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Created July 6, 2020 14:58
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Test gamma function using Maxima
#lang at-exp racket
(require racket/tcp racket/string)
;;; Maxima
;; This module starts an external Maxima process.
;; The function send will send a command to Maxima.
;; The function receive will get the output from Maxima as a list of strings.
;; The various send-* and receive-* functions sends and receives to and from Maxima.
;; The various read-* and display-* functions reads and displays to Racket (DrRacket).
;;; Configuration: Change maxima paths here.
(define PORT 8089)
(define MAXIMA-PATH "/usr/local/bin/maxima")
;;; Parameters
(define out (make-parameter #f)) ; output port for sending
(define in (make-parameter #f)) ; input port for receiving
(define err (make-parameter #f)) ; error port of maxima
;;; Sending
(define (send str)
(sync (out))
(display str (out))
(flush-output (out)))
(define (send-command str)
(send str))
;;; Receiving
(define (receive-line)
(read-line (in)))
(define (receive-error)
(read-line (err)))
(define (receive-welcome-message)
; Due to the flag --very-quiet the welcome is
; a single line containing the pid.
(list (receive-line)))
(define (maybe-receive-line)
(if (sync/timeout 0 (in))
(define (receive)
(let ([first-line (receive-line)])
(let loop ([lines (list first-line)])
(let ([line (maybe-receive-line)])
(if line
(loop (cons line lines))
(reverse lines))))))
(define (receive-whitespace)
(let ([c (read-char (in))])
(when (not (char-whitespace? c))
(error 'read-whitespace "expected to receive whitespace " c))))
;;; String utilities
(define (string-ref-last str)
(if (string=? "" str)
(string-ref str (sub1 (string-length str)))))
;;; List utilies
(define (remove-last xs)
(if (empty? xs) xs (drop-right xs 1)))
;;; Displaying
(define (display-line datum)
(display datum)
(define (display-prompt prompt)
(display prompt)
(display " "))
(define (display-output lines)
(unless (empty? lines)
;;; Reading
(define (read-command)
(let loop ([lines '()])
(let ([line (read-line)])
(if (memv (string-ref-last line) '(#\$ #\;))
(string-append* (reverse (cons line lines)))
(loop (cons line lines))))))
;;; REPL
(define (writeln x) (write x) (newline))
(define (read-send-receive-loop)
(display-prompt ">")
(define cmd (read-command))
(send-command cmd)
(define out (receive))
(display-output out)
;;; Start Maxima and REPL
(define (start)
(let ([listener (tcp-listen PORT 3 #t)])
([(list pin pout pid perr status)
(process* MAXIMA-PATH "--very-quiet" "-s" (format "~a" PORT))])
(let-values ([(lin lout) (tcp-accept listener)])
(parameterize ([in lin] [out lout])
(displayln (receive-welcome-message))
(display "Enter a Maxima command. Terminate a command with either ; or $ .\n")
; (start)
;;; Testing
(define (maxima-format z)
; Maxima expects complex numbers of the form a+b%i
(if (real? z)
(~a (* 1.0 z))
(~a (* 1.0 (real-part z)) " + " (* 1.0 (imag-part z)) "*%i")))
(define (maxima-read-number s)
; read real or complex number from string
(define fragments
(for/list ([x (in-port read (open-input-string (string-append* s)))])
(match fragments
[(list x) x ]
[(list y '%i) (* y +1.0i) ]
[(list x '- y '%i) (- x (* y +1.0i))]
[(list x '+ y '%i) (+ x (* y +1.0i))]
[(list y '%i '+ x) (+ x (* y +1.0i))]
[(list y '%i '- x) (+ (- x) (* y +1.0i))]
[(list (list '- y '%i) '- x) (- (- x) (* y +1.0i))]
[_ (if (ormap (λ (s) (or (string-contains? s "FLOATING-POINT-OVERFLOW")
(string-contains? s "overflow")
(string-contains? s "error")))
(map ~a fragments))
(error 'maxima-read-number (~a "missed a case, got: " fragments)))]))
(define (start-maxima)
(define listener (tcp-listen PORT 3 #t))
(match-define (list pin pout pid perr status)
(process* MAXIMA-PATH "--very-quiet" "-s" (format "~a" PORT)))
(define-values (lin lout) (tcp-accept listener))
(in lin)
(out lout)
(define (maxima-gamma z)
(define Z (maxima-format z))
(send-command (~a "gamma(" Z ");"))
(sleep .001) ; a small pause is needed
(maxima-read-number (receive)))
(for/list ([z '(-102.07898570979688-35.51381113633343i
-99.20308092474957+161.601565222518i ; maxima overflow
-160.5756686534125-146.34588259270964i ; maxima overflow
(maxima-gamma z))
;;; Compare Maxima and Wolfram results
;; (define wolfram-gamma-ht
;; (with-input-from-file "gamma.rktd"
;; (λ ()
;; (read))))
;; (define results
;; (for/list ([(z expected) (in-hash wolfram-gamma-ht)])
;; (displayln z)
;; (list z (maxima-gamma z) (string->number expected))))
;; (define sorted-results
;; ; sort results, biggest different first
;; (sort results
;; (λ (r1 r2)
;; (match (list r1 r2)
;; [(list (list z1 m1 w1) (list z2 m2 w2))
;; (cond
;; [(eqv? m1 +nan.0) #t]
;; [(eqv? m2 +nan.0) #f]
;; [else (> (magnitude (- m1 w1))
;; (magnitude (- m2 w2)))])]))))
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