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Created December 30, 2011 00:06
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fun with imperative sentences
#use Grammar::Tracer;
grammar IF::Grammar {
my @adjectives = <small tiny big huge large shiny dull black white red blue yellow green orange purple>;
my @prepositions = <for in under over from to on off at by between below across through into behind beside with towards>, 'away \s+ from', 'next \s+ to', 'out \s+ of';
my @objPronouns = <me you him her it us them>;
my @posPronouns = <my your his her its our their>;
my @articles = <a an the some several>, 'a few', <one two three four five>, '\d+';
my @adverbs = <quickly slowly>;
my @directions = <n north ne northeast e east se southeast s south sw southwest w west nw northwest up down out in>;
# rakudo It seems that LTM is broken when using <{ ... }> [perl #107306]
# So sort alternatives by longest-first to work around it
sub lsort (@a) { @a.sort({ $^b.chars cmp $^a.chars }) }
rule TOP { ^ <imperative> [ <conjunction> <imperative> ]* $ }
rule imperative { <verb> <nounPhrase>* <adverbialPhrase>* }
token verb { \w+ }
token conjunction { and|or|but };
rule nounPhrase { <nuclearNounPhrase> [ 'and' <nuclearNounPhrase> ]* }
# Seems like a rule should work here, but multiple adjectives fail to parse
regex nuclearNounPhrase { <article> <.ws> [ <adjective> <.ws> ]* <noun> | <objPronoun> }
# rakudo @variable interpolation is broken, but <{ ... }> works
token objPronoun { <{ join '|', lsort(@objPronouns) }> }
# Let "the dog" or "her dog" both work
token article { <{ join '|', lsort((@articles, @posPronouns)) }> }
token adjective { <{ join '|', lsort(@adjectives) }> }
token noun { \w+ }
rule adverbialPhrase { <prepositionalPhrase> | <adverb> }
rule prepositionalPhrase { <preposition> <nounPhrase> }
token preposition { <{ join '|', lsort(@prepositions) }> }
token adverb { <{ join '|', lsort(@adverbs) }> | <direction> }
token direction { <{ join '|', lsort(@directions) }> }
class IF::Grammar::Actions {
method TOP($/) { make($<imperative>».ast); }
method imperative($/) { make([~$<verb>, $<nounPhrase>».ast, $<adverbialPhrase>».ast]); }
method nounPhrase($/) {
make $<nuclearNounPhrase>».ast;
method nuclearNounPhrase($/) { make(~($<noun> // $<objPronoun>) => $<adjective>.map(~*)); }
method adverbialPhrase($/) { make($<prepositionalPhrase>.ast // ~$<adverb>); }
method prepositionalPhrase($/) { make({ prep => ~$<preposition>, noun => $<nounPhrase>.ast }); }
my $failures = 0;
my @begYourPardon =
"Sorry, I didn't catch that.",
"Come again, please?",
"Hmmm, I seem to be having a hard time getting that.",
"How's that again?",
"Mmmmmh, sorry, I didn't get that."
my IF::Grammar::Actions $actions .= new;
loop {
say "Gosh, I just can't get it. Sorry, I give up!" if $failures > 6;
print "> ";
my $line = get;
last unless $line.defined;
next unless $line ~~ /\S/;
# rakudo $/ isn't set properly after .parse(); and niecza doesn't let me assign to $/
my $match = IF::Grammar.parse($line, :$actions);
if $match {
$failures = 0;
my $gist = $match.can('gist') ?? 'gist' !! 'perl';
#say $match."$gist"();
given $match<imperative>[0]<verb> {
when 'quit' { say "Bye!"; exit 0; }
when /help|\?/ { say "Examples: quit, e, out, look, take the book"; }
#default { say "[{$match<verb>}], [{$match<nounPhrase>}], [{$match<adverbialPhrase>}]"; }
default { say $match.ast.perl; }
#say "GO $<direction>!" if $<direction>;
else {
say @begYourPardon.pick;
# vim:ft=perl6 et sw=4 ts=4:
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