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Created December 6, 2009 19:36
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-- Haskell GMail Count
-- soeren
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import Network.Curl
import qualified Text.Feed.Import as F
import qualified Text.Feed.Types as T
import qualified Text.XML.Light as X
-- Config file with username:password in home directory
conf = ".hgmc.conf"
-- Google Apps: set your domain
url = ""
-- GMail
--url = ""
newMsgs (T.XMLFeed e) = case count of
Nothing -> error "no message counter found"
Just e' -> if null c
then error "no fullcount content"
else X.showContent $ head c
c = X.elContent e'
count = X.findElement fullcount e
fullcount = X.QName "fullcount" (Just "") Nothing
newMsgs _ = error "wrong feed type"
main = withCurlDo $ do {
home <- getHomeDirectory;
userpw <- readFile $ combine home conf;
(c, b) <- curlGetString url [CurlUserPwd userpw];
if c /= CurlOK then
do error ("http error: " ++ show c)
do case F.parseFeedString b of
Nothing -> error "unable to parse feed"
Just b' -> putStrLn $ newMsgs b'
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