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Archive all ChatGPT chats browser script
// This script will iterate over all of your ChatGPT sessions and archive them one-by-one.
// 1. Go to
// 2. Open Chrome devtools (see or equivalent in your browser
// 3. Open the console tab
// 4. Paste the code below and press enter
const pause = (ms) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
const history = document.querySelector('[aria-label="Chat history"]');
while (true) {
const chat = history.querySelector(
'a[href^="/c/"]:not(.group), a[href^="/g/"]:not(.group)'
if (!chat) {
await pause(500);
const menuButton = chat.parentElement.querySelector("button");
new KeyboardEvent("keydown", { key: "Enter", code: "Enter", bubbles: true })
await pause(500);
const archiveButton = [...document.querySelectorAll('[role="menuitem"]')].find(
(item) => item.textContent === "Archive chat"
await pause(1500);
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