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Last active October 24, 2023 01:41
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another small browser extension to tailor youtube more to my liking
YouTube Player Button Hider
(this is a dummy file to set this gist's name)
"use strict";
const buttonsToHideByClass = [
// ,"play"
// ,"subtitles"
// ,"settings"
// ,"multicam"
// ,"miniplayer"
// ,"pip"
// ,"fullscreen"
const hideRules = [
(elem) =>>`ytp-${c}-button`).some(c=>elem.classList.contains(c))
// ,(elem) => ("tooltipTargetId" in elem.dataset && elem.dataset["tooltipTargetId"] == "ytp-autonav-toggle-button")
function getButtons() {
// leaving out the '> div >' grabs a couple extras we don't care about
return document.querySelectorAll(".ytp-chrome-controls > div > .ytp-button");
function isHidden(element) { return === "none"; }
function hide(element) { = "none"; }
function applyRules(buttons) {
for(const button of buttons) {
const doHide = (hideRules.some(rule => rule(button)));
if(hideRules.some(rule => rule(button)))
function tryFindAndHideButtons() {
const buttons = getButtons();
if(buttons.length === 0) { // probably not on a video page
// tactic found here:
document.addEventListener("yt-navigate-finish",tryFindAndHideButtons, {once: true, passive: true});
// above not working, hack time
setTimeout(tryFindAndHideButtons, 100);
// some additional hoops to make sure they stay hidden ("remote" is notably tenacious)
const observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutationList) {
const modifiedVisibleButtons =
filter(mutation =>
mutation.type === "attributes" &&
mutation.attributeName === "style" &&
).map(mutation =>;
const observerOptions = { attributeFilter : ['style'] };
for(const button of buttons)
observer.observe(button, observerOptions);
/* vim: set et sw=0 tabstop=2: */
"name": "YouTube Player Button Hider",
"version": "0.1",
"description": "Hides unwanted buttons at the bottom of YT's video player (i.e., stuff you never use, or only ever use via keyboard shortcut)",
"permissions": ["*://**"],
"content_scripts": [{
"matches": ["*://**"],
"js": ["contentScript.js"]
"manifest_version": 2
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