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Created April 11, 2021 17:20
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this is a copy of sketch typings
* UUID string.
export declare type Uuid = string;
* Collection of global document objects
export declare type AssetCollection = {
_class: 'assetCollection';
do_objectID: Uuid;
imageCollection?: ImageCollection;
colorAssets: ColorAsset[];
gradientAssets: GradientAsset[];
images: (FileRef | DataRef)[];
colors: Color[];
gradients: Gradient[];
exportPresets: [];
* Legacy object only retained for migrating older documents.
export declare type ImageCollection = {
_class: 'imageCollection';
images: any;
* Defines a reusable color asset
export declare type ColorAsset = {
_class: 'MSImmutableColorAsset';
do_objectID: Uuid;
name: string;
color: Color;
* Defines a RGBA color value
export declare type Color = {
_class: 'color';
alpha: UnitInterval;
red: UnitInterval;
green: UnitInterval;
blue: UnitInterval;
swatchID?: Uuid;
* The set of all real numbers that are greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1. Used within Sketch documents to encode normalised scalar values, for example RGB color components.
export declare type UnitInterval = number;
* Defines a reusable gradient asset
export declare type GradientAsset = {
_class: 'MSImmutableGradientAsset';
do_objectID: Uuid;
name: string;
gradient: Gradient;
* Defines a gradient
export declare type Gradient = {
_class: 'gradient';
gradientType: GradientType;
elipseLength: number;
from: PointString;
to: PointString;
stops: GradientStop[];
* Enumeration of the gradient types
export declare enum GradientType {
Linear = 0,
Radial = 1,
Angular = 2
* A formatted string representation of a 2D point, e.g. {1, 1}.
export declare type PointString = string;
* Defines a position on a gradient that marks the end of a transition to a new color
export declare type GradientStop = {
_class: 'gradientStop';
color: Color;
position: UnitInterval;
* Defines a reference to a file within the document bundle
export declare type FileRef = {
_class: 'MSJSONFileReference';
_ref_class: 'MSImageData' | 'MSImmutablePage' | 'MSPatch';
_ref: string;
* Defines inline base64 data
export declare type DataRef = {
_class: 'MSJSONOriginalDataReference';
_ref_class: 'MSImageData' | 'MSFontData';
_ref: string;
data: {
_data: string;
sha1: {
_data: string;
* Enumeration of the color profiles Sketch can use to render a document
export declare enum ColorSpace {
Unmanaged = 0,
SRGB = 1,
P3 = 2
* Defines a layer style that has been imported from a library
export declare type ForeignLayerStyle = {
_class: 'MSImmutableForeignLayerStyle';
do_objectID: Uuid;
libraryID: Uuid;
sourceLibraryName: string;
symbolPrivate: boolean;
remoteStyleID: Uuid;
localSharedStyle: SharedStyle;
* Defines a reusable style
export declare type SharedStyle = {
_class: 'sharedStyle';
do_objectID: Uuid;
name: string;
value: Style;
* Defines a layer style
export declare type Style = {
_class: 'style';
do_objectID: Uuid;
borders?: Border[];
borderOptions: BorderOptions;
blur?: Blur;
fills?: Fill[];
startMarkerType: MarkerType;
endMarkerType: MarkerType;
miterLimit: number;
windingRule: WindingRule;
textStyle?: TextStyle;
shadows?: Shadow[];
innerShadows: InnerShadow[];
contextSettings?: GraphicsContextSettings;
colorControls: ColorControls;
* Defines a border style
export declare type Border = {
_class: 'border';
isEnabled: boolean;
color: Color;
fillType: FillType;
position: BorderPosition;
thickness: number;
contextSettings: GraphicsContextSettings;
gradient: Gradient;
* Enumeration of the fill types
export declare enum FillType {
Color = 0,
Gradient = 1,
Pattern = 4
* Enumeration of border positions
export declare enum BorderPosition {
Center = 0,
Inside = 1,
Outside = 2
* Defines the opacity and blend mode of a style or shadow
export declare type GraphicsContextSettings = {
_class: 'graphicsContextSettings';
blendMode: BlendMode;
opacity: number;
* Enumeration of the blend modes that can be applied to fills
export declare enum BlendMode {
Normal = 0,
Darken = 1,
Multiply = 2,
ColorBurn = 3,
Lighten = 4,
Screen = 5,
ColorDodge = 6,
Overlay = 7,
SoftLight = 8,
HardLight = 9,
Difference = 10,
Exclusion = 11,
Hue = 12,
Saturation = 13,
Color = 14,
Luminosity = 15,
PlusDarker = 16,
PlusLighter = 17
* Defines border options
export declare type BorderOptions = {
_class: 'borderOptions';
isEnabled: boolean;
dashPattern: number[];
lineCapStyle: LineCapStyle;
lineJoinStyle: LineJoinStyle;
* Enumeration of the line cap styles
export declare enum LineCapStyle {
Butt = 0,
Round = 1,
Projecting = 2
* Enumeration of the line join styles
export declare enum LineJoinStyle {
Miter = 0,
Round = 1,
Bevel = 2
* Defines a blur style
export declare type Blur = {
_class: 'blur';
isEnabled: boolean;
center: PointString;
motionAngle?: number;
radius?: number;
saturation: number;
type: BlurType;
* Enumeration of the various blur types
export declare enum BlurType {
Gaussian = 0,
Motion = 1,
Zoom = 2,
Background = 3
* Defines a fill style
export declare type Fill = {
_class: 'fill';
isEnabled: boolean;
color: Color;
fillType: FillType;
noiseIndex: number;
noiseIntensity: number;
patternFillType: PatternFillType;
patternTileScale: number;
contextSettings: GraphicsContextSettings;
gradient: Gradient;
image?: FileRef | DataRef;
* Enumeration of pattern fill types
export declare enum PatternFillType {
Tile = 0,
Fill = 1,
Stretch = 2,
Fit = 3
* Enumeration of the possible types of vector line endings
export declare enum MarkerType {
OpenArrow = 0,
FilledArrow = 1,
Line = 2,
OpenCircle = 3,
FilledCircle = 4,
OpenSquare = 5,
FilledSquare = 6
* Enumeration of the winding rule that controls how fills behave in shapes with complex paths
export declare enum WindingRule {
NonZero = 0,
EvenOdd = 1
* Defines text style
export declare type TextStyle = {
_class: 'textStyle';
verticalAlignment: TextVerticalAlignment;
encodedAttributes: {
paragraphStyle?: ParagraphStyle;
MSAttributedStringTextTransformAttribute?: TextTransform;
underlineStyle?: UnderlineStyle;
strikethroughStyle?: {};
kerning?: number;
MSAttributedStringFontAttribute: FontDescriptor;
textStyleVerticalAlignmentKey?: TextVerticalAlignment;
MSAttributedStringColorAttribute?: Color;
* Enumeration of the text style vertical alighment options
export declare enum TextVerticalAlignment {
Top = 0,
Middle = 1,
Bottom = 2
* Defines the paragraph style within a text style
export declare type ParagraphStyle = {
_class: 'paragraphStyle';
alignment?: TextHorizontalAlignment;
maximumLineHeight?: number;
minimumLineHeight?: number;
paragraphSpacing?: number;
allowsDefaultTighteningForTruncation?: number;
* Enumeration of the horizontal alignment options for paragraphs
export declare enum TextHorizontalAlignment {
Left = 0,
Right = 1,
Centered = 2,
Justified = 3,
Natural = 4
* Enumeration of the text style transformations options
export declare enum TextTransform {
None = 0,
Uppercase = 1,
Lowercase = 2
* Enumeration of the text style underline options
export declare enum UnderlineStyle {
None = 0,
Underlined = 1
* Defines a font selection
export declare type FontDescriptor = {
_class: 'fontDescriptor';
attributes: {
name: string;
size: number;
variation?: {
[key: string]: number;
* Defines a shadow style
export declare type Shadow = {
_class: 'shadow';
isEnabled: boolean;
blurRadius: number;
color: Color;
contextSettings: GraphicsContextSettings;
offsetX: number;
offsetY: number;
spread: number;
* Defines an inner shadow style
export declare type InnerShadow = {
_class: 'innerShadow';
isEnabled: boolean;
blurRadius: number;
color: Color;
contextSettings: GraphicsContextSettings;
offsetX: number;
offsetY: number;
spread: number;
* Defines color adjust styles on images
export declare type ColorControls = {
_class: 'colorControls';
isEnabled: boolean;
brightness: number;
contrast: number;
hue: number;
saturation: number;
* Defines a symbol that has been imported from a library
export declare type ForeignSymbol = {
_class: 'MSImmutableForeignSymbol';
do_objectID: Uuid;
libraryID: Uuid;
sourceLibraryName: string;
symbolPrivate: boolean;
originalMaster: SymbolMaster;
symbolMaster: SymbolMaster;
missingLibraryFontAcknowledged?: boolean;
* A symbol source layer represents a reusable group of layers
export declare type SymbolMaster = {
do_objectID: Uuid;
booleanOperation: BooleanOperation;
exportOptions: ExportOptions;
frame: Rect;
flow?: FlowConnection;
isFixedToViewport: boolean;
isFlippedHorizontal: boolean;
isFlippedVertical: boolean;
isLocked: boolean;
isVisible: boolean;
layerListExpandedType: LayerListExpanded;
name: string;
nameIsFixed: boolean;
resizingConstraint: number;
resizingType: ResizeType;
rotation: number;
sharedStyleID?: Uuid;
shouldBreakMaskChain: boolean;
hasClippingMask?: boolean;
clippingMaskMode?: number;
userInfo?: any;
style?: Style;
maintainScrollPosition?: boolean;
hasClickThrough: boolean;
horizontalRulerData: RulerData;
verticalRulerData: RulerData;
layout?: LayoutGrid;
grid?: SimpleGrid;
groupLayout?: FreeformGroupLayout | InferredGroupLayout;
includeInCloudUpload: boolean;
_class: 'symbolMaster';
backgroundColor: Color;
hasBackgroundColor: boolean;
includeBackgroundColorInInstance: boolean;
includeBackgroundColorInExport: boolean;
isFlowHome: boolean;
resizesContent: boolean;
presetDictionary?: any;
symbolID: Uuid;
allowsOverrides: boolean;
overrideProperties: OverrideProperty[];
layers: (Group | Oval | Polygon | Rectangle | ShapePath | Star | Triangle | ShapeGroup | Text | SymbolInstance | Slice | Hotspot | Bitmap)[];
* Enumeration of the boolean operations that can be applied to combine shapes
export declare enum BooleanOperation {
None = -1,
Union = 0,
Subtract = 1,
Intersection = 2,
Difference = 3
* Defines a layer's export options
export declare type ExportOptions = {
_class: 'exportOptions';
exportFormats: ExportFormat[];
includedLayerIds: Uuid[];
layerOptions: number;
shouldTrim: boolean;
* Defines an export format, as listed in a layer's export options
export declare type ExportFormat = {
_class: 'exportFormat';
absoluteSize: number;
fileFormat: ExportFileFormat;
name: string;
namingScheme?: ExportFormatNamingScheme;
scale: number;
visibleScaleType: VisibleScaleType;
* Enumeration of the file formats that can be selected in the layer export options
export declare enum ExportFileFormat {
PNG = "png",
JPG = "jpg",
TIFF = "tiff",
EPS = "eps",
PDF = "pdf",
WEBP = "webp",
SVG = "svg"
* Enumeration of the possible types of export format naming schemes
export declare enum ExportFormatNamingScheme {
Suffix = 0,
Prefix = 1
* Enumeration of the possible values to control how an exported layer will be scaled
export declare enum VisibleScaleType {
Scale = 0,
Width = 1,
Height = 2
* Defines an abstract rectangle
export declare type Rect = {
_class: 'rect';
constrainProportions: boolean;
height: number;
width: number;
x: number;
y: number;
* Defines a connection between elements in a prototype
export declare type FlowConnection = {
_class: 'MSImmutableFlowConnection';
destinationArtboardID: Uuid | 'back';
animationType: AnimationType;
maintainScrollPosition?: boolean;
* Enumeration of the animation transition types between prototype screens
export declare enum AnimationType {
None = 0,
SlideFromLeft = 1,
SlideFromRight = 2,
SlideFromBottom = 3,
SlideFromTop = 4
* Enumeration of the expansion states in the layer list UI
export declare enum LayerListExpanded {
Undecided = 0,
Collapsed = 1,
Expanded = 2
* Enumeration of the possible resize types
export declare enum ResizeType {
Stretch = 0,
PinToEdge = 1,
Resize = 2,
Float = 3
* Defines persisted ruler positions on artboards, pages and symbols
export declare type RulerData = {
_class: 'rulerData';
base: number;
guides: number[];
* Defines the layout settings for an artboard or page
export declare type LayoutGrid = {
_class: 'layoutGrid';
isEnabled: boolean;
columnWidth: number;
gutterHeight: number;
gutterWidth: number;
horizontalOffset: number;
numberOfColumns: number;
rowHeightMultiplication: number;
totalWidth: number;
guttersOutside: boolean;
drawHorizontal: boolean;
drawHorizontalLines: boolean;
drawVertical: boolean;
* Defines the grid settings for an artboard or page
export declare type SimpleGrid = {
_class: 'simpleGrid';
isEnabled: boolean;
gridSize: number;
thickGridTimes: number;
* Normal group layout
export declare type FreeformGroupLayout = {
_class: 'MSImmutableFreeformGroupLayout';
* Inferred group layout defines smart layout options
export declare type InferredGroupLayout = {
_class: 'MSImmutableInferredGroupLayout';
axis: InferredLayoutAxis;
layoutAnchor: InferredLayoutAnchor;
maxSize?: number;
minSize?: number;
* Enumeration of the axis types for inferred (aka smart) layout
export declare enum InferredLayoutAxis {
Horizontal = 0,
Vertical = 1
* Enumeration of the anchor types for inferred (aka smart) layout
export declare enum InferredLayoutAnchor {
Min = 0,
Middle = 1,
Max = 2
* Defines override properties on symbol sources
export declare type OverrideProperty = {
_class: 'MSImmutableOverrideProperty';
overrideName: OverrideName;
canOverride: boolean;
* Defines the valid string patterns for an override name
export declare type OverrideName = string | string | string | string;
* Group layers are a document organisation aid
export declare type Group = {
do_objectID: Uuid;
booleanOperation: BooleanOperation;
exportOptions: ExportOptions;
frame: Rect;
flow?: FlowConnection;
isFixedToViewport: boolean;
isFlippedHorizontal: boolean;
isFlippedVertical: boolean;
isLocked: boolean;
isVisible: boolean;
layerListExpandedType: LayerListExpanded;
name: string;
nameIsFixed: boolean;
resizingConstraint: number;
resizingType: ResizeType;
rotation: number;
sharedStyleID?: Uuid;
shouldBreakMaskChain: boolean;
hasClippingMask?: boolean;
clippingMaskMode?: number;
userInfo?: any;
style?: Style;
maintainScrollPosition?: boolean;
hasClickThrough: boolean;
groupLayout?: FreeformGroupLayout | InferredGroupLayout;
layers: (Group | Oval | Polygon | Rectangle | ShapePath | Star | Triangle | ShapeGroup | Text | SymbolInstance | Slice | Hotspot | Bitmap)[];
_class: 'group';
* Oval layers are the result of adding an oval shape to the canvas
export declare type Oval = {
do_objectID: Uuid;
booleanOperation: BooleanOperation;
exportOptions: ExportOptions;
frame: Rect;
flow?: FlowConnection;
isFixedToViewport: boolean;
isFlippedHorizontal: boolean;
isFlippedVertical: boolean;
isLocked: boolean;
isVisible: boolean;
layerListExpandedType: LayerListExpanded;
name: string;
nameIsFixed: boolean;
resizingConstraint: number;
resizingType: ResizeType;
rotation: number;
sharedStyleID?: Uuid;
shouldBreakMaskChain: boolean;
hasClippingMask?: boolean;
clippingMaskMode?: number;
userInfo?: any;
style?: Style;
maintainScrollPosition?: boolean;
edited: boolean;
isClosed: boolean;
pointRadiusBehaviour: PointsRadiusBehaviour;
points: CurvePoint[];
_class: 'oval';
* Enumeration of the possible values for corner rounding on shape points.
export declare enum PointsRadiusBehaviour {
Disabled = -1,
Legacy = 0,
Rounded = 1,
Smooth = 2
* Defines a shape layer curve point
export declare type CurvePoint = {
_class: 'curvePoint';
cornerRadius: number;
curveFrom: PointString;
curveTo: PointString;
hasCurveFrom: boolean;
hasCurveTo: boolean;
curveMode: CurveMode;
point: PointString;
* Enumeration of the curve modes that can be applied to vector points
export declare enum CurveMode {
None = 0,
Straight = 1,
Mirrored = 2,
Asymmetric = 3,
Disconnected = 4
* Polygon layers are the result of adding a polygon shape to the canvas
export declare type Polygon = {
do_objectID: Uuid;
booleanOperation: BooleanOperation;
exportOptions: ExportOptions;
frame: Rect;
flow?: FlowConnection;
isFixedToViewport: boolean;
isFlippedHorizontal: boolean;
isFlippedVertical: boolean;
isLocked: boolean;
isVisible: boolean;
layerListExpandedType: LayerListExpanded;
name: string;
nameIsFixed: boolean;
resizingConstraint: number;
resizingType: ResizeType;
rotation: number;
sharedStyleID?: Uuid;
shouldBreakMaskChain: boolean;
hasClippingMask?: boolean;
clippingMaskMode?: number;
userInfo?: any;
style?: Style;
maintainScrollPosition?: boolean;
edited: boolean;
isClosed: boolean;
pointRadiusBehaviour: PointsRadiusBehaviour;
points: CurvePoint[];
_class: 'polygon';
numberOfPoints: number;
* Rectangle layers are the result of adding a rectangle shape to the canvas
export declare type Rectangle = {
do_objectID: Uuid;
booleanOperation: BooleanOperation;
exportOptions: ExportOptions;
frame: Rect;
flow?: FlowConnection;
isFixedToViewport: boolean;
isFlippedHorizontal: boolean;
isFlippedVertical: boolean;
isLocked: boolean;
isVisible: boolean;
layerListExpandedType: LayerListExpanded;
name: string;
nameIsFixed: boolean;
resizingConstraint: number;
resizingType: ResizeType;
rotation: number;
sharedStyleID?: Uuid;
shouldBreakMaskChain: boolean;
hasClippingMask?: boolean;
clippingMaskMode?: number;
userInfo?: any;
style?: Style;
maintainScrollPosition?: boolean;
edited: boolean;
isClosed: boolean;
pointRadiusBehaviour: PointsRadiusBehaviour;
points: CurvePoint[];
_class: 'rectangle';
fixedRadius: number;
hasConvertedToNewRoundCorners: boolean;
needsConvertionToNewRoundCorners: boolean;
* Shape path layers are the result of adding a vector layer
export declare type ShapePath = {
do_objectID: Uuid;
booleanOperation: BooleanOperation;
exportOptions: ExportOptions;
frame: Rect;
flow?: FlowConnection;
isFixedToViewport: boolean;
isFlippedHorizontal: boolean;
isFlippedVertical: boolean;
isLocked: boolean;
isVisible: boolean;
layerListExpandedType: LayerListExpanded;
name: string;
nameIsFixed: boolean;
resizingConstraint: number;
resizingType: ResizeType;
rotation: number;
sharedStyleID?: Uuid;
shouldBreakMaskChain: boolean;
hasClippingMask?: boolean;
clippingMaskMode?: number;
userInfo?: any;
style?: Style;
maintainScrollPosition?: boolean;
edited: boolean;
isClosed: boolean;
pointRadiusBehaviour: PointsRadiusBehaviour;
points: CurvePoint[];
_class: 'shapePath';
* Star layers are the result of adding a star shape to the canvas
export declare type Star = {
do_objectID: Uuid;
booleanOperation: BooleanOperation;
exportOptions: ExportOptions;
frame: Rect;
flow?: FlowConnection;
isFixedToViewport: boolean;
isFlippedHorizontal: boolean;
isFlippedVertical: boolean;
isLocked: boolean;
isVisible: boolean;
layerListExpandedType: LayerListExpanded;
name: string;
nameIsFixed: boolean;
resizingConstraint: number;
resizingType: ResizeType;
rotation: number;
sharedStyleID?: Uuid;
shouldBreakMaskChain: boolean;
hasClippingMask?: boolean;
clippingMaskMode?: number;
userInfo?: any;
style?: Style;
maintainScrollPosition?: boolean;
edited: boolean;
isClosed: boolean;
pointRadiusBehaviour: PointsRadiusBehaviour;
points: CurvePoint[];
_class: 'star';
numberOfPoints: number;
radius: number;
* Triangle layers are the result of adding a triangle shape to the canvas
export declare type Triangle = {
do_objectID: Uuid;
booleanOperation: BooleanOperation;
exportOptions: ExportOptions;
frame: Rect;
flow?: FlowConnection;
isFixedToViewport: boolean;
isFlippedHorizontal: boolean;
isFlippedVertical: boolean;
isLocked: boolean;
isVisible: boolean;
layerListExpandedType: LayerListExpanded;
name: string;
nameIsFixed: boolean;
resizingConstraint: number;
resizingType: ResizeType;
rotation: number;
sharedStyleID?: Uuid;
shouldBreakMaskChain: boolean;
hasClippingMask?: boolean;
clippingMaskMode?: number;
userInfo?: any;
style?: Style;
maintainScrollPosition?: boolean;
edited: boolean;
isClosed: boolean;
pointRadiusBehaviour: PointsRadiusBehaviour;
points: CurvePoint[];
_class: 'triangle';
isEquilateral: boolean;
* Shape groups layers group together multiple shape layers
export declare type ShapeGroup = {
do_objectID: Uuid;
booleanOperation: BooleanOperation;
exportOptions: ExportOptions;
frame: Rect;
flow?: FlowConnection;
isFixedToViewport: boolean;
isFlippedHorizontal: boolean;
isFlippedVertical: boolean;
isLocked: boolean;
isVisible: boolean;
layerListExpandedType: LayerListExpanded;
name: string;
nameIsFixed: boolean;
resizingConstraint: number;
resizingType: ResizeType;
rotation: number;
sharedStyleID?: Uuid;
shouldBreakMaskChain: boolean;
hasClippingMask?: boolean;
clippingMaskMode?: number;
userInfo?: any;
style?: Style;
maintainScrollPosition?: boolean;
hasClickThrough: boolean;
groupLayout?: FreeformGroupLayout | InferredGroupLayout;
layers: (Group | Oval | Polygon | Rectangle | ShapePath | Star | Triangle | ShapeGroup | Text | SymbolInstance | Slice | Hotspot | Bitmap)[];
_class: 'shapeGroup';
windingRule: WindingRule;
* A text layer represents a discrete block or line of text
export declare type Text = {
do_objectID: Uuid;
booleanOperation: BooleanOperation;
exportOptions: ExportOptions;
frame: Rect;
flow?: FlowConnection;
isFixedToViewport: boolean;
isFlippedHorizontal: boolean;
isFlippedVertical: boolean;
isLocked: boolean;
isVisible: boolean;
layerListExpandedType: LayerListExpanded;
name: string;
nameIsFixed: boolean;
resizingConstraint: number;
resizingType: ResizeType;
rotation: number;
sharedStyleID?: Uuid;
shouldBreakMaskChain: boolean;
hasClippingMask?: boolean;
clippingMaskMode?: number;
userInfo?: any;
style?: Style;
maintainScrollPosition?: boolean;
_class: 'text';
attributedString: AttributedString;
automaticallyDrawOnUnderlyingPath: boolean;
dontSynchroniseWithSymbol: boolean;
lineSpacingBehaviour: LineSpacingBehaviour;
textBehaviour: TextBehaviour;
glyphBounds: PointListString;
* Defines character strings and associated styling applied to character ranges
export declare type AttributedString = {
_class: 'attributedString';
string: string;
attributes: StringAttribute[];
* Defines an attribute assigned to a range of characters in an attributed string
export declare type StringAttribute = {
_class: 'stringAttribute';
location: number;
length: number;
attributes: {
kerning?: number;
textStyleVerticalAlignmentKey?: TextVerticalAlignment;
MSAttributedStringFontAttribute: FontDescriptor;
MSAttributedStringColorAttribute?: Color;
paragraphStyle?: ParagraphStyle;
* Enumeration of line spacing behaviour for fixed line height text
export declare enum LineSpacingBehaviour {
None = 0,
Legacy = 1,
ConsistentBaseline = 2
* Enumeration of the behaviours for text layers
export declare enum TextBehaviour {
Flexible = 0,
Fixed = 1,
FixedWidthAndHeight = 2
* A string representation of a series of 2D points, in the format {{x, y}, {x,y}}.
export declare type PointListString = string;
* Symbol instance layers represent an instance of a symbol source
export declare type SymbolInstance = {
do_objectID: Uuid;
booleanOperation: BooleanOperation;
exportOptions: ExportOptions;
frame: Rect;
flow?: FlowConnection;
isFixedToViewport: boolean;
isFlippedHorizontal: boolean;
isFlippedVertical: boolean;
isLocked: boolean;
isVisible: boolean;
layerListExpandedType: LayerListExpanded;
name: string;
nameIsFixed: boolean;
resizingConstraint: number;
resizingType: ResizeType;
rotation: number;
sharedStyleID?: Uuid;
shouldBreakMaskChain: boolean;
hasClippingMask?: boolean;
clippingMaskMode?: number;
userInfo?: any;
style?: Style;
maintainScrollPosition?: boolean;
_class: 'symbolInstance';
overrideValues: OverrideValue[];
scale: number;
symbolID: Uuid;
verticalSpacing: number;
horizontalSpacing: number;
* Defines an individual symbol override
export declare type OverrideValue = {
_class: 'overrideValue';
do_objectID?: Uuid;
overrideName: OverrideName;
value: string | Uuid | FileRef | DataRef;
* Slice layers allow the content beneath their frame to be exported
export declare type Slice = {
do_objectID: Uuid;
booleanOperation: BooleanOperation;
exportOptions: ExportOptions;
frame: Rect;
flow?: FlowConnection;
isFixedToViewport: boolean;
isFlippedHorizontal: boolean;
isFlippedVertical: boolean;
isLocked: boolean;
isVisible: boolean;
layerListExpandedType: LayerListExpanded;
name: string;
nameIsFixed: boolean;
resizingConstraint: number;
resizingType: ResizeType;
rotation: number;
sharedStyleID?: Uuid;
shouldBreakMaskChain: boolean;
hasClippingMask?: boolean;
clippingMaskMode?: number;
userInfo?: any;
style?: Style;
maintainScrollPosition?: boolean;
_class: 'slice';
hasBackgroundColor: boolean;
backgroundColor: Color;
* Hotspot layers define clickable hotspots for use with prototypes
export declare type Hotspot = {
do_objectID: Uuid;
booleanOperation: BooleanOperation;
exportOptions: ExportOptions;
frame: Rect;
flow?: FlowConnection;
isFixedToViewport: boolean;
isFlippedHorizontal: boolean;
isFlippedVertical: boolean;
isLocked: boolean;
isVisible: boolean;
layerListExpandedType: LayerListExpanded;
name: string;
nameIsFixed: boolean;
resizingConstraint: number;
resizingType: ResizeType;
rotation: number;
sharedStyleID?: Uuid;
shouldBreakMaskChain: boolean;
hasClippingMask?: boolean;
clippingMaskMode?: number;
userInfo?: any;
style?: Style;
maintainScrollPosition?: boolean;
_class: 'MSImmutableHotspotLayer';
* Bitmap layers house a single image
export declare type Bitmap = {
do_objectID: Uuid;
booleanOperation: BooleanOperation;
exportOptions: ExportOptions;
frame: Rect;
flow?: FlowConnection;
isFixedToViewport: boolean;
isFlippedHorizontal: boolean;
isFlippedVertical: boolean;
isLocked: boolean;
isVisible: boolean;
layerListExpandedType: LayerListExpanded;
name: string;
nameIsFixed: boolean;
resizingConstraint: number;
resizingType: ResizeType;
rotation: number;
sharedStyleID?: Uuid;
shouldBreakMaskChain: boolean;
hasClippingMask?: boolean;
clippingMaskMode?: number;
userInfo?: any;
style?: Style;
maintainScrollPosition?: boolean;
_class: 'bitmap';
fillReplacesImage: boolean;
image: FileRef | DataRef;
intendedDPI: number;
clippingMask: PointListString;
* Defines a text style that has been imported from a library
export declare type ForeignTextStyle = {
_class: 'MSImmutableForeignTextStyle';
libraryID: Uuid;
sourceLibraryName: string;
symbolPrivate: boolean;
remoteStyleID: Uuid;
localSharedStyle: SharedStyle;
missingLibraryFontAcknowledged?: boolean;
* Defines a swatch that has been imported from a library
export declare type ForeignSwatch = {
_class: 'MSImmutableForeignSwatch';
do_objectID: Uuid;
libraryID: Uuid;
sourceLibraryName: string;
symbolPrivate: boolean;
remoteSwatchID: Uuid;
localSwatch: Swatch;
* Defines a swatch color variable.
export declare type Swatch = {
_class: 'swatch';
do_objectID: Uuid;
name: string;
value: Color;
* Defines a document's list of reusable styles
export declare type SharedStyleContainer = {
do_objectID?: Uuid;
_class: 'sharedStyleContainer';
objects: SharedStyle[];
* Defines a document's list of reusable text styles
export declare type SharedTextStyleContainer = {
do_objectID?: Uuid;
_class: 'sharedTextStyleContainer';
objects: SharedStyle[];
* Legacy object only retained for migrating older documents.
export declare type SymbolContainer = {
do_objectID?: Uuid;
_class: 'symbolContainer';
objects: [];
* Defines a document's list of swatches
export declare type SwatchContainer = {
_class: 'swatchContainer';
do_objectID?: Uuid;
objects: Swatch[];
* Defines a reference to font data embedded in the document
export declare type FontRef = {
_class: 'fontReference';
fontData: DataRef;
fontFamilyName: string;
fontFileName: string;
options: number;
postscriptNames: string[];
* Container for ephemeral document state. For now this is just a placeholder, and will see additions in future document versions.
export declare type DocumentState = any;
* Defines ephemeral patch information related to the Cloud collaborative editing feature. This information will only be found behind-the-scenes in Cloud documents and won't be relevant or visible to users parsing or generating their own Sketch documents.
export declare type PatchInfo = {
_class: 'MSImmutablePatchInfo';
baseVersionID: Uuid;
lastIntegratedPatchID: Uuid;
localPatches: FileRef[];
receivedPatches: FileRef[];
* Page layers are the top level organisational abstraction within a document
export declare type Page = {
do_objectID: Uuid;
booleanOperation: BooleanOperation;
exportOptions: ExportOptions;
frame: Rect;
flow?: FlowConnection;
isFixedToViewport: boolean;
isFlippedHorizontal: boolean;
isFlippedVertical: boolean;
isLocked: boolean;
isVisible: boolean;
layerListExpandedType: LayerListExpanded;
name: string;
nameIsFixed: boolean;
resizingConstraint: number;
resizingType: ResizeType;
rotation: number;
sharedStyleID?: Uuid;
shouldBreakMaskChain: boolean;
hasClippingMask?: boolean;
clippingMaskMode?: number;
userInfo?: any;
style?: Style;
maintainScrollPosition?: boolean;
hasClickThrough: boolean;
horizontalRulerData: RulerData;
verticalRulerData: RulerData;
layout?: LayoutGrid;
grid?: SimpleGrid;
groupLayout?: FreeformGroupLayout | InferredGroupLayout;
includeInCloudUpload: boolean;
_class: 'page';
layers: (Artboard | Group | Oval | Polygon | Rectangle | ShapePath | Star | Triangle | ShapeGroup | Text | SymbolMaster | SymbolInstance | Slice | Hotspot | Bitmap)[];
* Artboard layers are a document organisation aid. They have a fixed frame that usually map to variations of device dimensions or viewport sizes
export declare type Artboard = {
do_objectID: Uuid;
booleanOperation: BooleanOperation;
exportOptions: ExportOptions;
frame: Rect;
flow?: FlowConnection;
isFixedToViewport: boolean;
isFlippedHorizontal: boolean;
isFlippedVertical: boolean;
isLocked: boolean;
isVisible: boolean;
layerListExpandedType: LayerListExpanded;
name: string;
nameIsFixed: boolean;
resizingConstraint: number;
resizingType: ResizeType;
rotation: number;
sharedStyleID?: Uuid;
shouldBreakMaskChain: boolean;
hasClippingMask?: boolean;
clippingMaskMode?: number;
userInfo?: any;
style?: Style;
maintainScrollPosition?: boolean;
hasClickThrough: boolean;
horizontalRulerData: RulerData;
verticalRulerData: RulerData;
layout?: LayoutGrid;
grid?: SimpleGrid;
groupLayout?: FreeformGroupLayout | InferredGroupLayout;
includeInCloudUpload: boolean;
_class: 'artboard';
backgroundColor: Color;
hasBackgroundColor: boolean;
includeBackgroundColorInExport: boolean;
isFlowHome: boolean;
resizesContent: boolean;
presetDictionary?: any;
layers: (Group | Oval | Polygon | Rectangle | ShapePath | Star | Triangle | ShapeGroup | Text | SymbolInstance | Slice | Hotspot | Bitmap)[];
* Contains metadata about the Sketch file - information about pages and artboards appearing in the file, fonts used, the version of Sketch used to save the file etc.
export declare type Meta = {
commit: string;
pagesAndArtboards: {
[key: string]: {
name: string;
artboards: {
[key: string]: {
name: string;
version: 121 | 122 | 123 | 124 | 125 | 126 | 127 | 128 | 129 | 130 | 131 | 132 | 133 | 134 | 135 | 136;
fonts: string[];
compatibilityVersion: 99;
coeditCompatibilityVersion?: number;
app: BundleId;
autosaved: NumericalBool;
variant: SketchVariant;
created: {
commit: string;
appVersion: string;
build: number;
app: BundleId;
compatibilityVersion: number;
coeditCompatibilityVersion?: number;
version: number;
variant: SketchVariant;
saveHistory: string[];
appVersion: string;
build: number;
* Enumeration of the Apple bundle ids for the various variants of Sketch
export declare enum BundleId {
PublicRelease = "com.bohemiancoding.sketch3",
Beta = "com.bohemiancoding.sketch3.beta",
Private = "com.bohemiancoding.sketch3.private",
FeaturePreview = "com.bohemiancoding.sketch3.feature-preview",
Internal = "com.bohemiancoding.sketch3.internal",
Experimental = "com.bohemiancoding.sketch3.experimental",
Testing = "com.bohemiancoding.sketch3.testing"
* A numerical boolean where 0 is false, and 1 is true.
export declare enum NumericalBool {
True = 0,
False = 1
* Enumeration of the Sketch variants
export declare type User = {
document: {
pageListHeight: number;
pageListCollapsed: NumericalBool;
expandedSymbolPathsInSidebar?: [];
expandedTextStylePathsInPopover?: [];
libraryListCollapsed?: NumericalBool;
[key: string]: any;
* The workspace is a folder in the Sketch file archive that can contain arbitrary JSON files, allowing Sketch and 3rd party products and tools to store settings that should travel with the Sketch document. To avoid clashes or settings being overridden, select a unique name for your workspace file.
export declare type Workspace = any;
* This schema describes a representation of an expanded Sketch file, that is, a Sketch file that has been unzipped, all of its entries parsed to JSON and merged into a single object. A concrete example of an expanded sketch file is the return value of the `fromFile` function
export declare type Contents = {
document: {
_class: 'document';
do_objectID: Uuid;
assets: AssetCollection;
colorSpace: ColorSpace;
currentPageIndex: number;
foreignLayerStyles: ForeignLayerStyle[];
foreignSymbols: ForeignSymbol[];
foreignTextStyles: ForeignTextStyle[];
foreignSwatches?: ForeignSwatch[];
layerStyles: SharedStyleContainer;
layerTextStyles: SharedTextStyleContainer;
layerSymbols?: SymbolContainer;
sharedSwatches?: SwatchContainer;
fontReferences?: FontRef[];
documentState?: DocumentState;
patchInfo?: PatchInfo;
pages: Page[];
meta: Meta;
user: User;
workspace?: Workspace;
* The document entry in a Sketch file.
export declare type Document = {
_class: 'document';
do_objectID: Uuid;
assets: AssetCollection;
colorSpace: ColorSpace;
currentPageIndex: number;
foreignLayerStyles: ForeignLayerStyle[];
foreignSymbols: ForeignSymbol[];
foreignTextStyles: ForeignTextStyle[];
foreignSwatches?: ForeignSwatch[];
layerStyles: SharedStyleContainer;
layerTextStyles: SharedTextStyleContainer;
layerSymbols?: SymbolContainer;
sharedSwatches?: SwatchContainer;
fontReferences?: FontRef[];
documentState?: DocumentState;
patchInfo?: PatchInfo;
pages: FileRef[];
* Union of all layers
export declare type AnyLayer = SymbolMaster | Group | Oval | Polygon | Rectangle | ShapePath | Star | Triangle | ShapeGroup | Text | SymbolInstance | Slice | Hotspot | Bitmap | Page | Artboard;
* Union of all group layers
export declare type AnyGroup = SymbolMaster | Group | ShapeGroup | Page | Artboard;
* Union of all objects, i.e. objects with a _class property
export declare type AnyObject = AssetCollection | ImageCollection | ColorAsset | Color | GradientAsset | Gradient | GradientStop | FileRef | DataRef | ForeignLayerStyle | SharedStyle | Style | Border | GraphicsContextSettings | BorderOptions | Blur | Fill | TextStyle | ParagraphStyle | FontDescriptor | Shadow | InnerShadow | ColorControls | ForeignSymbol | SymbolMaster | ExportOptions | ExportFormat | Rect | FlowConnection | RulerData | LayoutGrid | SimpleGrid | FreeformGroupLayout | InferredGroupLayout | OverrideProperty | Group | Oval | CurvePoint | Polygon | Rectangle | ShapePath | Star | Triangle | ShapeGroup | Text | AttributedString | StringAttribute | SymbolInstance | OverrideValue | Slice | Hotspot | Bitmap | ForeignTextStyle | ForeignSwatch | Swatch | SharedStyleContainer | SharedTextStyleContainer | SymbolContainer | SwatchContainer | FontRef | PatchInfo | Page | Artboard;
* Enum of all possible _class property values
export declare enum ClassValue {
MSImmutableColorAsset = "MSImmutableColorAsset",
MSImmutableFlowConnection = "MSImmutableFlowConnection",
MSImmutableForeignLayerStyle = "MSImmutableForeignLayerStyle",
MSImmutableForeignSwatch = "MSImmutableForeignSwatch",
MSImmutableForeignSymbol = "MSImmutableForeignSymbol",
MSImmutableForeignTextStyle = "MSImmutableForeignTextStyle",
MSImmutableFreeformGroupLayout = "MSImmutableFreeformGroupLayout",
MSImmutableGradientAsset = "MSImmutableGradientAsset",
MSImmutableHotspotLayer = "MSImmutableHotspotLayer",
MSImmutableInferredGroupLayout = "MSImmutableInferredGroupLayout",
MSImmutableOverrideProperty = "MSImmutableOverrideProperty",
MSImmutablePatchInfo = "MSImmutablePatchInfo",
MSJSONFileReference = "MSJSONFileReference",
MSJSONOriginalDataReference = "MSJSONOriginalDataReference",
Artboard = "artboard",
AssetCollection = "assetCollection",
AttributedString = "attributedString",
Bitmap = "bitmap",
Blur = "blur",
Border = "border",
BorderOptions = "borderOptions",
Color = "color",
ColorControls = "colorControls",
CurvePoint = "curvePoint",
ExportFormat = "exportFormat",
ExportOptions = "exportOptions",
Fill = "fill",
FontDescriptor = "fontDescriptor",
FontReference = "fontReference",
Gradient = "gradient",
GradientStop = "gradientStop",
GraphicsContextSettings = "graphicsContextSettings",
Group = "group",
ImageCollection = "imageCollection",
InnerShadow = "innerShadow",
LayoutGrid = "layoutGrid",
Oval = "oval",
OverrideValue = "overrideValue",
Page = "page",
ParagraphStyle = "paragraphStyle",
Polygon = "polygon",
Rect = "rect",
Rectangle = "rectangle",
RulerData = "rulerData",
Shadow = "shadow",
ShapeGroup = "shapeGroup",
ShapePath = "shapePath",
SharedStyle = "sharedStyle",
SharedStyleContainer = "sharedStyleContainer",
SharedTextStyleContainer = "sharedTextStyleContainer",
SimpleGrid = "simpleGrid",
Slice = "slice",
Star = "star",
StringAttribute = "stringAttribute",
Style = "style",
Swatch = "swatch",
SwatchContainer = "swatchContainer",
SymbolContainer = "symbolContainer",
SymbolInstance = "symbolInstance",
SymbolMaster = "symbolMaster",
Text = "text",
TextStyle = "textStyle",
Triangle = "triangle"
* A mapping of class values to object types
export declare type ClassMap = {
triangle: Triangle;
textStyle: TextStyle;
text: Text;
symbolMaster: SymbolMaster;
symbolInstance: SymbolInstance;
symbolContainer: SymbolContainer;
swatchContainer: SwatchContainer;
swatch: Swatch;
style: Style;
stringAttribute: StringAttribute;
star: Star;
slice: Slice;
simpleGrid: SimpleGrid;
sharedTextStyleContainer: SharedTextStyleContainer;
sharedStyleContainer: SharedStyleContainer;
sharedStyle: SharedStyle;
shapePath: ShapePath;
shapeGroup: ShapeGroup;
shadow: Shadow;
rulerData: RulerData;
rectangle: Rectangle;
rect: Rect;
polygon: Polygon;
paragraphStyle: ParagraphStyle;
page: Page;
overrideValue: OverrideValue;
oval: Oval;
layoutGrid: LayoutGrid;
innerShadow: InnerShadow;
imageCollection: ImageCollection;
group: Group;
graphicsContextSettings: GraphicsContextSettings;
gradientStop: GradientStop;
gradient: Gradient;
fontReference: FontRef;
fontDescriptor: FontDescriptor;
fill: Fill;
exportOptions: ExportOptions;
exportFormat: ExportFormat;
curvePoint: CurvePoint;
colorControls: ColorControls;
color: Color;
borderOptions: BorderOptions;
border: Border;
blur: Blur;
bitmap: Bitmap;
attributedString: AttributedString;
assetCollection: AssetCollection;
artboard: Artboard;
MSJSONOriginalDataReference: DataRef;
MSJSONFileReference: FileRef;
MSImmutablePatchInfo: PatchInfo;
MSImmutableOverrideProperty: OverrideProperty;
MSImmutableInferredGroupLayout: InferredGroupLayout;
MSImmutableHotspotLayer: Hotspot;
MSImmutableGradientAsset: GradientAsset;
MSImmutableFreeformGroupLayout: FreeformGroupLayout;
MSImmutableForeignTextStyle: ForeignTextStyle;
MSImmutableForeignSymbol: ForeignSymbol;
MSImmutableForeignSwatch: ForeignSwatch;
MSImmutableForeignLayerStyle: ForeignLayerStyle;
MSImmutableFlowConnection: FlowConnection;
MSImmutableColorAsset: ColorAsset;
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