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Last active July 30, 2019 06:30
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jmx exporter settings for kafka 1.1.x
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- pattern : kafka.server<type=BrokerTopicMetrics, name=BytesInPerSec, topic=(?!.+,)(.*)><>Count
name: kafka_server_topic_byte_in_bytes
topic: "$1"
- pattern : kafka.server<type=BrokerTopicMetrics, name=BytesOutPerSec, topic=(?!.+,)(.*)><>Count
name: kafka_server_topic_byte_out_bytes
topic: "$1"
- pattern :<type=RequestMetrics, name=ErrorsPerSec, request=(.+), error=((?!NONE).+)><>Count
name: kafka_network_request_error_total
request: "$1"
error: "$2"
- pattern : kafka.server<type=BrokerTopicMetrics, name=MessagesInPerSec, topic=(?!.+,)(.*)><>Count
name: kafka_server_topic_message_in_total
topic: "$1"
- pattern : kafka.server<type=ReplicaManager, name=UnderReplicatedPartitions><>Count
name: kafka_server_under_replicated_partition_total
type: GAUGE
- pattern : kafka.server<type=ReplicaManager, name=PartitionCount><>Count
name: kafka_server_under_partition_total
type: GAUGE
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