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Forked from gskema/noinspection.php
Created August 23, 2022 03:39
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PhpStorm @noinspection list of all tags
/** @noinspection ? */
// PhpUndefinedGotoLabelInspections Undefined goto label
// PhpUndefinedVariableInspections Undefined variable
// PhpUndefinedMethodInspections Undefined method
// PhpUndefinedNamespaceInspections Undefined namespace
// PhpUndefinedClassInspections Undefined class
// PhpUndefinedFunctionInspections Undefined function
// PhpUndefinedCallbackInspections Undefined callback
// PhpDynamicAsStaticMethodCallInspections Dynamic method called as static
// PhpStaticAsDynamicMethodCallInspections Static method called as dynamic
// PhpAbstractStaticMethodInspections Static function should not be abstract
// PhpSignatureMismatchDuringInheritanceInspections Declaration of overridden method should be compatible with parent class
// PhpHierarchyChecksInspections
// PhpUndefinedClassConstantInspections Undefined class constant
// PhpMissingParentConstructorInspections Missing parent call for constructor
// PhpMissingParentCallCommonInspections Missing parent call for method
// PhpMissingParentCallMagicInspections Missing parent call for magic methods
// PhpUndefinedFieldInspections Undefined field
// PhpUndefinedConstantInspections Undefined constant
// PhpIncludeInspections Unresolved include
// PhpParamsInspections Parameter type
// PhpPassByRefInspections Pass parameter by reference
// PhpGotoIntoLoopInspections Goto into loop statement
// PhpUnusedPrivateMethodInspections Unused private method
// PhpUnusedPrivateFieldInspections Unused private field
// PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspections Unused local variable
// PhpUnusedAliasInspections Unused import
// PhpLanguageLevelInspections Language Level
// PhpUnreachableStatementInspections
// PhpDeprecationInspections Deprecated
// PhpInternalEntityUsedInspections Usage of internal entity
// PhpToStringReturnInspections Method __toString return type
// PhpToStringImplementationInspections Method __toString implementation
// PhpNonCompoundUseInspections Unnecessary statement use
// PhpConstantReassignmentInspections Constant reassignment
// PhpWrongStringConcatenationInspections Wrong string concatenation
// PhpWrongCatchClausesOrderInspections Wrong catch clauses order
// PhpAssignmentInConditionInspections Assignment in condition
// PhpDivisionByZeroInspections Division by zero
// PhpWrongForeachArgumentTypeInspections Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
// PhpUnusedParameterInspections Unused parameter
// PhpMissingDocCommentInspections Missing PHPDoc comment
// PhpSillyAssignmentInspections Silly assignment
// PhpIllegalArrayKeyTypeInspections Illegal array key type
// PhpDocSignatureInspections PHPDoc comment matches function/method signature
// PhpDocMissingThrowsInspections Missing @throws tag(s)
// PhpDocMissingReturnTagInspections Missing @return tag
// PhpInconsistentReturnPointsInspections Inconsistent return points
// PhpMethodParametersCountMismatchInspections Parameters number mismatch declaration
// PhpTooManyParametersInspections Too many parameters in function declaration
// PhpRedundantClosingTagInspections Redundant closing tag
// PhpVoidFunctionResultUsedInspections Void function result used
// PhpExpressionResultUnusedInspections Expression result unused
// PhpMethodOrClassCallIsNotCaseSensitiveInspections Case mismatch in method call or class usage
// PhpClassNamingConventionInspections Class name is not following coding convention
// PhpFunctionNamingConventionInspections Function name is not following coding convention
// PhpMethodNamingConventionInspections Method name is not following coding convention
// PhpPropertyNamingConventionInspections Property name is not following coding convention
// PhpVariableNamingConventionInspections Variable name is not following coding convention
// PhpConstantNamingConventionInspections Constant name is not following coding convention
// PhpUnusedClassInspections Unused class
// PhpUnusedFunctionInspections Unused function
// PhpMissingBreakStatementInspections Missing 'break' statement
// PhpForeachNestedOuterKeyValueVariablesConflictInspections Nested vs outer 'foreach' variables conflict
// PhpForeachArrayIsUsedAsValueInspections Foreach array is used as value
// PhpUsageOfSilenceOperatorInspections Usage of a silence operator
// PhpCSValidationInspections PHP Code Sniffer validation
// MessDetectorValidationInspections PHP Mess Detector validation
// PhpDuplicateArrayKeysInspections
// PhpUnnecessaryFullyQualifiedNameInspections Unnecessary fully qualified name
// PhpDuplicateCaseInspections Duplicate case in switch statement
// PhpMultipleClassesDeclarationsInOneFiles Multiple classes declarations in one file
// PhpIllegalPsrClassPathInspections Class path doesn't match project structure
// PhpTraditionalSyntaxArrayLiteralInspections Traditional syntax array literal detected
// Php7ReadinessInspections PHP 7 Compatibility
// PhpVariableVariableInspections Usage of a variable variable
// PhpStrictTypeCheckingInspections Strict type checking rules violation
// PhpIncompatibleReturnTypeInspections Incompatible return type
// PhpMissingStrictTypesDeclarationInspections Missing strict types declaration
// PhpInvalidMagicMethodModifiersInspections Invalid magic method modifiers
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