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Last active August 7, 2018 07:31
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tic tac toe
import random
def display_board(a_board):
print(a_board[7] + '|' + a_board[8] + '|' + a_board[9])
print(a_board[4] + '|' + a_board[5] + '|' + a_board[6])
print(a_board[1] + '|' + a_board[2] + '|' + a_board[3])
def player_input():
player_choice = ''
while not (player_choice == 'X' or player_choice == 'O'):
player_choice = input('Human, choose your marker: X or O: ').upper()
if player_choice == 'X':
return ('O', 'X')
return ('X', 'O')
def place_marker(a_board, a_marker, a_position):
a_board[a_position] = a_marker
def win_check(a_board, a_marker):
return (a_board[1] == a_board[2] == a_board[3] == a_marker or
a_board[4] == a_board[5] == a_board[6] == a_marker or
a_board[7] == a_board[8] == a_board[9] == a_marker or
a_board[1] == a_board[4] == a_board[7] == a_marker or
a_board[2] == a_board[5] == a_board[8] == a_marker or
a_board[3] == a_board[6] == a_board[9] == a_marker or
a_board[1] == a_board[5] == a_board[9] == a_marker or
a_board[3] == a_board[5] == a_board[7] == a_marker)
def space_check(a_board, a_position):
return a_board[a_position] == ' '
def full_board_check(a_board):
return ' ' in a_board
def player_choice(a_board):
chosen_position = int(input('Choose your desired position: '))
while space_check(a_board, chosen_position) == False:
chosen_position = int(input('Choose your desired position: '))
return chosen_position
def ai_choice(a_board):
chosen_position = random.randint(1,9)
while space_check(a_board, chosen_position) == False:
chosen_position = random.randint(1,9)
return chosen_position
def replay():
return input('Play again? Y/N: ').upper() == 'Y'
print('Welcome to Tic Tac Toe!')
while True:
the_board = ['#',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ']
ai_marker, h_marker = player_input()
game_on = True
turn = 'ai_player'
while game_on:
if turn == 'ai_player':
selected_position = ai_choice(the_board)
place_marker(the_board, ai_marker, selected_position)
if win_check(the_board, ai_marker) == True:
print('AI wins!')
game_on = False
elif full_board_check(the_board) == False:
game_on = False
turn = 'h_player'
elif turn == 'h_player':
selected_position = player_choice(the_board)
place_marker(the_board, h_marker, selected_position)
if win_check(the_board, h_marker) == True:
print('Human wins!')
game_on = False
elif full_board_check(the_board) == False:
game_on = False
turn = 'ai_player'
if not replay():
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