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Created July 2, 2018 22:34
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  • Save solarsailer/8c010ac4b322dc7e08eac4d58bf2f08a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Lightroom custom metadata panel
-- Copy in "~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Lightroom/Metadata Field Lists/Matthieu Oger.lrtemplate"
return {
version = 1,
title = "Matthieu Oger",
id = "",
type = "MetadataFieldList",
items = {
{ formatter = 'com.adobe.captureDate', label="Date" },
{ formatter = 'com.adobe.captureTime', label="Time" },
-- Camera.
{ formatter = 'com.adobe.model', label="Camera" },
-- Focal Length.
{ formatter = "com.adobe.focalLength", label="Focal / Native" },
{ formatter = "com.adobe.focalLength35mm", label="Focal / 35mm" },
-- Settings.
{ formatter = "com.adobe.apertureValue", label="Aperture" },
{ formatter = "com.adobe.ISOSpeedRating", label="ISO" },
{ formatter = "com.adobe.exposureTime", label="Shutter Speed" },
-- Position.
{ formatter = "com.adobe.location", label="Location" },
-- Comments.
{ formatter = "com.adobe.caption", allow_newlines=true, height_in_lines=3 },
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