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Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
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#lang nanopass
(require (prefix-in racket: mzlib/match) ; to get the short match syntax
(for-syntax nanopass/base))
;;; Core Scheme to JavaScript
;; This compiler compiles a program in CoreScheme (CS)
;; via the Admistrative Normal Form of CoreScheme (ACS)
;; into JavaScript.
;; The compiler uses the Racket version of the Nanopass
;; framework for writing compilers with many small passes.
;;; CoreScheme (CS)
;; The terms M and values V of CoreScheme are given by:
;; M ::= V ; V in Values
;; | (let (x M1) M2)
;; | (if0 M1 M2 M3)
;; | (M M1 ...)
;; | (O M1 ...) ; O in PrimitiveOperations
;; V ::= c ; c in Constants
;; | x ; x in Variables
;; | (λ (x1 ...) M)
;; Note: In (λ (x1 ...) M) the xi are mutually distinct
;; and are bound in M.
;; In (let (x M1) M2) the x is bound in M2.
;;; Terminals: Primitives, Constants, and, Variables
;; The representation of terminals are determined here.
;; In this simple compiler symbols are used to represent
;; identifiers (a better representation would use syntax
;; objects).
(define primitives '(+ - * /))
(define (Primitive? v)
(and (memq v primitives) #t))
(define (Constant? v)
(or (number? v)
(boolean? v)))
(define (Variable? v)
(and (symbol? v)
(not (Primitive? v))))
;;; CoreScheme CS
;; Now we are ready to define the language.
(define-language LCS
(entry Term) ; a full program is a term
(Variable (x))
(Primitive (O))
(Constant (c)))
; Non-terminals : Value and Term
(Value (V)
c ; constant
x ; variable reference
(λ (x1 ...) M)) ; abstraction
(Term (M)
V ; return
(let (x M1) M2) ; bind
(if0 M1 M2 M3) ; branch
(O M1 ...) ; application of primitive operation
(call M M1 ...) => ; application
(M M1 ...))) ; (unparse applications without the call prefix)
;; The (define-language LCS ...) automatically defines
;; a number of structures representing a program in LCS.
;;; PARSE (convert S-expression into nanopass structures)
;; In order to get a value representing an LCS program,
;; we need to convert a program represented as an S-expression
;; into the Nanopass structures.
;; parse is written as a pass from e with type * (i.e. anything) into an LCS-struct.
(define-pass parse : * (S-exp) -> LCS ()
(define (Term* Ms) (map Term Ms)))
; Term : s-expression -> LCS:Term-struct
(Value : * (V) -> Value ()
(with-output-language (LCS Value)
;(displayln (list 'parse-Value V))
(racket:match V
[(? Constant? c) `,c]
[(? Variable? x) `,x]
[('λ (x1 ...) M) `(λ (,x1 ...) ,(Term M))]
[_ (error 'parse-Value "got: ~a" V)])))
(Term : * (M) -> Term ()
(with-output-language (LCS Term) ; rebinds quasiquote to construct Lsrc records
;(displayln (list 'parse-Term M))
(racket:match M ; (match is bound to a special nanopass pattern matcher)
[(? Constant? V) `,(Value V)]
[(? Variable? V) `,(Value V)]
[('λ (x1 ...) M1) `,(Value M)]
[('let (x M1) M2) `(let (,x ,(Term M1)) ,(Term M2))]
[('if0 M1 M2 M3) `(if0 ,(Term M1) ,(Term M2) ,(Term M3))]
[((? Primitive? O) M1 ...) `(,O ,(Term* M1) ...)]
[(M M1 ...) `(call ,(Term M) ,(Term* M1) ...)]
[_ (error 'parse-Term "got: ~a" M)])))
; start parsing
(Term S-exp))
;; The (define-language LCS ...) defines an unparser unpase-LCS
;; from LCS structures to S-expression, which we can use to
;; test our parser.
(module+ test (require rackunit)
(check-equal? (unparse-LCS (parse '3)) '3)
(check-equal? (unparse-LCS (parse '(if0 1 2 3))) '(if0 1 2 3))
(check-equal? (unparse-LCS (parse '(+ 1 2))) '(+ 1 2))
(check-equal? (unparse-LCS (parse '(+ 1 2 3))) '(+ 1 2 3))
(check-equal? (unparse-LCS (parse '(let (x 1) x))) '(let (x 1) x))
(check-equal? (unparse-LCS (parse '((λ (x y) (+ x y) 1 2)))) '((λ (x y) (+ x y) 1 2))))
;;; Examples
(parse '((λ (x) x) 4))
(let ([M (parse '((λ (x) x) 4))])
(nanopass-case (LCS Term) M
[(call ,M ,M1 ...) (list 'call M M1)]
[else 'huh]))
(parse '(let (y 5) 6))
;; Uncomment this last example to see the error
#;(let ([M (parse '(let (y 5) 6))])
(nanopass-case (LCS Term) M
[(let (,x ,M) ,M1 ...) (list M M1)]
[else 'huh]))
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