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Created October 21, 2013 23:21
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This type provides the capability to manage firewall rules within puppet.


If Puppet is managing the iptables or ip6tables chains specified in the chain or jump parameters, the firewall resource will autorequire those firewallchain resources.

If Puppet is managing the iptables or iptables-persistent packages, and the provider is iptables or ip6tables, the firewall resource will autorequire those packages to ensure that any required binaries are installed.


  • action This is the action to perform on a match. Can be one of:

    • accept - the packet is accepted
    • reject - the packet is rejected with a suitable ICMP response
    • drop - the packet is dropped

    If you specify no value it will simply match the rule but perform no action unless you provide a provider specific parameter (such as jump). Valid values are accept, reject, drop.

  • burst Rate limiting burst value (per second) before limit checks apply. Values can match /^\d+$/. Requires features rate_limiting.

  • chain Name of the chain to use. Can be one of the built-ins:

    • INPUT
    • OUTPUT

    Or you can provide a user-based chain.

    The default value is 'INPUT'. Values can match /^[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+$/. Requires features iptables.

  • destination The destination address to match. For example:

      destination => ''

    The destination can also be an IPv6 address if your provider supports it.

  • dport The destination port to match for this filter (if the protocol supports ports). Will accept a single element or an array.

    For some firewall providers you can pass a range of ports in the format:


For example:


This would cover ports 1 to 1024.

  • dst_range The destination IP range. For example:

      dst_range => ''

    The destination IP range is must in 'IP1-IP2' format. Values can match /^((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]\d|\d)\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1- 9]\d|\d)-((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]\d|\d)\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d \d|[1-9]\d|\d)/. Requires features iprange.

  • dst_type The destination address type. For example:

      dst_type => 'LOCAL'

    Can be one of:

    • UNSPEC - an unspecified address
    • UNICAST - a unicast address
    • LOCAL - a local address
    • BROADCAST - a broadcast address
    • ANYCAST - an anycast packet
    • MULTICAST - a multicast address
    • BLACKHOLE - a blackhole address
    • UNREACHABLE - an unreachable address
    • PROHIBIT - a prohibited address
    • THROW - undocumented
    • NAT - undocumented
  • ensure Manage the state of this rule. The default action is present. Valid values are present, absent.

  • gid GID or Group owner matching rule. Accepts a string argument only, as iptables does not accept multiple gid in a single statement. Requires features owner.

  • icmp When matching ICMP packets, this is the type of ICMP packet to match.

    A value of "any" is not supported. To achieve this behaviour the parameter should simply be omitted or undefined. Requires features icmp_match.

  • iniface Input interface to filter on. Values can match /^[a-zA-Z0-9\-\._\+]+$/. Requires features interface_match.

  • isfragment Set to true to match tcp fragments (requires type to be set to tcp) Valid values are true, false. Requires features isfragment.

  • jump The value for the iptables --jump parameter. Normal values are:

    • QUEUE
    • RETURN
    • DNAT
    • SNAT
    • LOG
    • MARK

    But any valid chain name is allowed.

    For the values ACCEPT, DROP and REJECT you must use the generic 'action' parameter. This is to enfore the use of generic parameters where possible for maximum cross-platform modelling.

    If you set both 'accept' and 'jump' parameters, you will get an error as only one of the options should be set. Requires features iptables.

  • limit Rate limiting value for matched packets. The format is: rate/[/second/|/minute|/hour|/day].

    Example values are: '50/sec', '40/min', '30/hour', '10/day'." Requires features rate_limiting.

  • line Read-only property for caching the rule line.

  • log_level When combined with jump => "LOG" specifies the system log level to log to. Requires features log_level.

  • log_prefix When combined with jump => "LOG" specifies the log prefix to use when logging. Requires features log_prefix.

  • name The canonical name of the rule. This name is also used for ordering so make sure you prefix the rule with a number:

      000 this runs first
      999 this runs last

    Depending on the provider, the name of the rule can be stored using the comment feature of the underlying firewall subsystem. Values can match /^\d+[[:alpha:][:digit:][:punct:][:space:]]+$/.

  • outiface Output interface to filter on. Values can match /^[a-zA-Z0-9\-\._\+]+$/. Requires features interface_match.

  • pkttype Sets the packet type to match. Valid values are unicast, broadcast, multicast. Requires features pkttype.

  • port The destination or source port to match for this filter (if the protocol supports ports). Will accept a single element or an array.

    For some firewall providers you can pass a range of ports in the format:


For example:


This would cover ports 1 to 1024.

  • proto The specific protocol to match for this rule. By default this is tcp. Valid values are tcp, udp, icmp, ipv6-icmp, esp, ah, vrrp, igmp, ipencap, ospf, gre, all.

  • reject When combined with jump => "REJECT" you can specify a different icmp response to be sent back to the packet sender. Requires features reject_type.

  • set_mark Set the Netfilter mark value associated with the packet. Accepts either of: mark/mask or mark. These will be converted to hex if they are not already. Requires features mark.

  • socket If true, matches if an open socket can be found by doing a coket lookup on the packet. Valid values are true, false. Requires features socket.

  • source The source address. For example:

      source => ''

The source can also be an IPv6 address if your provider supports it.

  • sport The source port to match for this filter (if the protocol supports ports). Will accept a single element or an array.

    For some firewall providers you can pass a range of ports in the format:


For example:


This would cover ports 1 to 1024.

  • src_range The source IP range. For example:

      src_range => ''

    The source IP range is must in 'IP1-IP2' format. Values can match /^((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]\d|\d)\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1- 9]\d|\d)-((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]\d|\d)\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d \d|[1-9]\d|\d)/. Requires features iprange.

  • src_type The source address type. For example:

      src_type => 'LOCAL'

    Can be one of:

    • UNSPEC - an unspecified address
    • UNICAST - a unicast address
    • LOCAL - a local address
    • BROADCAST - a broadcast address
    • ANYCAST - an anycast packet
    • MULTICAST - a multicast address
    • BLACKHOLE - a blackhole address
    • UNREACHABLE - an unreachable address
    • PROHIBIT - a prohibited address
    • THROW - undocumented
    • NAT - undocumented
  • state Matches a packet based on its state in the firewall stateful inspection table. Values can be:

    • NEW
    • RELATED Valid values are INVALID, ESTABLISHED, NEW, RELATED. Requires features state_match.
  • table Table to use. Can be one of:

    • nat
    • mangle
    • filter
    • raw
    • rawpost

    By default the setting is 'filter'. Valid values are nat, mangle, filter, raw, rawpost. Requires features iptables.

  • tcp_flags Match when the TCP flags are as specified. Is a string with a list of comma-separated flag names for the mask, then a space, then a comma-separated list of flags that should be set. The flags are: SYN ACK FIN RST URG PSH ALL NONE Note that you specify them in the order that iptables --list-rules would list them to avoid having puppet think you changed the flags. Example: FIN,SYN,RST,ACK SYN matches packets with the SYN bit set and the ACK,RST and FIN bits cleared. Such packets are used to request TCP connection initiation. Requires features tcp_flags.

  • todest When using jump => "DNAT" you can specify the new destination address using this paramter. Requires features dnat.

  • toports For DNAT this is the port that will replace the destination port. Requires features dnat.

  • tosource When using jump => "SNAT" you can specify the new source address using this parameter. Requires features snat.

  • uid UID or Username owner matching rule. Accepts a string argument only, as iptables does not accept multiple uid in a single statement. Requires features owner.


ip6tables, iptables
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