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Last active December 11, 2020 03:07
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Git diff by line in Sublime Text

This allows you to simply select the lines and press CMD+L to see the diff. Create a file named in your Sublime Packages/User directory with:

import sublime
import sublime_plugin

class GitLogLineCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
    def run(self, reverse=False):
        view = self.window.active_view()
        sel = view.sel()[0]
        line_begin = view.rowcol(sel.begin())[0]
        line_end = view.rowcol(sel.end())[0]
        file = view.file_name()
        view.window().run_command('git_raw', {'command': 'git log -L %d,%d:%s' % (line_begin, line_end, file)})

Add in your sublime-keymap

  { "keys": ["super+l"], "command": "git_log_line" }

This requires the Git plugin to be installed.

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