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llama cpp output using metal on commit 5220a99
llama.cpp (5220a99)
❯ pwd
❯ LLAMA_METAL=1 make
I llama.cpp build info:
I UNAME_S: Darwin
I UNAME_P: arm
I UNAME_M: arm64
I CFLAGS: -I. -O3 -std=c11 -fPIC -DNDEBUG -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -Wcast-qual -Wdouble-promotion -Wshadow -Wstrict-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -pthread -DGG
I CXXFLAGS: -I. -I./examples -O3 -std=c++11 -fPIC -DNDEBUG -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -Wcast-qual -Wno-unused-function -Wno-multichar -pthread -DGGML_USE_METAL
I LDFLAGS: -framework Accelerate -framework Foundation -framework Metal -framework MetalKit -framework MetalPerformanceShaders
I CC: Apple clang version 14.0.3 (clang-1403.
I CXX: Apple clang version 14.0.3 (clang-1403.
c++ -I. -I./examples -O3 -std=c++11 -fPIC -DNDEBUG -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -Wcast-qual -Wno-unused-function -Wno-multichar -pthread -DGGML_USE_METAL examples/main/main.cpp
ggml.o llama.o common.o ggml-metal.o -o main -framework Accelerate -framework Foundation -framework Metal -framework MetalKit -framework MetalPerformanceShaders
==== Run ./main -h for help. ====
c++ -I. -I./examples -O3 -std=c++11 -fPIC -DNDEBUG -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -Wcast-qual -Wno-unused-function -Wno-multichar -pthread -DGGML_USE_METAL examples/quantize/quant
ize.cpp ggml.o llama.o ggml-metal.o -o quantize -framework Accelerate -framework Foundation -framework Metal -framework MetalKit -framework MetalPerformanceShaders
c++ -I. -I./examples -O3 -std=c++11 -fPIC -DNDEBUG -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -Wcast-qual -Wno-unused-function -Wno-multichar -pthread -DGGML_USE_METAL examples/quantize-stats
/quantize-stats.cpp ggml.o llama.o ggml-metal.o -o quantize-stats -framework Accelerate -framework Foundation -framework Metal -framework MetalKit -framework MetalPerforman
c++ -I. -I./examples -O3 -std=c++11 -fPIC -DNDEBUG -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -Wcast-qual -Wno-unused-function -Wno-multichar -pthread -DGGML_USE_METAL examples/perplexity/per
plexity.cpp ggml.o llama.o common.o ggml-metal.o -o perplexity -framework Accelerate -framework Foundation -framework Metal -framework MetalKit -framework MetalPerformanceS
c++ -I. -I./examples -O3 -std=c++11 -fPIC -DNDEBUG -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -Wcast-qual -Wno-unused-function -Wno-multichar -pthread -DGGML_USE_METAL examples/embedding/embe
dding.cpp ggml.o llama.o common.o ggml-metal.o -o embedding -framework Accelerate -framework Foundation -framework Metal -framework MetalKit -framework MetalPerformanceShad
c++ -I. -I./examples -O3 -std=c++11 -fPIC -DNDEBUG -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -Wcast-qual -Wno-unused-function -Wno-multichar -pthread -DGGML_USE_METAL pocs/vdot/vdot.cpp ggml
.o ggml-metal.o -o vdot -framework Accelerate -framework Foundation -framework Metal -framework MetalKit -framework MetalPerformanceShaders
❯ ./main -m ~/models/ggml-model-q4_0.bin -p "hi." -ngl 1
main: build = 615 (5220a99)
main: seed = 1686067115
llama.cpp: loading model from /Users/soleblaze/models/ggml-model-q4_0.bin
llama.cpp: loading model from /Users/soleblaze/models/ggml-model-q4_0.bin
llama_model_load_internal: format = ggjt v3 (latest)
llama_model_load_internal: n_vocab = 32000
llama_model_load_internal: n_ctx = 512
llama_model_load_internal: n_embd = 4096
llama_model_load_internal: n_mult = 256
llama_model_load_internal: n_head = 32
llama_model_load_internal: n_layer = 32
llama_model_load_internal: n_rot = 128
llama_model_load_internal: ftype = 2 (mostly Q4_0)
llama_model_load_internal: n_ff = 11008
llama_model_load_internal: n_parts = 1
llama_model_load_internal: model size = 7B
llama_model_load_internal: ggml ctx size = 0.07 MB
llama_model_load_internal: mem required = 1932.71 MB (+ 1026.00 MB per state)
llama_init_from_file: kv self size = 256.00 MB
ggml_metal_init: allocating
ggml_metal_init: using MPS
ggml_metal_init: loading '/Users/soleblaze/git/thirdparty/localai/go-llama/llama.cpp/ggml-metal.metal'
ggml_metal_init: loaded kernel_add 0x134709020
ggml_metal_init: loaded kernel_mul 0x134709740
ggml_metal_init: loaded kernel_mul_row 0x134709d70
ggml_metal_init: loaded kernel_scale 0x13470a290
ggml_metal_init: loaded kernel_silu 0x13470a7b0
ggml_metal_init: loaded kernel_relu 0x13470acd0
ggml_metal_init: loaded kernel_soft_max 0x13470b380
ggml_metal_init: loaded kernel_diag_mask_inf 0x13470b9e0
ggml_metal_init: loaded kernel_get_rows_q4_0 0x13470c060
ggml_metal_init: loaded kernel_rms_norm 0x13470c710
ggml_metal_init: loaded kernel_mul_mat_q4_0_f32 0x13470cf70
ggml_metal_init: loaded kernel_mul_mat_f16_f32 0x13470d940
ggml_metal_init: loaded kernel_rope 0x13470e230
ggml_metal_init: loaded kernel_cpy_f32_f16 0x13470eac0
ggml_metal_init: loaded kernel_cpy_f32_f32 0x13470f350
ggml_metal_add_buffer: allocated 'data ' buffer, size = 3616.07 MB
ggml_metal_add_buffer: allocated 'eval ' buffer, size = 768.00 MB
ggml_metal_add_buffer: allocated 'kv ' buffer, size = 258.00 MB
ggml_metal_add_buffer: allocated 'scr0 ' buffer, size = 512.00 MB
ggml_metal_add_buffer: allocated 'scr1 ' buffer, size = 512.00 MB
system_info: n_threads = 16 / 20 | AVX = 0 | AVX2 = 0 | AVX512 = 0 | AVX512_VBMI = 0 | AVX512_VNNI = 0 | FMA = 0 | NEON = 1 | ARM_FMA = 1 | F16C = 0 | FP16_VA = 1 | WASM_SIMD = 0 | BLAS = 1 | SSE3 = 0 | VSX = 0 |
sampling: repeat_last_n = 64, repeat_penalty = 1.100000, presence_penalty = 0.000000, frequency_penalty = 0.000000, top_k = 40, tfs_z = 1.000000, top_p = 0.950000, typical_p = 1.000000, temp = 0.800000, mirostat = 0, mirostat_lr = 0.100000, mirostat_ent = 5.000000
generate: n_ctx = 512, n_batch = 512, n_predict = -1, n_keep = 0
hi. I am interested in your workshop on June 23rd, but I see that you don't have any spaces left. is there anyway I can get on the waiting list?
If there are any spaces come up before May 31st, we will take registrations from the waiting list. [end of text]
llama_print_timings: load time = 7054.57 ms
llama_print_timings: sample time = 45.89 ms / 64 runs ( 0.72 ms per token)
llama_print_timings: prompt eval time = 205.91 ms / 3 tokens ( 68.64 ms per token)
llama_print_timings: eval time = 1561.02 ms / 63 runs ( 24.78 ms per token)
llama_print_timings: total time = 8667.92 ms
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