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Created May 9, 2018 15:39
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-- TODO(solson): lean/library/init/data/sum/default.lean should include this import upstream.
universes u v
variables {α : Type u} {β : Type v} {n : ℕ} {a : α} {b : β} {f : α → β}
def count_cond [decidable_eq α] (a b : α) : ℕ :=
cond (a = b) 1 0
def count_cond_true [decidable_eq α] {a b : α} : a = b → count_cond a b = 1 :=
assume h, by simp [count_cond, to_bool_tt h]
def count_cond_false [decidable_eq α] {a b : α} : a ≠ b → count_cond a b = 0 :=
assume h, by simp [count_cond, to_bool_ff h]
lemma count_cond_of_iff {a b : α} [decidable_eq α] [decidable_eq β] :
(f a = f b ↔ a = b) → count_cond (f a) (f b) = count_cond a b :=
assume h,
unfold count_cond,
apply congr_fun _ 0,
apply congr_fun _ 1,
apply congr_arg cond,
apply to_bool_congr,
exact h,
def count [decidable_eq α] (a : α) : list α → ℕ
| [] := 0
| (x::xs) := count_cond a x + count xs
theorem count_nil [decidable_eq α] : count a list.nil = 0 := by unfold count
theorem count_append [decidable_eq α] :
∀ {xs ys : list α}, count a (xs ++ ys) = count a xs + count a ys
| [] ys := by simp [count]
| (x::xs) ys := by simp [count, count_append]
-- Finite types.
class fintype (α : Type u) [decidable_eq α] : Type u :=
(values : list α)
(values_pred : ∀ (a : α), count a values = 1)
instance empty.decidable_eq : decidable_eq empty.
instance empty.fintype : fintype empty := ⟨[], λ a, by cases a⟩
instance : fintype unit := ⟨[], λ _, rfl⟩
instance : fintype bool := ⟨[ff, tt], λ b, by cases b; refl⟩
lemma zero_ne_fin_succ : ∀ (x : fin n), 0 ≠ x.succ
| ⟨x, _⟩ := by {
unfold fin.succ,
assume h,
injection h,
lemma mem_map : ∀ {xs : list α}, b ∈ f xs ↔ (∃ a ∈ xs, b = f a)
| [] := by {
rw iff_false_intro (list.not_mem_nil b),
{ contradiction },
{ apply list.not_bex_nil },
| (x::xs) := by {
rw list.mem_cons_iff,
assume h,
cases h,
case or.inl h {
exact ⟨x, list.mem_cons_self x xs, h⟩,
case or.inr h {
have h' : ∃ (a : α) (H : a ∈ xs), b = f a, from h,
exact let ⟨a, h1, h2⟩ := h' in ⟨a, list.mem_cons_of_mem x h1, h2⟩,
exact assume ⟨a, h1, h2⟩, by {
rw list.mem_cons_iff at h1,
cases h1,
case or.inl h {
rw [h2, h],
apply list.mem_cons_self,
case or.inr h {
apply list.mem_cons_of_mem,
apply mem_map.mpr,
exact ⟨a, h, h2⟩,
lemma not_mem_map {xs : list α} : (∀ a ∈ xs, b ≠ f a) → b ∉ f xs :=
assume h h_mem, let ⟨a, h1, h2⟩ := h_mem in h a h1 h2
lemma count_eq_zero [decidable_eq α] : ∀ {xs : list α}, a ∉ xs → count a xs = 0
| [] _ := rfl
| (x::xs) h := by {
rw list.mem_cons_eq at h,
have h1 : a ≠ x, from h ∘ or.inl,
have h2 : a ∉ xs, from h ∘ or.inr,
rw [count, count_cond_false h1, count_eq_zero h2],
lemma count_map [decidable_eq α] [decidable_eq β] (h_inj : ∀ {a b}, f a = f b → a = b) :
∀ (xs : list α), count (f a) ( f xs) = count a xs
| [] := rfl
| (x::xs) := by {
rw [, count, count, count_map],
apply count_cond_of_iff,
exact ⟨h_inj, λ h, by subst h⟩,
def fin_values : ∀ (n : ℕ), list (fin n)
| 0 := []
| (n+1) := 0 :: fin.succ (fin_values n)
def fin_values_pred : ∀ (n : ℕ) (a : fin n), count a (fin_values n) = 1
| 0 := λ f, f.elim0
| (n+1) := λ x,
if h_eq : x = 0
then by {
subst h_eq,
rw [fin_values, count, count_cond_true rfl, count_eq_zero],
apply not_mem_map,
apply zero_ne_fin_succ,
else by {
rw [fin_values, count, count_cond_false h_eq],
-- TODO(solson): Extract as an independent theorem.
have : ∀ x (h : x ≠ 0), x = fin.succ (fin.pred x h), assume x h, by {
cases x,
cases val,
unfold fin.pred,
unfold nat.pred,
unfold fin.succ,
rw [this x h_eq, count_map, fin_values_pred],
-- TODO(solson): Extract as an independent theorem.
show ∀ {a b : fin n}, fin.succ a = fin.succ b → a = b, by {
intros a b,
cases a,
cases b,
unfold fin.succ,
assume h,
injection h with h',
injection h',
instance fin.fintype (n : ℕ) : fintype (fin n) :=
⟨fin_values n, fin_values_pred n⟩
instance : fintype char := by { unfold char, apply_instance }
instance [decidable_eq α] [fintype α] : fintype (option α) := {
values := none :: some (fintype.values α),
values_pred := λ x, match x with
| none := by {
rw [count, count_cond_true rfl, count_eq_zero],
apply not_mem_map,
| some x := by {
rw [count, count_cond_false, count_map, fintype.values_pred],
show some x ≠ none, by contradiction,
apply option.some.inj,
def cart : list α → list β → list (α × β)
| [] _ := []
| (x::xs) ys := ( x) ys ++ cart xs ys
lemma count_cond_prod [decidable_eq α] [decidable_eq β] {a x : α} {b y : β} :
count_cond (a, b) (x, y) = count_cond a x * count_cond b y :=
have d1 : decidable (a = x), by apply_instance,
have d2 : decidable (b = y), by apply_instance,
match d1, d2 with
| is_true h1, is_true h2 := by simp [h1, h2]
| is_false h, _ := by {
have h' : (a, b) ≠ (x, y),
by { assume heq, injection heq, contradiction },
simp [h, h'],
| _, is_false h := by {
have h' : (a, b) ≠ (x, y),
by { assume heq, injection heq, contradiction },
simp [h, h'],
lemma count_cart_step [decidable_eq α] [decidable_eq β] {x : α} :
∀ {ys : list β},
count (a, b) ( ( x) ys) = count_cond a x * count b ys
| [] := rfl
| (y::ys) := by {
rw [, count, count, count_cart_step, mul_add],
apply count_cond_prod,
theorem count_cart [decidable_eq α] [decidable_eq β] :
∀ {xs : list α} {ys : list β},
count (a, b) (cart xs ys) = count a xs * count b ys
| [] ys := by simp [count]
| (x::xs) ys := by simp [count_append, count_cart, count, add_mul, count_cart_step]
instance [decidable_eq α] [decidable_eq β] [fintype α] [fintype β] :
fintype (α × β) :=
values := cart (fintype.values α) (fintype.values β),
values_pred := λ ⟨a, b⟩, by simp [count_cart, fintype.values_pred],
instance {α β : Type u} [decidable_eq α] [decidable_eq β] [fintype α] [fintype β] :
fintype (α ⊕ β) :=
values := sum.inl (fintype.values α) ++ sum.inr (fintype.values β),
values_pred := λ s, match s with
| sum.inl a := by {
rw [count_append, count_map, fintype.values_pred, count_eq_zero],
show ∀ {a b : α}, sum.inl a = sum.inl b → a = b, by apply sum.inl.inj,
apply not_mem_map,
| sum.inr b := by {
rw [count_append, count_eq_zero, count_map, fintype.values_pred],
show ∀ {a b : β}, sum.inr a = sum.inr b → a = b, by apply sum.inr.inj,
apply not_mem_map,
def card (α : Type u) [decidable_eq α] [ft : fintype α] := ft.values.length
theorem card_fin : card (fin n) = n :=
rw card,
induction n,
case { refl },
case nat.succ n' ih_n { simp [fin_values, ih_n] },
-- theorem card_prod [decidable_eq α] [decidable_eq β] [fintype α] [fintype β] :
-- card (α × β) = card α * card β :=
-- begin
-- unfold card,
-- unfold fintype.values,
-- unfold_projs,
-- end
#eval fintype.values (fin 2 × option unit ⊕ bool)
-- [(inl (0, none)), (inl (0, (some star))), (inl (1, none)), (inl (1, (some star))), (inr ff), (inr tt)]
#reduce fintype.values (bool ⊕ (bool × empty))
-- [sum.inl ff, sum.inl tt]
#reduce fintype.values (option (option empty))
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