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Last active September 27, 2016 09:35
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scalajs, react interaction with javascript
// Confusion over how to pass a scalajs defined component to a javascript defined component
object GriddleComponentWrapper {
// for customComponent I've tried js.Any, ReactComponentU
class ColumnMeta(val columnName: String, val order: Int, val customComponent: ReactClass=null) extends js.Object
case class GriddleComponentWrapper(results: js.Any, //Seq[Map[String, Any]],
columns: Seq[String],
columnMeta: Option[Seq[ColumnMeta]] = None,
showSettings: Boolean = true,
showFilter: Boolean = true
) {
def toJS = {
val p = js.Dynamic.literal()
(columnMeta).foreach { case cm => p.updateDynamic("columnMetadata")(cm.toJsArray) }
def apply(children: ReactNode*) = {
val f = React.asInstanceOf[js.Dynamic].createFactory( // access real js component , make sure you wrap with createFactory (this is needed from 0.13 onwards)
f(toJS, children.toJsArray).asInstanceOf[ReactComponentU_]
object MyTestGrid {
class ColumnMetaProps(val data: js.Object, val rowData: js.Object, val metadata: js.Object) extends js.Object
// I've tried making the Props argument js.Dynamic, and also the ColumnMetaProps above
val testComp = ReactComponentB[js.Dynamic]("Mine").renderP(
(sc, props: js.Dynamic) => {
//when debugging this in the browser, 'sc' and 'props' have inspectable object values with the expected members in the browser
//dev tools, BUT, they're undefined"what is ${sc.props}")"what is $props")
val string: Frag = if (!js.isUndefined(props)) else "nothing!"
val aCompletelyStaticComponentWithNoPropsWillWork = ReactComponentB[js.Dynamic]("MyStaticComponent").renderP(
(sc, props: js.Dynamic) => <.h1("this renders!!") ).build
// am I passing the right thing to columnmeta with testComp.reactClass?
val columnMeta = (new ColumnMeta("c1", 1, testComp.reactClass) :: Nil).toJsArray
val results = Seq(
js.Dynamic.literal("c1" -> "row1c1", "c2" -> "row1c2"),
val component = ReactComponentB[js.Dynamic]("MyTestGrid")
.render_P {
props =>
GriddleComponentWrapper(results, columns = "c1" :: "c2" :: Nil, columnMeta = Some(columnMeta))()
def apply() = component
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