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Last active December 12, 2015 08:18
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package org.example
import scala.annotation.tailrec
// Made it a case class so you get the extras with no code
// changed the names to conform with the scala style
case class TreeNode[T](value: T, leftChild: Option[TreeNode[T]], rightChild: Option[TreeNode[T]]) {
// Simple recursive traversal using pattern matching
def mkString(sep: String = ", "): String = this match {
case TreeNode(v, None, None) => v.toString
case TreeNode(v, Some(l), Some(r)) => l.mkString(sep) + sep + v.toString + sep + r.mkString(sep)
case TreeNode(v, Some(l), None) => l.mkString(sep) + sep + v.toString
case TreeNode(v, None, Some(r)) => v.toString + sep + r.mkString(sep)
// Simplest traversal using the fact that None.toList is same as the empty list, while Some(t).toList is the same as List(t)
// we can use list.mkString to print it as we wish
def mkList: List[T] = leftChild.toList.flatMap(_.mkList) ::: List(value) ::: rightChild.toList.flatMap(_.mkList)
// Traversal using tail recursive accumulating function
// This will perform better than the previous function, in terms of speed,
// and it will create a "loop" consuming less stack space
// We can additionally use StringBuilder to improve performance on string operations
def mkStringTR(sep: String = ", "): String = {
def acc(tn: Option[TreeNode[T]], res: String, rest: List[TreeNode[T]]): String = (tn, rest) match {
case (None, Nil) => res
case (Some(n), _) => acc(n.leftChild, res, n :: rest)
// Eliminate the case bellow by using flatMap and r.toList bellow
//case (None, TreeNode(v, _, None) :: xs) => acc(None, res + sep + v.toString, xs)
case (None, TreeNode(v, _, r) :: xs) => acc(r flatMap (_.leftChild), res + sep + v.toString, r.toList ::: xs)
// Remove the first sep
acc(Option(this), "", List()).substring(sep.length)
// Examples
class BinarySearchTrees
object BinarySearchTrees {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val bst = TreeNode(5,
Option(TreeNode(1, None, None)), None)),
Option(TreeNode(4, None, None)))),
Option(TreeNode(6, None, None)),
Option(TreeNode(8, None, None)), None)))))
val bst2 = TreeNode(5, Option(TreeNode(3, None, None)), None)
// Then we can use the list to print
println(bst.mkList.mkString(", "))
println(bst.mkStringTR(" ~ "))
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