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Last active September 20, 2020 00:03
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evdev touch viewer
import sys
import tkinter
import time
from evdev import InputDevice, categorize, ecodes
except ImportError:
print("This script requires the evdev package ( ")
dev_path = sys.argv[1]
dev = InputDevice(dev_path)
except (OSError, FileNotFoundError, IndexError):
print("Provide the path to a touch input device (looks like /dev/input/event0 and can be identified using evemu-describe) and run the script as root. ")
# normalization
max_x = dev.absinfo(0).max
max_y = dev.absinfo(1).max
# init window
window = tkinter.Tk()
window_width = 1024
canvas = tkinter.Canvas(window, width=window_width,height=window_width/(max_x/max_y))
last_paint = time.time()
# update window
def draw(window, canvas, touches, override_skip=False):
global last_paint
t = time.time()
if t-last_paint < 0.0003 and not override_skip:
# print("Skipped")
i = 1
for touch in touches:
touch_color = "#%02x%02x%02x" % (i*80 % 255, i*220 % 255, i*190 % 255)
if touch[0] != -1 and touch[1] != -1:
x = touch[0]*canvas.winfo_width()
y = touch[1]*canvas.winfo_width()
canvas.create_oval(x, y, x+20, y+20, fill=touch_color)
i += 1
last_paint = time.time()
draw(window, canvas, [])
# list of x, y tuples
touches_supported = 10
touches = [(-1, -1) for _ in range(touches_supported)]
slot = 0
for event in dev.read_loop():
# react to slot changes
if event.code == ecodes.ABS_MT_SLOT:
slot = event.value
# set coordinates on right slot
if event.type == ecodes.EV_ABS:
if event.code == ecodes.ABS_MT_POSITION_X:
x = event.value
touches[slot] = (x / max_x, touches[slot][1])
if event.code == ecodes.ABS_MT_POSITION_Y:
y = event.value
touches[slot] = (touches[slot][0], y / max_x)
draw(window, canvas, touches)
# reset coordinates (tracking id becomes -1 with a switch to the respective slot before hand)
if event.code == ecodes.ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID and event.value == -1:
touches[slot] = (-1, -1)
draw(window, canvas, touches, override_skip=True)
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