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Created May 20, 2018 17:26
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module Peano where
import Test.QuickCheck
import Data.Monoid
-- p = 1 + p
data Peano = Zero | Succ Peano deriving Show
---- Operations ----
-- Addition
addP :: Peano -> Peano -> Peano
addP Zero b = b
addP (Succ a) b = Succ (addP a b)
-- Subtraction (safe)
subP :: Peano -> Peano -> Maybe Peano
subP Zero Zero = Just Zero
subP Zero _ = Nothing
subP a Zero = Just a
subP (Succ a) (Succ b) = subP a b
-- Subtraction (unsafe)
unsafeSubP :: Peano -> Peano -> Peano
unsafeSubP Zero Zero = Zero
unsafeSubP Zero _ = undefined
unsafeSubP a Zero = a
unsafeSubP (Succ a) (Succ b) = unsafeSubP a b
-- Successor
succP :: Peano -> Peano
succP a = (Succ a)
-- Predecessor (safe)
predP :: Peano -> Maybe Peano
predP Zero = Nothing
predP (Succ a) = Just a
-- Predecessor (unsafe)
unsafePredP :: Peano -> Peano
unsafePredP Zero = undefined
unsafePredP (Succ a) = a
-- Multiplication
multP :: Peano -> Peano -> Peano
multP a b = go a b
where go (Succ Zero) y = y
go (Succ x) y = go x (addP b y)
go Zero y = Zero
-- Integral Division
divP :: Peano -> Peano -> Peano
divP n d = go n d Zero
where go n d a
| n == Zero = a
| n < d = a
| otherwise = go (n - d) d (Succ a)
-- Quotient
quotP :: Peano -> Peano -> Peano
quotP = divP
-- Remainder
remP :: Peano -> Peano -> Peano
remP n d = go n d Zero
where go n' d a
| n' == Zero = Zero
| n' < d = n - (d * a)
| otherwise = go (n' - d) d (Succ a)
-- Exponentiation
expP :: Peano -> Peano -> Peano
expP _ Zero = Succ Zero
expP a (Succ b) = go a b
where go x Zero = x
go x (Succ y) = go (multP a x) y
-- Equality
eqP :: Peano -> Peano -> Bool
eqP a b = case subP a b of
Just Zero -> True
Just _ -> False
Nothing -> False
-- Greater Than
gtP :: Peano -> Peano -> Bool
gtP a b = case subP a b of
Just Zero -> False
Just _ -> True
Nothing -> False
-- Less Than
ltP :: Peano -> Peano -> Bool
ltP a b = case subP a b of
Just Zero -> False
Just _ -> False
Nothing -> True
-- Greater Than or Equal
gteP :: Peano -> Peano -> Bool
gteP a b = case subP a b of
Just _ -> True
Nothing -> False
-- Less Than or Equal
lteP :: Peano -> Peano -> Bool
lteP a b = case subP a b of
Just Zero -> True
Just _ -> False
Nothing -> False
-- To Integer
toIntP :: Peano -> Integer
toIntP Zero = 0
toIntP (Succ a) = 1 + toIntP a
-- From Integer
fromIntP :: Integer -> Peano
fromIntP 0 = Zero
fromIntP a = (Succ $ fromIntP $ a - 1)
---- Typeclass Instances ----
instance Eq Peano where
(==) a b = eqP a b
(/=) a b = not $ eqP a b
instance Ord Peano where
(>) a b = gtP a b
(<) a b = ltP a b
(>=) a b = gteP a b
(<=) a b = lteP a b
instance Num Peano where
(+) a b = addP a b
(-) a b = unsafeSubP a b
(*) a b = multP a b
fromInteger = fromIntP
abs a = a
signum Zero = Zero
signum a = a
--instance Enum Peano where
-- succ a = Succ a
--instance Integral Peano where
-- div a b = divP a b
--instance Show Peano where
-- show a = show $ toIntP a
instance Monoid Peano where
mempty = Zero
mappend a b = addP a b
instance Arbitrary Peano where
arbitrary = do
a <- arbitrary :: Gen Integer
return (fromIntP $ abs a)
---- Tests ----
genPeano :: Gen Peano
genPeano = arbitrary
---- Addition
-- Zero is the identity value
prop_AddId :: Property
prop_AddId =
forAll genPeano
(\x -> x + Zero === x)
-- x + y is always greater then x
prop_Add :: Property
prop_Add =
forAll genPeano
(\x y -> x + y >= x)
-- Is Associative
prop_AddAssoc :: Property
prop_AddAssoc =
forAll genPeano
(\x y z -> (x + y) + z === x + (y + z))
-- Is Commutative
prop_AddCommu :: Property
prop_AddCommu =
forAll genPeano
(\x y -> x + y === y + x)
---- Subtraction
---- Multiplication
-- (Succ Zero) is the identity value
prop_MultId :: Property
prop_MultId =
forAll genPeano
(\x -> x * (Succ Zero) == x)
-- Is Associative
prop_MultAssoc :: Property
prop_MultAssoc =
forAll genPeano
(\x y z -> (x * y) * z === x * (y * z))
-- Is Commutative
prop_MultCommu :: Property
prop_MultCommu =
forAll genPeano
(\x y -> x * y === y * x)
-- Is Distributive
prop_MultDist :: Property
prop_MultDist =
forAll genPeano
(\x y z -> (x * y) +(x * z) === x * (y + z))
-- Division
-- Exponentiation
---- Order
-- Successor is greater than
props_orderSuccGt :: Property
props_orderSuccGt =
forAll genPeano
(\x -> succP x > x)
-- Successor/Predecessor
-- succP x is always 1 greater than x
prop_Succ :: Property
prop_Succ =
forAll genPeano
(\n -> succP n === n + (Succ Zero))
---- Test Runner
runTests = do
quickCheck prop_Add
quickCheck prop_AddId
quickCheck prop_AddAssoc
quickCheck prop_AddCommu
quickCheck prop_MultId
quickCheck prop_MultAssoc
quickCheck prop_MultCommu
quickCheck prop_MultDist
quickCheck props_orderSuccGt
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