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Created January 18, 2020 15:53
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get dotafromzero coach stats via email
function email_Monthly_Coach_Stats() {
// get the current sheet as a 2d array
sheetData = getSheetData();
// filter the data by current month
sheetData = filterByCurrentMonth(sheetData);
// process the sheet and get back a nicely formatted object for emailing
sheetData = processData(sheetData);
// email the data
//testData = [['1.0', 'Witherspoon', '1v1', ['Witherspoon']], ['2.0', 'Witherspoon', 'Tryout', ['TANE','miyagi','Karkat']], ['3.0', 'Witherspoon', 'Tryout', ['TANE','miyagi','Karkat']]]
// turn helper logging on or off
var hlogging = false;
// helper logging
function hlog(data) {
if (hlogging == true) {
return Logger.log(data);
// main file logging
function log(data) {
return Logger.log(data);
// get sheet data as 2d array
function getSheetData() {
// sheet as a 2d array
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getActiveSheet().getDataRange().getValues();
// remove headers
// remove long form date
sheet = {
return row;
// convert student cell from string to array
sheet = {
// if student cell has a single student create an array for that single value to stay consistent
if(row[3].indexOf(",") == -1) {
var temp = []
row[3] = temp;
return row;
else {
// otherwise split up into an array based on commas
row[3] = row[3].split(",");
return row;
// collect array values that are not empty
sheet = sheet.filter(function(row){ return row[0].length > 0 });
// convert date cell to an integer representing the month
var sheet = {
row[0] = new Date(row[0]).getMonth() + 1;
return row;
return sheet;
// takes 2d array and returns rows from the current month
function filterByCurrentMonth(sheetData) {
// get the current month as an integer
month = new Date().getMonth() + 1;
// filter by month
sheet = sheetData.filter(function(row) {
return row[0] == month;
return sheet;
// takes 2d array and returning an object of rows with key/values
function processData(sheetData) {
obj = {
row = {
coach: row[1],
sessionType: row[2],
students: row[3]
return row;
return obj;
// takes processed data and sends out a table of stats to the head coach
function sendEmail(sheetData) {
var headCoachEmail = "";
var table = '<table style="width: 75%;" border="1" cellpadding="5"> <tbody> ';
table += '<tr style="height: 21px;"> <td style="height: 21px;"><b>&nbsp;Coach</b></td> <td style="height: 21px;"><b>Session Type</b></td> <td style="height: 21px;"><b>Students</b></td> </tr>';
// loop through processed data object and insert rows
for (i = 0; i < sheet.length; i++){
table += '<tr style="height: 21px;"> <td style="height: 21px;">' + sheetData[i]['coach'] + '</td> <td style="height: 21px;">' + sheetData[i]['sessionType'] + '</td> <td style="height: 21px;">' + sheetData[i]['students'] + '</td> </tr>';
table += ' </tbody> </table>';
to: ", " + headCoachEmail,
subject: "DotaFromZero [NA] Coach's stats for the month are ready to view!",
htmlBody: table
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