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Created November 23, 2017 13:56
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Authentification endpoint
'use strict';
const db = require('@arangodb').db;
const joi = require('joi');
const createRouter = require('@arangodb/foxx/router');
const sessionsMiddleware = require('@arangodb/foxx/sessions');
const jwtStorage = require('@arangodb/foxx/sessions/storages/jwt');
const createAuth = require('@arangodb/foxx/auth');
const auth = createAuth();
const router = createRouter();
const sessions = sessionsMiddleware({
storage: jwtStorage({ secret: "Secret", ttl: 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 }),
ttl: 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, // one week in seconds
transport: 'header'
module.context.use(router);'/signup', function (req, res) {
const user = req.body; // get the form defined in the body section below
try {
// Create an authentication hash
user.authData = auth.create(user.password);
// Delete plain password data
delete user.password;
delete user.password_confirmation;
// Validate user (for demo purpose)
user.a = true
const meta =;
Object.assign(user, meta); // assign _key, _id to user
} catch (e) {
res.throw('bad request', 'Username already taken', e);
// Set the session uid
req.session.uid = user._key;
res.send({success: true});
"fn": joi.string().required(),
"ln": joi.string().required(),
"username": joi.string().required(),
"password": joi.string().min(8).max(32).required(),
"password_confirmation": joi.string().required(),
}), 'Credentials')
.description('Creates a new user and logs them in.');'/login', function (req, res) {
// This may return a user object or null
const user = db.users.firstExample({
username: req.body.username,
a: true
const valid = auth.verify(
user ? user.authData : {},
// Log the user in
if(valid) {
req.session.uid = user._key;
// Corrs
res.setHeader("Access-Control-Expose-Headers", "X-Session-Id");
res.send({success: valid, uid: req.session});
username: joi.string().required(),
password: joi.string().required()
}).required(), 'Credentials')
.description('Logs a registered user in.');'/logout', function (req, res) {
if (req.session.uid) {
req.session.uid = null;
res.send({success: true});
.description('Logs the current user out.');
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