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Last active May 18, 2022 17:08
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import numpy as np
from functools import lru_cache
def get_tmax(t: str) -> np.ndarray:
return np.array(np.iinfo(t).max, dtype=t)
def get_tmin(t: str) -> np.ndarray:
return np.array(np.iinfo(t).min, dtype=t)
def get_half_max(t: str) -> np.ndarray:
return get_tmax(t) >> 1
def get_half_min(t: str) -> np.ndarray:
return get_tmin(t) >> 1
def zero(t: str) -> np.ndarray:
return np.array(0, dtype=t)
def one(t: str) -> np.ndarray:
return np.array(1, dtype=t)
def check_if_overlow(*terms, op='__add__'):
"""Returns True if this operation will result in overflow,
False otherwise"""
acc, *terms = terms
half_min = get_half_min()
half_max = get_half_max()
acc = acc >> 1
for t in terms:
acc = getattr(acc, op)(t >> 1)
if not half_min <= acc <= half_max:
return True
return False
def modulo_add(a: np.ndarray,
b: np.ndarray,
mod: np.ndarray,
_offset: np.ndarray = None):
"""Sum `a` and `b` modulo `mod`. If `_offset` is provided,
it is used to offset the calculation when appropriate.
Offset is typically not provided when calling the function,
but it internally used when `mod` is negative.
# Setting the offset to 0 if it is not provided
_offset = _offset or zero(mod.dtype)
# It makes no sense to add two numbers that are greater
# than the modulo; we rescale first here.
a %= mod
b %= mod
# Shortcut if a or b are 0: the result of the addition is
# the other number plus any offset.
if not a:
return b + _offset
if not b:
return a + _offset
# For cases when the modulo is negative, we reduce it to
# the case of positive modulo.
if mod < 0:
# Particular care needs to be put when flipping the
# sign of the modulo. If the modulo is at the edge of
# the allowed range of values for this type (e.g. -128
# for int8), then mod == -mod, which would not be bueno.
# So if we are at the edge, we shift the value by one
# (e.g. to -127) and then flip the sign. This requires
# us a bit of finessing ong the final result, which is why
# we need an offset.
if mod == -mod:
flipped_mod = -(mod - np.sign(mod))
offset = one(mod.dtype)
flipped_mod = -mod
offset = zero(mod.dtype)
# We perform the actual sum here.
result = modulo_add(a, b, flipped_mod, _offset=offset)
# If the result is positive (i.e., result + offset > 0),
# we shift the result by the modulo.
if result > -offset:
# We need to do this sum in a very specific order,
# as adding `offset` to `result` first might cause
# an overflow.
return result + mod + offset
return result + offset
# Two cases here; code is mostly from this answer on SO
# , but adapted to cover
# a couple of corner cases due to negative integers.
if (
# if subtracting m from b causes an overflow, we don't
# do that!
not check_if_overlow(mod, -b)
and a >= (mod - b)
result = a - mod + b
return result
result = b + a + _offset
result += mod if result <= 0 else np.zeros_like(mod)
return result
def modulo_multiply(a: np.ndarray,
b: np.ndarray,
mod: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Multiplies `a` and `b` modulo `mod`. If `b` is negative,
it calculates a * b modulo `mod` first, and then it shifts
the results appropriately.
result_accumulator = zero(mod.dtype)
# We first scale a by mod, as this does not change the
# final result.
a %= mod
# Shortcut in case b is a multiple of mod: the result is 0
if b % mod == 0:
return result_accumulator
# Code from now on is derived from
# but with tweaks to handle negative numbers.
# If b is negative, we multiply by -b first, and then shift
# the result by `a` times modulo `mod`.
if b < 0:
if b == -b:
# number range is not symmetrical, so if b=-128,
# negating b gets us to -128 again (assuming int8).
# Therefore, we step off by one by using -(sign(b)).
b_ = -(b - np.sign(b))
# If we are in the special case of b == -b, we
# need to do a trick here similar to the offset
# we used when adding. When adding, sometimes results
# are off by 1/2 if a factor/modulo value are at
# the boundary of allowed values. It's the same for
# multiplications, except that if b is at the boundary,
# we are off by a factor of a * 1. Therefore, we add
# 1 a-times to r modulo r. We set the flag here, but
# do rotation later.
offset = True
b_ = -b
offset = False
# We perform the actual multiplication here.
result = modulo_multiply(a, b_, mod)
if offset:
# Apply the offset in case we are working with lower bound
# of integer range.
result = modulo_add(result, a, mod)
# 0 is a fixed point, so no need to shift the result in that base
return mod - result if result != 0 else result
while b > 0:
if b & 1:
# If b is odd, we add `a` once and then shift digits of the right.
result_accumulator = modulo_add(result_accumulator, a, mod)
# We double before shifting for faster computation.
a = modulo_add(a, a, mod)
b >>= 1 # this is the same as dividing by 2, but faster.
return result_accumulator
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