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Forked from alternegro/gist:3007373
Last active December 10, 2019 19:06
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XCode shortcuts

Xcode Shortcuts


⌘R Run
⌘U Unit Test
⌘I Instruments Profile
⇧⌘B Analyze


⇧⌘O Open quickly. Use ⇧⌥⏎ to bring up destination popup & use ⌘⬅ to open new window.
⇧⌘2 Open organizer
⌃⌘⬅ Go back in history
⌃⌘➜ Go forward in history
⌘⇧[ Go to previous tab
⌘⇧] Go to next tab
⇧⌘J Reveal in Project Navigator
⌘J Move focus to editor
⌥⌘. Move focus to next area
⌥⌘< Move focus to previous area
⌃⌘⬆ Jump to counterpart
⌘L Goto line
⌘} Select next tab
⌘{ Select previous tab
Ctrl⌘⬆ Swithch to Header and implementation


^space Show completions
^⌘E Edit all in scope
⌥⌘⬅ Fold block
⌥⌘➜ Unfold block
⇧⌥⌘⬅ Fold all methods and functions
⇧⌥⌘➜ Unfold all methods and functions
^⌥⌘⬅ Fold comment blocks
^⌥⌘➜ Unfold comment blocks
⌘/ Comment selection

View – Editor

⌘⏎ Show standard editor
⇧⌘⏎ Show Assistant editor
⌥⇧⌘⏎ Show version editor
^⇧⌘Z Reset editor. Simpler to use a custom behavior assigned to a function key

View – Navigation

These conflict with Mission control so you will have to disable the mission control shortcuts in system preferences.

^1 Show related items
^2 Show previous history
^3 Show next history
^4 Show top items
^5 Show group files
^6 Show document items

View – Navigators

⌘0 Hide Navigator
⌘1 Project Navigator
⌘2 Symbol Navigator
⌘3 Search Navigator
⌘4 Issue Navigator
⌘5 Debug Navigator
⌘6 Breakpoint Navigator
⌘7 Log Navigator

View – Utilities

^⌥⌘0 Hide Utilities
^⌥⌘1 File template Library
^⌥⌘2 Code Snippet Library
^⌥⌘3 Object Library
^⌥⌘4 Media Library

Source Control

⌥⌘C Commit
⌥⌘U Update
⌥⌘P Push (Non standard. I added this to my Xcode prefs)
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