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Last active May 23, 2024 01:03
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from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from collections import defaultdict
Based on the work done on this paper
Neat work C3!
class Event:
Represents an event with a timestamp and a state.
def __init__(self, timestamp: datetime, state: str):
self.timestamp = timestamp # The time the event occurred
self.state = state # The state associated with the event
class Timeline:
Represents a timeline of events and provides methods to build the timeline and calculate durations.
def __init__(self): = [] # List to store events
self.timeline = [] # List to store state durations
def add_event(self, event: Event):
Adds an event to the timeline and keeps events sorted by time.
""" x: x.timestamp) # Keep events sorted by their timestamp
def build_timeline(self):
Builds the timeline by calculating the duration each state was active.
current_state = None
prev_timestamp = None
for event in
if current_state and prev_timestamp:
# Append the current state and its duration to the timeline
self.timeline.append((current_state, event.timestamp - prev_timestamp))
# Update the current state and previous timestamp
current_state = event.state
prev_timestamp = event.timestamp
def get_state_durations(self):
Returns a dictionary with the total duration for each state.
state_durations = defaultdict(timedelta)
for state, duration in self.timeline:
state_durations[state] += duration # Accumulate the duration for each state
return state_durations
def total_duration(self, state: str):
Returns the total duration for a specific state.
durations = self.get_state_durations()
return durations[state]
def average_duration(self, state: str):
Returns the average duration for a specific state.
durations = self.get_state_durations()
count = sum(1 for s, d in self.timeline if s == state) # Count the number of occurrences of the state
return durations[state] / count if count else timedelta(0) # Avoid division by zero
# Example Usage
events = [
Event(datetime(2023, 1, 1, 10, 0, 0), 'buffering'),
Event(datetime(2023, 1, 1, 10, 0, 5), 'playing'),
Event(datetime(2023, 1, 1, 10, 1, 0), 'buffering'),
Event(datetime(2023, 1, 1, 10, 1, 10), 'playing')
timeline = Timeline()
for event in events:
timeline.add_event(event) # Add each event to the timeline
timeline.build_timeline() # Build the timeline to calculate state durations
total_buffering_time = timeline.total_duration('buffering') # Calculate total buffering time
average_buffering_time = timeline.average_duration('buffering') # Calculate average buffering time
print(f"Total Buffering Time: {total_buffering_time}")
print(f"Average Buffering Time: {average_buffering_time}")
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