;; (def p1 (label-cnt (piece black-pawn h) (pt 3.5 0.5)))
;; (draw (chessboard 8 8)
;; k1 k2 p1
;; #;(label-bbox l))
;; )
(define (pict-info p)
(list (list 'width (pict-width p))
(list 'height (pict-height p))
(list 'ascent (pict-ascent p))
(list 'descent (pict-descent p))))
(define (pict-dims p)
(list (pict-width p) (pict-height p)))
(require metapict/path-operations)
(define (debug-pict p)
(displayln (pict-info p))
(def w (pict-width p))
(def h (pict-height p))
(def a (pict-ascent p))
(def d (pict-descent p))
(displayln (list 'w w 'h h 'a a 'd d))
(parameterize ([curve-pict-width w]
[curve-pict-height h])
(with-window (window 0 w 0 h)
(draw (curve (pt 0 0) -rectangle (pt w h))
(color "blue" (draw (curve (pt 0 d) -- (pt w d))))
(color "red" (draw (curve (pt 0 a) -- (pt w a))))
; (pict-info (text "♖" the-font))
; (scale 16 (debug-pict (text "♖" the-font)))
(require "chess-glyph-info.rkt")
(define desc (create_font_desc "Arial Unicode MS" 12 #f #f 0))
; (chess-metrics desc "♖")
;; (define (annotate-pict str)
;; ;; 1. Find font with chess symbols
;; (define face "Arial Unicode MS")
;; (define the-size 50)
;; (define my-font (make-similar-font the-font #:face face #:size the-size))
;; ;; 2. Make a `text` pict with the symbol (will end as the top layer of the image)
;; (define p (text str my-font))
;; ;; 3. Extract information on the text pict
;; (displayln (pict-info p))
;; (def w (pict-width p))
;; (def h (pict-height p))
;; (def a (pict-ascent p))
;; (def d (pict-descent p))
;; (displayln (list 'w w 'h h 'a a 'd d))
;; ;; 4. Get information on the glyph - especially the inked aread
;; (define m (chess-metrics (create_font_desc face the-size #f #f 0) str))
;; (define-values (bl iw ih ix iy lw lh lx ly)
;; (match m
;; [(list (list 'baseline bl)
;; (list 'ink (list (list 'w iw) (list 'h ih) (list 'x ix) (list 'y iy)
;; (list 'y+h iy+h)))
;; (list 'logical (list (list 'w lw) (list 'h lh) (list 'x lx) (list 'y ly)
;; (list 'y+h ly+h))))
;; (values bl iw ih ix iy lw lh lx ly)]))
;; ; Note: the baseline and y-values here are oriented the opposite way of MetaPict coordinates,
;; ; so use (- h bl) (- h iy) (- h ly) etc.
;; (displayln (list 'ix ix))
;; (parameterize ([curve-pict-width w]
;; [curve-pict-height h])
;; ; (defv (outline bbox) (text-outline my-font str #:return-bounding-box? #t))
;; ; (def bb (rough-bbox outline))
;; ; (displayln bbox)
;; ; (displayln bb)
;; ; (defm (window xmin xmax ymin ymax) bb)
;; ; (def shift (shifted 0 (- h (+ iy ih)) (scaled (/ ih (- ymax ymin)) (shifted 0 (- ymin)))))
;; ; (displayln outline)
;; ;; 5. Transfer ascent and descent from p to the mask
;; (def pm (transfer p (color "red" (piecemask str p h iw ih ix iy))))
;; (with-window (window 0 w 0 h)
;; (draw (curve (pt 0 0) -rectangle (pt w h))
;; ; (color "blue" (draw (curve (pt 0 d) -- (pt w d))))
;; ; (color "red" (draw (curve (pt 0 a) -- (pt w a))))
;; ; (color "green" (draw (curve (pt 0 (- h bl)) -- (pt w (- h bl)))))
;; (color "blue" (draw (curve (pt 0 (- h iy))
;; -- (pt 0 (- h (+ iy ih)))
;; -- (pt w (- h (+ iy ih)))
;; -- (pt w (- h iy))
;; -- cycle)))
;; ; (color "yellow" (draw (map shift outline)))
;; pm
;; p))))
; (scale 4 (annotate-pict "♖"))
; (annotate-pict "♖" p)
(define (piece/mask c size outline-col fill-col)
(def p (piece c size outline-col))
(def ph (pict-height p))
(define m (chess-metrics (create_font_desc "Arial Unicode MS" size #f #f 0) (~a c)))
(match m
[(list (list 'baseline bl)
(list 'ink (list (list 'w iw) (list 'h ih) (list 'x ix) (list 'y iy)
(list 'y+h iy+h)))
(list 'logical (list (list 'w lw) (list 'h lh) (list 'x lx) (list 'y ly)
(list 'y+h ly+h))))
(def pm (transfer p (color fill-col (piecemask c p (pict-height p) iw ih ix iy))))
(draw pm p)]))
(define (char->pict c outline-color fill-color
field-width field-height
[font-description-string "Arial Unicode MS"])
(set! c (if (string? c) (string-ref c 0) c))
(def w field-width)
(def h field-height)
(def p (piece c field-height outline-color))
(def font-desc (create_font_desc font-description-string field-height #f #f 0))
(define m (chess-metrics font-desc (string c)))
(match m
[(list (list 'baseline bl)
(list 'ink (list (list 'w iw) (list 'h ih) (list 'x ix) (list 'y iy)
(list 'y+h iy+h)))
(list 'logical (list (list 'w lw) (list 'h lh) (list 'x lx) (list 'y ly)
(list 'y+h ly+h))))
(def pc (center-pict (crop/inked p) w h))
(def pm (transfer p (color fill-color (piecemask c p (pict-height p) iw ih ix iy))))
(def pmc (center-pict (crop/inked pm) w h))
(draw pmc pc)]))
;; (with-window (window -1 9 -1 9)
;; (def field-size (get-field-device-size))
;; (defm (list dx dy) field-size)
;; (def c white-rook)
;; (def p (piece c dy "black"))
;; (define m (chess-metrics (create_font_desc "Arial Unicode MS" dy #f #f 0) "♖"))
;; (match m
;; [(list (list 'baseline bl)
;; (list 'ink (list (list 'w iw) (list 'h ih) (list 'x ix) (list 'y iy)
;; (list 'y+h iy+h)))
;; (list 'logical (list (list 'w lw) (list 'h lh) (list 'x lx) (list 'y ly)
;; (list 'y+h ly+h))))
;; (displayln (list 'baseline bl))
;; (def pc (center-pict (crop/inked p) dx dy))
;; (def pm (transfer p (color "red" (piecemask c p (pict-height p) iw ih ix iy))))
;; (def pmc (center-pict (crop/inked pm) dx dy))
;; (displayln (pict-info p))
;; (displayln (pict-info pm))
;; (displayln (pict-info (center-pict p dx dy)))
;; (displayln (pict-info (center-pict pm dx dy)))
;; (scale 4 (draw pmc pc))]))
(for/list ([c all-chess-symbols])
(char->pict (~a c) "white" "blue" 100 100))
;; (char->pict "♖" "black" "blue" 100 100)
(set-curve-pict-size 600 600)
(with-window (window -1 9 -1 9)
(def field-size (get-field-device-size))
(fen->board "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR")))
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