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Created November 25, 2020 08:53
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some messy tinkering around "optimizing" a graph-traversal question found on stack overflow by caching sub-paths
"use strict";
function memoize(f) {
const cache = {};
const ret = function (a) {
return (a in cache) ?
cache[a] :
(cache[a] = f(a));
ret.cache = cache; // expose cache for debugging
return ret;
const grid = [
const neighborhood = memoize(function (src) {
const row = grid.find(r=>r.includes(src));
const col = row.indexOf(src);
const horizNeighborhood = row;
const vertNeighborhood =>r[col]);
return horizNeighborhood.concat(vertNeighborhood).filter(e=>e!=src);;
// pre-populate cache
for(let i = 1; i <= 9; ++i) void neighborhood(i);
function walkAll(maxLen,/*startAt=1,*/ver=1) {
const startAt = 1;
function walk(loc,history="",maxHist=maxLen){
history += ""+loc;
if(history.length == maxHist)
return history;
return neighborhood(loc).flatMap(n=>walk(n,history))
// consistently goes 1 layer too deep, never actually uses cache
const walk2_cache = {};
const walk2_cache_length = 2;
function walk2(loc,history="",maxHist=maxLen) {
history += ""+loc;
if(history.length >= maxHist)
return history.substr(0,maxHist);
if(loc in walk2_cache)
return walk2_cache[loc].map(ce=>history+ce); // need to recurse here too!
const newSubpath = neighborhood(loc).flatMap(n=>walk(n,"",walk2_cache_length));
walk2_cache[loc] = newSubpath;
// congruent with v1
function walk3(loc,history="",lifetime=maxLen-1) {
history += ""+loc;
if(lifetime <= 0)
return history;
return neighborhood(loc).flatMap(n=>walk3(n,history,lifetime-1))
const walk4_cache = {};
// const walk4_cache_length = 1;
const walk4_cache_length = Math.floor(maxLen/3); // len/2 might be better?
function walk4(loc,history="",lifetime=maxLen-1) {
history += ""+loc;
if(lifetime == 0)
return history;
if(lifetime < 0)
//throw new Error(`lifetime ${lifetime} < 0 with ${JSON.stringify({loc,history})}`);
return []; // should work once passed through flatMap?
if(lifetime > walk4_cache_length) {
if(loc in walk4_cache)
return walk4_cache[loc].flatMap(ce=> {
const newHist = history + (ce.slice(0,-1));
const newLoc = ce.slice(-1);
return walk4(newLoc,newHist,lifetime-(1+walk4_cache_length)); //maybe off-by-one?
// else populate cache
const newSubpath = neighborhood(loc).flatMap(n=>walk4(n,"",walk4_cache_length))
walk4_cache[loc] = newSubpath;
// lazy impl: re-call self
return walk4(loc,history.slice(0,-1),lifetime);
// lifetime < cache length, fallback to non-cache algo
return neighborhood(loc).flatMap(n=>walk3(n,history,lifetime-1))
let ret;
if (ver == 1)
ret = walk(startAt);
else if (ver == 2)
//return walk2(startAt);
throw "v2 broken"
else if (ver == 3)
ret = walk3(startAt);
else if (ver == 4)
ret = walk4(startAt);
throw "unkown version"
return ret;
function benchmark(test_depth=10){
let one = `algo 1 at depth ${test_depth}`;
let two = `algo 4 at depth ${test_depth}`;
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