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Created December 15, 2015 14:09
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Unity Screen Manager
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using System.Collections;
// Based on tutorial.
public class ScreenManager : MonoBehaviour
#region Constants
public const string PARAMETER_VISIBILITY = "IsVisible";
public const string SHOW_ANIMATION = "Show";
public const string HIDE_ANIMATION = "Hide";
#region Members
// First screen to show.
public Animator initialScreenAnimator;
// Current screen's animator.
private Animator currentScreenAnimator;
// Reference to the transition parameter.
private int isVisibleParameter;
// The GameObject Selected before we opened the current Screen.
// Used when closing a Screen, so we can go back to the button that opened it.
private GameObject previousSelectedObject;
#region Timeline
public void Awake()
instance = this;
public void OnEnable()
// Store a reference to the parameter we use to trigger the transitions.
isVisibleParameter = Animator.StringToHash(PARAMETER_VISIBILITY);
// Do nothing if no initial screen provided.
if (initialScreenAnimator == null)
#region Methods
// Show the provided screen and change the navigation/selection.
public void ShowScreen(Animator screenAnimator)
if (currentScreenAnimator == screenAnimator)
// Store the current selected object so we can revert its state
// when we dismiss this screen later.
previousSelectedObject = EventSystem.current.currentSelectedGameObject;
// Activate and move to front.
// Start the Show transition.
currentScreenAnimator = screenAnimator;
currentScreenAnimator.SetBool(isVisibleParameter, true);
// Set an object of the new screen as the selection.
// Hide the current screen and change the navigation/selection.
public void HideCurrentScreen()
if (currentScreenAnimator == null)
// Start the Hide animation.
currentScreenAnimator.SetBool(isVisibleParameter, false);
// Revert the selection to the previously selected game object.
// Disable the game animator as soon as the animation is over.
// No screen open.
currentScreenAnimator = null;
// Deactivate the game object as soon as the animation is over.
private IEnumerator DisableScreenAfterAnimation(Animator hideAnimation)
var hasReachedHiddenState = false;
var isOver = true;
while (!hasReachedHiddenState && isOver)
if (!hideAnimation.IsInTransition(0))
hasReachedHiddenState = hideAnimation.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName(HIDE_ANIMATION);
isOver = !hideAnimation.GetBool(isVisibleParameter);
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
if (isOver)
private void SetSelected(GameObject go)
#region Static
private static ScreenManager instance;
public static void Show(Animator a)
if (instance != null)
public static void Hide()
if (instance != null)
// Find the first `Selectable` element in the provided hierarchy.
public static GameObject FindFirstEnabledSelectable(GameObject gameObject)
GameObject go = null;
var selectables = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<Selectable>(true);
foreach (var selectable in selectables)
if (selectable.IsActive() && selectable.IsInteractable())
go = selectable.gameObject;
return go;
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