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Created March 29, 2023 13:46
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Orderable: Drag & Drop Ordering - Stimulus Controller
import { Controller } from "stimulus";
// Handles ordering elements on the page using
// buttons than can move the elements up or down.
// Usage:
// 1. Add data-controller orderable on a parent node.
// 2. (Optional) For persisting order to input fields:
// - add data-orderable-target="orderInput"
// 3. Wire up buttons or links to call up/down actions.
// by adding data-action="orderable#up", or
// data-action="orderable#dowm"
const MOVES = {
down: {
sibling: 1,
insert: "afterend",
up: {
sibling: -1,
insert: "beforebegin",
export default class extends Controller {
static targets = ["orderInput", "orderable"];
connect() {
move(target, direction) {
const targetIndex = this.orderableTargets.findIndex(t => t === target);
const swapTarget = this.orderableTargets[
targetIndex + MOVES[direction].sibling
if (target && swapTarget) {
swapTarget.insertAdjacentElement(MOVES[direction].insert, target);
up({ currentTarget }) {
this.move(this.getTarget(currentTarget), "up");
down({ currentTarget }) {
this.move(this.getTarget(currentTarget), "down");
reorder() {
setTimeout(() => this.setOrder(), 100);
getTarget(currentTarget) {
return currentTarget.closest("[data-orderable-target]");
setOrder() {
(targetInput, index) => (targetInput.value = index)
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