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Forked from softmechanics/CombineForm.hs
Created December 16, 2010 21:35
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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances
, FlexibleContexts
, MultiParamTypeClasses
, TypeSynonymInstances
, FunctionalDependencies
, UndecidableInstances
module CombineForm where
import Yesod
import Yesod.Form.Core
import Data.HList hiding (tuple)
import Data.HList.Tuple
import Data.HList.Utils
-- Part 1: combine 2 forms
formFailure :: FormResult a -> [String]
formFailure (FormFailure fs) = fs
formFailure _ = []
combine2FormResults :: FormResult a -> FormResult b -> FormResult (a,b)
combine2FormResults (FormSuccess a) (FormSuccess b) = FormSuccess (a,b)
combine2FormResults FormMissing FormMissing = FormMissing
combine2FormResults a b = FormFailure $ formFailure a ++ formFailure b
combine2Forms :: Form s y f1 -> Form s y f2 -> Form s y (f1,f2)
combine2Forms = combine2FormsWith sequence_
combine2FormsWith :: ([GWidget s y ()] -> GWidget s y ()) -> Form s y f1 -> Form s y f2 -> Form s y (f1,f2)
combine2FormsWith combine (GForm f1) (GForm f2) = GForm $ do
(r1,w1,enc) <- f1
(r2,w2,_) <- f2
return (combine2FormResults r1 r2, combine [w1, w2],enc)
-- Part 2: combine n forms
data First = First
data Second = Second
instance Apply First (a, b, c) a where
apply _ (a,_,_) = a
instance Apply Second (a, b, c) b where
apply _ (_,b,_) = b
data Deform = Deform
instance Apply Deform (GForm s m xml a) (FormInner s m (FormResult a, xml, Enctype)) where
apply _ (GForm f) = f
data CombineFormResults = CombineFormResults
instance Apply CombineFormResults (FormResult e, FormResult l) (FormResult (HCons e l)) where
apply _ (FormSuccess e, FormSuccess l) = FormSuccess $ HCons e l
apply _ (FormMissing, FormMissing) = FormMissing
apply _ (f1,f2) = FormFailure $ formFailure f1 ++ formFailure f2
tupleFormResult :: Tuple l t => FormResult l -> FormResult t
tupleFormResult (FormSuccess l) = FormSuccess $ tuple l
tupleFormResult (FormFailure fs) = FormFailure fs
tupleFormResult FormMissing = FormMissing
class CombineForms s y t rt | t -> rt where
combineFormsWith :: ([GWidget s y ()] -> GWidget s y ()) -> t -> Form s y rt
combineForms :: t -> Form s y rt
combineForms = combineFormsWith sequence_
instance (Untuple t l
-- get form monadic actions
,HMap Deform l as
-- sequence form actions
,HSequence as (FormInner s y vs)
-- extract hlist of FormResults from the form action values
,HMap First vs rs
-- combine hlist of FormResults into FormResult hlist
,HFoldr CombineFormResults (FormResult HNil) rs (FormResult rl)
-- tuple FormResult hlist into FormResult tuple
,Tuple rl rt
-- combine widgets
,HMapOut Second vs (GWidget s y ())
-- get enctype. NOTE: assumes (without checking) Enctype will be the same for all combined forms
,HHead vs (unused1,unused2,Enctype)
) => CombineForms s y t rt where
combineFormsWith combineWidgets t = GForm $ do
let l = untuple t
as = hMap Deform l
vs <- hSequence as
let rs = hMap First vs
rl = hFoldr CombineFormResults (FormSuccess HNil) rs
rt = tupleFormResult rl
ws = hMapOut Second vs
(_,_,e) = hHead vs
return $ (rt,combineWidgets ws,e)
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes
, OverloadedStrings
, TypeFamilies
, MultiParamTypeClasses
, TypeSynonymInstances
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Yesod
import Yesod.Handler
import Yesod.Dispatch
import CombineForm
data Test = Test
data Form1 = Form1 {
field1 :: String
deriving Show
data Form2 = Form2 {
field2 :: String
deriving Show
data Form3 = Form3 {
field3 :: String
deriving Show
formlet1 f1 = fieldsToTable $ Form1
<$> stringField "Field 1" (field1 <$> f1)
formlet2 f2 = fieldsToTable $ Form2
<$> stringField "Field 2" (field2 <$> f2)
formlet3 f3 = fieldsToTable $ Form3
<$> stringField "Field 3" (field3 <$> f3)
getRootR = do
(res,w,enc) <- runFormGet $ combineForms
(formlet1 Nothing
,formlet2 Nothing
,formlet3 Nothing)
let forms = case res of
FormSuccess (f1,f2,f3) -> [show f1, show f2, show f3]
_ -> []
defaultLayout $ do
forM_ forms $ \form ->
addHamlet [$hamlet|
mkYesod "Test" [$parseRoutes|
/ RootR GET
instance Yesod Test where
approot _ = ""
main = basicHandler 3000 Test
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