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Last active May 17, 2020 16:55
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project stuff onto a cone using tensorflow from krall
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import scipy.misc
import scipy.ndimage
from tensorflow import sin, cos, sqrt, atan2
from math import pi
top_circ = 265.
bottom_circ = 236.
d_top_to_bottom = 79.
r = top_circ / (2 * pi)
R = d_top_to_bottom * top_circ / (top_circ - bottom_circ)
h = sqrt(R**2 - r**2)
print(f"R = {R}")
print(f"r = {r}")
print(f"h = {h}")
def phi_d_to_x_y_z(phi, d):
x = r * cos(phi) * (R - d) / R
y = r * sin(phi) * (R - d) / R
z = h * d / R
return x, y, z
def phi_d_to_u_v(phi, d):
theta = phi * top_circ / (2 * pi * R)
u = (R - d) * cos(theta)
v = (R - d) * sin(theta)
return u, v
def u_v_to_phi_d(u, v):
theta = atan2(v, u)
phi = theta * R * 2 * pi / top_circ
d = R - hypot(u, v)
return phi, d
def hypot(a, b):
return tf.norm(tf.stack([a, b], axis=0), axis=0)
source_image = scipy.ndimage.imread('burst_outline.png').astype(np.float32) / 65535.0
# source_image = np.zeros([12500, 12500])
dpi = 600
width_inches = 8.5
height_inches = 11
output_image = tf.ones([int(round(width_inches * dpi)), int(round(height_inches * dpi))])
print(f"output_image.shape: {output_image.shape}")
u, v = tf.meshgrid(
tf.linspace(R - width_inches * 25.4, R, output_image.shape[0] + 1)[1:],
tf.linspace(0.0, height_inches * 25.4, output_image.shape[1] + 1)[:-1],
# print(f"uvs.shape: {uvs.shape}")
phi, d = u_v_to_phi_d(u, v)
x, y, z = phi_d_to_x_y_z(phi, d)
def x_y_z_to_source_coords(x, y, z, source_image_shape, center_x_y_z, src_x_norm, src_y_norm):
center_x, center_y, center_z = center_x_y_z
x = x - center_x
y = y - center_y
z = z - center_z
xyz = tf.stack([x, y, z], axis=-1)
print(f"xyz.shape: {xyz.shape}")
src_z_norm = np.cross(src_x_norm, src_y_norm)
src_xyz_to_xyz = np.stack([src_x_norm, src_y_norm, src_z_norm])
xyz_to_src_xyz = np.linalg.inv(src_xyz_to_xyz)
src_xyz = tf.tensordot(xyz, xyz_to_src_xyz.astype(np.float32), axes=1)
print(f"retval.shape: {src_xyz.shape}")
src_xy = tf.clip_by_value(src_xyz[:, :, :2], -1, 1.) * 0.5 + 0.5
src_xy = src_xy * (tf.convert_to_tensor(source_image_shape, dtype=tf.float32) - 1)
return src_xy
mask = tf.logical_and(tf.logical_and((phi <= 2*pi), (d >= 0.0)), (d <= d_top_to_bottom))
angle = 4 * pi / 3
scale1 = top_circ / pi
src_x_norm = np.array([0., 0., scale1])
src_y_norm = np.array([np.sin(angle) * scale1, np.cos(angle) * scale1, 0.])
scale2 = 1.7
src_xy = x_y_z_to_source_coords(
x, y, z,
center_x_y_z=0.3 * src_y_norm + 0.2 * src_x_norm,
src_x_norm=src_x_norm * scale2,
src_y_norm=src_y_norm * scale2,
output_image *= tf.gather_nd(params=source_image, indices=tf.cast(src_xy, tf.int32))
angle = 0
scale1 = top_circ / pi
src_x_norm = np.array([0., 0., scale1])
src_y_norm = np.array([np.sin(angle) * scale1, np.cos(angle) * scale1, 0.])
scale2 = 0.7
src_xy = x_y_z_to_source_coords(
x, y, z,
center_x_y_z=-0.4 * src_y_norm + 0.7 * src_x_norm,
src_x_norm=src_x_norm * scale2,
src_y_norm=src_y_norm * scale2,
output_image *= tf.gather_nd(params=source_image, indices=tf.cast(src_xy, tf.int32))
angle = pi/4
scale1 = top_circ / pi
src_x_norm = np.array([0., 0., scale1])
src_y_norm = np.array([np.sin(angle) * scale1, np.cos(angle) * scale1, 0.])
scale2 = 0.5
src_xy = x_y_z_to_source_coords(
x, y, z,
center_x_y_z=0.3 * src_y_norm + 0.5 * src_x_norm,
src_x_norm=src_x_norm * scale2,
src_y_norm=src_y_norm * scale2,
output_image *= tf.gather_nd(params=source_image, indices=tf.cast(src_xy, tf.int32))
with tf.Session() as sess:
) =[
print(f"_u: {_u}")
print(f"_v: {_v}")
print(f"_phi: {_phi}")
print(f"_d: {_d}")
print(f"_mask: {_mask}")
print(f"_src_xy: {_src_xy}")
print(f"_output_image: {_output_image}")
imgdata = np.stack([
# _src_xy[:, :, 0],
_output_image * 255,
# _src_xy[:, :, 1],
_output_image * 255,
# np.zeros_like(_src_xy[:, :, 0]),
_output_image * 255,
_mask.astype(np.float32) * 255,
], axis=-1)
print(f"imgdata.shape: {imgdata.shape}")
_output_image * _mask.astype(np.float32),
# imgdata.astype(np.float32),
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