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Last active March 25, 2024 07:41
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Load DICOM data into a NumPy array with VTK #python #dicom #medical #imagedata #vtk #fileIO


import vtk
from vtk.util import numpy_support
import numpy

Create a vtkDICOMImageReader object, set its directory to the one containing all DICOM files, and Update to read in all data:

PathDicom = "./dir_with_dicom_files/"
reader = vtk.vtkDICOMImageReader()

Read in some of the metadata, specifically the image dimensions, the pixel-spacing, and the slice-thickness

# Load dimensions using `GetDataExtent`
_extent = reader.GetDataExtent()
ConstPixelDims = [_extent[1]-_extent[0]+1, _extent[3]-_extent[2]+1, _extent[5]-_extent[4]+1]

# Load spacing values
ConstPixelSpacing = reader.GetPixelSpacing()

Load all the pixel data into an appropriate sized NumPy array named ArrayDicom:

# Get the 'vtkImageData' object from the reader
imageData = reader.GetOutput()
# Get the 'vtkPointData' object from the 'vtkImageData' object
pointData = imageData.GetPointData()
# Ensure that only one array exists within the 'vtkPointData' object
assert (pointData.GetNumberOfArrays()==1)
# Get the `vtkArray` (or whatever derived type) which is needed for the `numpy_support.vtk_to_numpy` function
arrayData = pointData.GetArray(0)

# Convert the `vtkArray` to a NumPy array
ArrayDicom = numpy_support.vtk_to_numpy(arrayData)
# Reshape the NumPy array to 3D using 'ConstPixelDims' as a 'shape'
ArrayDicom = ArrayDicom.reshape(ConstPixelDims, order='F')
import vtk
from vtk.util import numpy_support
import numpy
PathDicom = "./dir_with_dicom_files/"
reader = vtk.vtkDICOMImageReader()
# Load dimensions using `GetDataExtent`
_extent = reader.GetDataExtent()
ConstPixelDims = [_extent[1]-_extent[0]+1, _extent[3]-_extent[2]+1, _extent[5]-_extent[4]+1]
# Load spacing values
ConstPixelSpacing = reader.GetPixelSpacing()
# Get the 'vtkImageData' object from the reader
imageData = reader.GetOutput()
# Get the 'vtkPointData' object from the 'vtkImageData' object
pointData = imageData.GetPointData()
# Ensure that only one array exists within the 'vtkPointData' object
assert (pointData.GetNumberOfArrays()==1)
# Get the `vtkArray` (or whatever derived type) which is needed for the `numpy_support.vtk_to_numpy` function
arrayData = pointData.GetArray(0)
# Convert the `vtkArray` to a NumPy array
ArrayDicom = numpy_support.vtk_to_numpy(arrayData)
# Reshape the NumPy array to 3D using 'ConstPixelDims' as a 'shape'
ArrayDicom = ArrayDicom.reshape(ConstPixelDims, order='F')
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