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Last active May 29, 2018 10:36
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Battle 1 - Nurgle Daemons vs. Grey Knights

The winds in the ruined city carried an aroma of ash and burnt flesh. Gathered by a bombed out plaza was a platoon of Grey Knights, the Imperium's finest Daemon Hunters, every incorruptible warrior anathema to the denizens of the warp. A Razorback rumbled alongside the towering strides of a Nemesis Dreadknight through the war-torn streets.

The Razorback pulled to a halt. The Grey Knight Grandmaster in the Dreadknight pulled ahead, and turned around. Something was amiss. The howling winds carried a stench of rot now. Child-like chitterings whispered from the shadows of the ruins. A bell toiled in the misty horizon.

The Grey Knight Grandmaster twisted his torso, cycling through the weapons systems in a routine check. The Razorback driver did the same, relaying scan results to higher command in orbit.

"We're clear," came the reply.

Suddenly, the ground around the Razorback and the Dreadknight erupted in torrents of gravel and dirt. Diminuitive figures poured forth from every nook and cranny around the Grey Knights, flooding the streets with their crazed squeaks.

"Contact! Nurglings!"

The Razorback swung its weapons around, but before it could open fire, a blob of pestilent smoke dropped from the skies and blinded all sensor systems on the vehicle. There was a moment of utter confusion as the nurglings swarmed the vehicle, their tiny claws ping and scratching at the thick armour, doing nothing more than cosmetic damage.

The Dreadknight took a step back and readied its weapons, but stopped when its sensors picked up a far greater threat. The Grey Knight Grandmaster turned torwards the horizon, and felt a chill run down his spine. There, creeping out from the mists, were a sea of Plaguebearers: dour daemons of the pestilent god, marching slowly but surely towards the warriors. A humanoid with the body of a bloat fly led the march, and he recognised the foul being: a Daemon Prince by the name Ichorius the Despoiler. Behind the lines walked a tall plaguebearer with a scroll, its elongated snout ending in a large, trumpet like mouth that barked commands in a guttural, hoarsh language incomprehensible to humans.

The Grandmaster drew the powers of the warp and called upon a spell: the Gates of Infinity. With that, the Razorback disappeared, and reappeared by the flanks of the advancing Nurgle horde. Without hesistation, the iron discipline kicked in, and the Razorback's formidable array of weapons poured forth a torrent of deadly firepower into the plaguebearer hordes. Chaos ensued in the ranks of the daemons as the harbringers of pestilence were obliterated by the dozens.

In reaction to the devastation, Ichorius roared. A bell toiled in the far distance, and the plaguebearer lines surged forth. The first plaguebearer reached the Razorback in no time, silencing its weapons as its bretheren swarmed the vehicle. The Dreadknight's weapons roared in support of the encircled Razorback, but did little to stem the tide of green.

If these were mortal guards of the Imperium, they would have been routed that very day. But they were Grey Knights, and they were far from helpless against the endless hordes of daemons. They were trained for this exact scenario: mowing down the foul denizens of the warp in the name of the Emperor.

The Grandmaster chanted a spell, its incantation barely audible admist the roar of its cannons. The Razorback disappeared once again, and reappeared beside the knight, freeing up its weapons once again. Then, far on the left flanks of the daemons came the venerable Grey Knight terminators, teleported to the battlefield to support their besieged brethren.

Now the daemons were in trouble: they had to split their forces or risk a total rout on their left flank. They had the Grey Knights heavily outnumbered, but the silvered zealots' firepower more than made up for their lack of numbers. Fortunately for the children of Nurgle, Ichorius was as capable a tactician as it was a despoiler of realspace. With a sharp bark in the forgotten language of daemons, it commanded the Scrievner to lead a contingent of plaguebearers to deal with the terminators, while the rest of the army crashed into the Razorback and the Dreadknight.

The terminators opened up with their stormbolters, sending a volley of explosive rounds into the plaguebearer host charging their way. A few were torn apart but the rest closed the final few feet before the terminators could let loose a second volley. Driven by the Scrievner, they swarmed the holy warriors, forcing them to fight with their backs to each other. Eviscerated bodies formed a circle around the terminators before dissipating back into the warp, but the plaguebearers were relentless. One terminator was cut down by a sword dripping with foul ichor, his armour sizzling and warping from the unnatural rot upon the rusty blade. Another fell to the gaping maw of the Scrievner. The terminators soon were annihilated entirely, but not before dealing terrible losses to their quarry. With but a handful of survivors, the Scrievner grunted and wrote down the tally of the battle, before turning around to rejoin the other flank.

Meanwhile, the Dreadknight found itself face to face with Ichorius. The Daemon Prince swooped down upon the walker, and ripped it apart in a few blows. The Grandmaster barely had time to retaliate before his body was torn asunder, cast into the ruins like a ragdoll.

The loss of the Grandmaster shook the Grey Knights, though they kept fighting. No help would come for them. The high command had pulled out from orbit as Mortarion's ships arrived in the sector. They knew they were left behind, but they would not go out without a fight.

They would make the daemons pay.

The winds blew through the ruins, carrying a thick stench of blood, gore and rot. The plaguebearer host were all but decimated, though Ichorious remained unwounded. It growled in annoyance as it contemplated returning to the spawning pits to reinforce its host. The grandfather's plans were foiled, even though they managed to kill the Grey Knights to the very last man. The day had been won, but Papa Nurgle would not be pleased to know just how much they had lost in a single battle...

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soggie commented May 29, 2018

Battle 2.2 = against the Custodes - WIN

There in the sixth pit of pestilence, stood a small squad of golden humanoids. Ichorius snarled, and a chill ran down its spine. It had heard of the exploits of these imperialists, back when Ichorius was still a mere mortal. They were the finest warriors tasked to guard the rotting corpse they call an emperor.

"So the throne has been left wide open when its custodians are out here playing soldier, eh?" snorted Esimondus. "We will bestow upon them nurgle's gift just as we did the aeldari-"

"Do not underestimate them, Esimondus," Ichorius said. "They are the talons of the emperor, and though they are few, it is known that a squad of them could bring to heel even the mightiest of Khorne's bloodthirsters with ease."

The scrivener grumbled its protest, its words blaring out in unintelligeble gurgles that pained Ichorius' ears. 17 the scrivener counted, a habit of the tallyman it once was.

17 men against hundreds of daemons. The odds seemed fair, Ichorius thought. "Send in the first host."

A blob of plaguebearers moved in, their advance covered by a thick cloud of flies. They roared their battle chants and taunted the 17, raking their blades over their bodies to coat them with filth and plague. But the golden warriors remained stoic, and in lockstep met the first host in perfect formation.

A bloody massacre ensued. Ichorius watched in awe as the entire first host were ripped to shreds. It could barely see the swinging strokes of the golden warriors' halberds. Each warrior fought on its own, but their movements left no weakness to be exploited in their formation. If there was ever perfection in martial capabilities, this was it.

Sensing that sending more plaguebearers would only be an exercise in futility, Ichorius ordered the second host to sneak around the left flank to reach the pits. There they would have a better chance at holding the ground, as the pit was reinforced with foul sorcery and ruinous magic.

"The rest of you, follow me!" Ichorius roared, and swooped forward to meet the warriors in gleaming gold. Behind him, Esimondus unleashed the powers of Papa Nurgle, firing off spell after spell that felled the Custodians. Even the sigils of the dead emperor and the best armour forged by the elites of men could not withstand the bombard of sorcery from the daemons.

Yet the 17 fought on. One by one they were cut down by weapons of the warp, but not before taking down dozens of enemy combatants with them. It was then that Ichorius noticed its mistake. In swooping in before its lieutenants, it had over-extended. Immediately it was beset by a trio of custodians, and before it could even respond, three halberds have sliced clean through its body.

Ichorius dropped from the sky in four pieces, and then vanished into the warp.

After the last custodian was felled by the daemon host, Epimondus took stock of the battlefield. "Ichorius is lost. We must prepare a ritual to re-summon him back." The Scrivener muttered its dissatisfaction, and wondered if they could get a different commander this time.

"No, my friend. Papa Nurgle have plans for Ichorius. There can be nobody else," concluded Epimondus, its lips bursting into a wicked smile...

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