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Created August 29, 2022 09:34
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RISC-V specification in Lean
This set of extensions is guided by the RISC-V profiles draft spec. We deviate by
ignoring `N` as it was never ratified and include `Zihintntl` because it should
really be included. Additionally Zmmul is just a nice touch. Insert additional
divergence here.
inductive Extensions
/- FIXME: profile spec doesn't include these in its glossary. -/
| Zihintntl | Zmmul
/- The following unprivileged ISA extensions are defined in Volume I of the[RISC-V Instruction Set Manual]. -/
/- M Extension for Integer Multiplication and Division -/
| M
/- A Extension for Atomic Memory Operations -/
| A
/- F Extension for Single-Precision Floating-Point
- D Extension for Double-Precision Floating-Point
- Q Extension for Quad-Precision Floating-Point -/
| F | D | Q
/- C Extension for Compressed Instructions -/
| C
/- Zifencei Instruction-Fetch Synchronization Extension -/
| Zifencei
/- Zicsr Extension for Control and Status Register Access -/
| Zicsr
/- Zicntr Extension for Basic Performance Counters
- Zihpm Extension for Hardware Performance Counters -/
| Zicntr | Zihpm
/- Zihintpause Pause Hint Extension -/
| Zihintpause
/- Zfh Extension for Half-Precision Floating-Point
- Zfhmin Minimal Extension for Half-Precision Floating-Point
| Zfh | Zfhmin
/- Zfinx Extension for Single-Precision Floating-Point in x-registers
- Zdinx Extension for Double-Precision Floating-Point in x-registers
- Zhinx Extension for Half-Precision Floating-Point in x-registers
- Zhinxmin Minimal Extension for Half-Precision Floating-Point in x-registers
| Zfinx | Zdinx | Zhinx | Zhinxmin
The following privileged ISA extensions are defined in Volume II of the[RISC-V Instruction Set Manual]. -/
/- Sv32 Page-based Virtual Memory Extension, 32-bit
- Sv39 Page-based Virtual Memory Extension, 39-bit
- Sv48 Page-based Virtual Memory Extension, 48-bit
- Sv57 Page-based Virtual Memory Extension, 57-bit -/
| Sv32 | Sv39 | Sv48 | Sv57
/- Svpbmt, Page-Based Memory Types
- Svnapot, NAPOT Translation Contiguity
- Svinval, Fine-Grained Address-Translation Cache Invalidation -/
| Svpbmt | Svnapot | Svinval
/- Hypervisor Extension -/
| H
/- Sm1p11, Machine Architecture v1.11
- Sm1p12, Machine Architecture v1.12 -/
| Sm1p11 | Sm1p12
/- Ss1p11, Supervisor Architecture v1.11
- Ss1p12, Supervisor Architecture v1.12 -/
| Ss1p11 | Ss1p12
/- The following extensions have not yet been incorporated into the RISC-V
Instruction Set Manual.[Bitmanipulation Extension][Scalar Cryptography Extension][Vector Extension][Cache Management Operations][Supervisor-mode Timer Interrupts][Count Overflow and Mode-Based Filtering][State-enable]
/- Zba Address Computation Extension
- Zbb Bit Manipulation Extension
- Zbc Carryless Multiplication Extension
- Zbs Single-Bit Manipulation Extension -/
| Zba | Zbb | Zbc | Zbs
/- Zbkb Extension for Bit Manipulation for Cryptography
- Zbkc Extension for Carryless Multiplication for Cryptography
- Zbkx Crossbar Permutation Extension -/
| Zbkb | Zbkc | Zbkx
/- Zk Standard Scalar Cryptography Extension -/
| Zk
/- Zkn NIST Cryptography Extension
- Zknd AES Decryption Extension
- Zkne AES Encryption Extension
- Zknh SHA2 Hashing Extension -/
| Zkn | Zknd | Zkne | Zknh
/- Zkr Entropy Source Extension -/
| Zkr
/- Zks ShangMi Cryptography Extension
- Zksed SM4 Block Cypher Extension
- Zksh SM3 Hashing Extension -/
| Zks | Zksed | Zksh
/- Zkt Extension for Data-Independent Execution Latency -/
| Zkt
/- V Extension for Vector Computation -/
| V
/- Zve32x Extension for Embedded Vector Computation (32-bit integer)
- Zve32f Extension for Embedded Vector Computation (32-bit integer, 32-bit FP)
- Zve32d Extension for Embedded Vector Computation (32-bit integer, 64-bit FP)
- Zve64x Extension for Embedded Vector Computation (64-bit integer)
- Zve64f Extension for Embedded Vector Computation (64-bit integer, 32-bit FP)
- Zve64d Extension for Embedded Vector Computation (64-bit integer, 64-bit FP) -/
| Zve32x | Zve32f | Zve32d | Zve64x | Zve64f | Zve64d
/- Zicbom Extension for Cache-Block Management
- Zicbop Extension for Cache-Block Prefetching
- Zicboz Extension for Cache-Block Zeroin -/
| Zicbom | Zicbop | Zicboz
/- Sstc Extension for Supervisor-mode Timer Interrupts
- Sscofpmf Extension for Count Overflow and Mode-Based Filtering
- Smstateen Extension for State-enable -/
| Sstc | Sscofpmf | Smstateen
deriving BEq
structure Profile where
xlen : Nat
(mandatory optional uoptional incompatible : Array Extensions := #[])
section Profiles
open Extensions
def RVI20U32 : Profile where
xlen := 32
/- +misaligned loads and stores -/
optional := #[M, A, F, D, C, Zifencei]
uoptional := #[Zicsr, Q]
def RVI20U64 := { RVI20U32 with xlen := 64 }
def RVA20U64 : Profile where
xlen := 64
/- +misaligned loads and stores -/
mandatory := #[M, A, F, D, C]
uoptional := #[Zifencei, Q]
def RVA20S64 : Profile where
xlen := 64
mandatory := RVA20U64.mandatory.append #[Zifencei, Ss1p11, Sv39]
optional := #[Sv48]
uoptional := #[Q]
def RVA22U64 : Profile where
xlen := 64
mandatory := RVA20U64.mandatory.append #[Zicntr, Zihpm, Zihintpause, Zba,
Zbb, Zbs, Zicbom, Zicbop, Zicboz, Zfhmin, Zkt]
optional := #[Zfh, V, Zkn, Zks]
uoptional := RVA20U64.uoptional.append #[Zbc, Zbkb, Zbkc, Zbkx, Zknd,
Zkne, Zknh, Zksed, Zksh, Zve32f, Zve32x, Zve64d, Zve64f, Zve64x, Zkr]
incompatible := #[Zfinx, Zdinx, Zhinx, Zhinxmin]
def RVA22S64 : Profile where
xlen := 64
mandatory := RVA22U64.mandatory.append #[Zifencei, Ss1p11, Ss1p12, Sv39,
Svpbmt, Svnapot, Svinval]
optional := RVA22U64.optional.append #[Sv57, Sstc, Sscofpmf, Zkr, H,
uoptional := RVA22U64.uoptional.erase Zkr
incompatible := RVA22U64.incompatible
end Profiles
inductive Unary
| clz | ctz | cpop
deriving BEq, Repr, Hashable, Inhabited
inductive Binary
| add | sub
| mul | mulh
| div | rem
| slt
| and | or | xor
| andn | orn | xnor
| shiftl | shiftr
| rotl | rotr
| min | max
deriving BEq, Repr, Hashable, Inhabited
inductive Instruction
| unary : Unary -> Instruction
| binary : Binary -> Instruction
structure HardwareDesc where
xlen : Nat
extensions : Array Extensions
(latency throughput : Instruction -> Nat := fun _ => 1)
inductive Opcode
| load | load_fp | custom_0 | misc_mem | op_imm | auipc | op_imm_32 | res_48b
| store | store_fp | custom_1 | amo | op | lui | op_32 | res_64b
| madd | msub | nmsub | nmadd | op_fp | reserved_1 | custom_2 | res_48b'
| branch | jalr | reserved_2 | jal | system | reserved_3 | custom_3 | res_80b
class Encode (a : Type) where
/- Is this instruction supported by the target? -/
supported (extensions : Array Extensions) : a -> Bool
/- Regardless of support, encode the instruction -/
opcode : a -> Opcode
(funct3 funct5 funct7 : a -> UInt64 := fun _ => 0)
An instruction takes a number of immediate values and/or registers and writes up to one register.
An instruction may read or modify specific CSR values. Or a sequence may require a precondition
on a CSR value, notably floating point and vector extensions.
section Evaluator
variable {ty : Type}
[Add ty] [Sub ty] [Mul ty] [AndOp ty] [OrOp ty] [ShiftLeft ty] [ShiftRight ty] [Complement ty] [Div ty] [Mod ty] [Xor ty]
[OfNat ty 0] [OfNat ty 63] [OfNat ty 1] [OfNat ty 64]
[LT ty] [DecidableEq ty] [DecidableRel ( ty _)]
namespace Unary
instance : Encode Unary where
supported extensions _ := extensions.contains .Zba
opcode _ := .op_imm -- alternatively .op_imm_32
funct3 := fun | .clz | .ctz | .cpop => 1
funct5 := fun | .clz => 0
| .ctz => 1
| .cpop => 2
funct7 := fun | .clz | .ctz | .cpop => 48
def eval (a : ty) : Unary -> ty
-- FIXME: Lean should expose these operations...
| clz => do
let mut a := a
let mut count : ty := 0
for _ in [: 64] do
if a &&& (1 <<< 63) = 0 then
count := count + 1
a := a <<< 1
| ctz => do
let mut a := a
let mut count : ty := 0
for _ in [: 64] do
if a &&& 1 = 0 then
count := count + 1
a := a >>> 1
| cpop => do
let mut a := a
let mut count : ty := 0
for _ in [: 64] do
if a &&& (1 <<< 63) != 0 then
count := count + 1
a := a <<< 1
end Unary
namespace Binary
instance : Encode Binary where
supported extensions _ := extensions.contains .Zba
opcode _ := .op -- alternatively .op_imm{,_32} or .fp
funct3 := fun _ => 0
funct5 := fun _ => 0
funct7 := fun _ => 0
/- FIXME: only implemented XLEN unsigned semantics. -/
def eval (a b : ty) : Binary -> ty
| add => a + b
| sub => a - b
| mul => a * b
| mulh => 0 -- (a.toNat * b.toNat) >>> 64 |> UInt64.ofNat
-- RISC-V divide by zero semantic diverges from Leans!
| div => if b = 0 then ~~~0 else a / b
| rem => a % b
| and => a &&& b
| or => a ||| b
| xor => a ^^^ b
| min => if a < b then a else b
| max => if a < b then b else a
| slt => if a < b then 1 else 0
| shiftl => a <<< (b &&& 63)
| shiftr => a >>> (b &&& 63)
| andn => a &&& ~~~b
| orn => a ||| ~~~b
| xnor => a ^^^ ~~~b
| rotl => (a <<< (b &&& 63)) ||| (a >>> (64 - (b &&& 63)))
| rotr => (a >>> (b &&& 63)) ||| (a <<< (64 - (b &&& 63)))
end Binary
end Evaluator
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