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Last active June 14, 2024 05:29
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Notes on Pandas & Numpy methods

Pandas & Numpy - Tips & Tricks!

Imports & Conventions:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# df is a Pandas DataFrame
# series is a Pandas Series
  • Keep only numerical columns using df2 = df.select_dtypes(exclude=['object']).
  • df.explode(['column_to_explode']) transforms data of the form
Col1 Col2 column_to_explode
A BBc ['l1', 'l2']
Zxv dfafa ['l3']


Col1 Col2 column_to_explode
A BBc l1
A BBc l2
Zxv dfafa l3

Note: In this example, Column column_to_explode initially had list in each cell.

  • Difference b/w 2 dataframes: (this will show the rows in df1 where any column value is different from df2)

  • pd.get_dummies(df) converts categorical data (i.e., columns having values from fixed choices - eg. male & female) into multiple dummy/indicator columns, one for each value in column, each column having values True | False. Columns that are already numerical are left unchanged. This is called One-Hot Encoding. For example, this data:

Pclass Sex
1 male
2 female
3 female
1 male
2 male

is transformed into:

Pclass Sex_male Sex_female
1 True False
2 False True
3 False True
1 True False
2 True False

Notice that Pclass numerical column is unchanged, while 2 new columns are created from categorical column Sex (one for each unique value in the column).

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