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Last active January 27, 2023 18:43
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Creating bosses

Example boss json:

  "entity": "minecraft:zombie",                        ID of the entity used as boss
  "name": "Corvin the Rotten",                         Custom name
  "visualscale": 1.2,                                  Visual size amplifier
  "experience": 300,                                   Exp dropped
  "effects": {
        "minecraft:slowness": 1                        Potion effects with "id": potionlevel
  "attributes": {                                      Entity Attributes, those only apply if the base entity has those already
    "generic.max_health": 100,                         health value
    "generic.follow_range": 50,                        follow range
    "generic.knockback_resistance": 10,                knockback resistance
    "generic.attack_damage": 10                        base attack damage, only affects melee
  "customattributes": {                               Custom attributes, special values which this mod adds, further explained below
    "dropgear": 1                                     Drops gear by slot
  "gear": {                                           List of gear the entity gets equipped with
    "mainhand": "{id: \"minecraft:netherite_hoe\", Count: 1b, tag: {Damage: 0}}",
    "chestplate": "{id: \"minecraft:netherite_chestplate\", Count: 1b, tag: {Damage: 0}}",
    "helmet": "{id: \"minecraft:netherite_helmet\", Count: 1b, tag: {Damage: 0}}",
    "leggings": "{id: \"minecraft:netherite_leggings\", Count: 1b, tag: {Damage: 0}}",
    "feet": "{id: \"minecraft:netherite_boots\", Count: 1b, tag: {Damage: 0}}"
  "ai-goals": {                                       List of special AI behaviours added to this boss
    "brutalbosses:aftercombatregen": {                Boss starts to regen life after not having a target for a bit
      "amount": 1
    "brutalbosses:whirldwind": {                      Boss does every 200 ticks a whirldwind attack and applies the wither potion effect on hit
      "potiononhit": "minecraft:wither",
      "potionduration": 200,
      "knockback": 4,
      "cooldown": 200
    "brutalbosses:charge": {}                         Boss gets the charge AI which occasionally gives it a speedboost
  "spawnatchest": {                                   This section determines where the boss spawns by setting the loottables of chests it spawns next to and the weight to appear
    "minecraft:chests/simple_dungeon": 5,
    "minecraft:chests/stronghold_crossing": 1,
    "minecraft:chests/stronghold_corridor": 1,
    "minecraft:chests/jungle_temple": 1,
    "minecraft:chests/ruined_portal": 1,
    "betterdungeons:skeleton_dungeon/chests/common": 1,
    "betterdungeons:skeleton_dungeon/chests/middle": 1,
    "betterdungeons:zombie_dungeon/chests/common": 5,
    "betterdungeons:zombie_dungeon/chests/special": 5,
    "betterdungeons:zombie_dungeon/chests/tombstone": 5

How to create your own custom boss of any entity:

Step 1: Creating the file

Easiest is to download the datapack for the default bosses and modify it. After downloading the bosses datapack unzip it and remove all but one of the boss files, we only keep those we want to change. Rename the file to any new name you like, the name of the file is only used to summon the boss via command(replace with the actual name) /brutalbosses spawnboss <filename>

Now you can modify the contents of the file, starting with putting in the ID of the entity you want to use and more, see below for more info.

To use the pack make sure this file structure is kept: data/brutalbosses/bosses/

You also need a pack.meta file at the highest level next to the data folder, the datapack given already has one which you just need to modify to give it a different name (check minecraft wiki for pack.meta format to see further customization)

Then you zip up the datapack, make sure you include both the data folder and the pack.meta file, those need to be on the highest level inside the zip file. Give the zip file a custom name for your datapack.

Step 2: Contents of the file

Make sure your modifications follow the json syntax, so similar to the given default boss files. in a {} scope you list entries seperated by comma , except the last entry does not get one.

If you want an entry with default value, you do not need to include it.

"entity": "minecraft:zombie" The first entry is the type of entity which acts as a boss, here you can choose any entity you like, but note that they'll need to have AI capabilities, so e.g. Armor stands do not work.

"entitynbt": "" Allows you to add extra entity NBT data to the boss entity. You can get the nbt data by using the /data get entity @e[limit=1,sort=nearest,type=!minecraft:player] command. Copy the output of it from the latest.log file and replace all " with " .

"visualscale": 1.2 Sets the visual size of the entity, this only affects the clientsize visuals and hitbox, 1.2 multiplies the original scale, so its 20% large with this value. Values smaller than 1 decrease the size, e.g. 0.5 halves it.

"experience": 300 here you set the amount of experience dropped

"name": "Testname" here you set the name of the boss

"namevisible": true here you set whether the nameplate is shown

"protect_treasure": true Sets the boss to protect the treasure of the chest it spawned on, by default false.

"droppeditemamount": 3 here you set the amount of items dropped from the loottable of the chest it spawned at, default is 3. "showbossbar": true here you set whether a bossbar is shown, default is true.


Example "effects": { "minecraft:slowness": 1, "minecraft:resistance": 1 }

Here you set the potion effects which the boss has applied to itself. "minecraft:slowness": 1 is potion ID: potion level.

List of vanilla potion IDs, you could use modded IDs too.
  • minecraft:speed Increases movement speed
  • minecraft:slowness Decreases movement speed
  • minecraft:haste Increases mining speed
  • minecraft:mining_fatigue Decreases mining speed
  • minecraft:strength Increases attack damage
  • minecraft:jump_boost Increases jump height
  • minecraft:regeneration Adds health regeneration
  • minecraft:resistance Grants damage reduction
  • minecraft:fire_resistance Grants fire immunity
  • minecraft:water_breathing Grants drowning immunity
  • minecraft:invisibility Gives invisibility
  • minecraft:weakness Decreases attack damage
  • minecraft:health_boost Increases Health
  • minecraft:absorption Gives absorbtion
  • minecraft:glowing Makes the boss glow
  • minecraft:levitation Gives levitation
  • minecraft:slow_falling Gives slow fall
  • minecraft:conduit_power Gives conduit power buff
  • minecraft:dolphins_grace Gives dolphins grace buff

Entity Attributes


"attributes": {                       
"generic.max_health": 100,          
"generic.follow_range": 50,         
"generic.knockback_resistance": 10, 
"generic.attack_damage": 10         

Here you apply attribute values to your boss entity, note that not all entity have all attributes so some may not have an effect/log an error upon trying to apply. "generic.max_health": 100 is attribute id: attribute numeric value

List of vanilla Attribute IDs, you could use modded IDs too.
  • generic.max_health Increases max health, max 1024
  • generic.follow_range Sets the follow range, default 32, max 2048
  • generic.knockback_resistance Sets the knockback resistence, default 0.0, max 1.0
  • generic.movement_speed Sets the base movement speed, default 0.69, max 1024.0
  • generic.flying_speed Sets base flying speed, default 0.4, max 1024
  • generic.attack_damage Sets base attack damage for melee, default 2.0, max 2048.0
  • generic.attack_knockback Sets the knockback value of attacks, for basic attacks, default 0.0, max 5.0
  • generic.armor Sets the base armor value, default 0, max 30
  • generic.armor_toughness Sets the base armor toughness, default 0, max 20
  • zombie.spawn_reinforcements Zombie exclusive chance to spawning reeinforcements, default 0, max 1

Custom Attributes


"customattributes": {
"dropgear": 1      

Custom attributes are special attributes added by the brutalbosses mod. "dropgear": 1 is attribute id: attribute numeric value

List custom attributes and their uses
  • attack_speed Sets an attack speed modifier for melee attackers, e.g. 0.2 is five times slower, 1.5 50% faster
  • projectile_damage_bonus Adds damage bonus to all projectiles fired by this entity
  • dropgear Specifies which gearslots the boss drops on death, values 1-6, 6 drops all slots. Slot order: 1. mainhand 2. offhand 3. feet 4. legs 5. chest 6. head
  • removespellcastinggoals Special attribute for evoker/illusioner entities which removes any vanilla spell casting AI on them

Custom Gear


 "gear": {
   "mainhand": "{id: \"minecraft:netherite_hoe\", Count: 1b, tag: {Damage: 0}}",
   "chestplate": "{id: \"minecraft:netherite_chestplate\", Count: 1b, tag: {Damage: 0}}",
   "helmet": "{id: \"minecraft:netherite_helmet\", Count: 1b, tag: {Damage: 0}}",
   "leggings": "{id: \"minecraft:netherite_leggings\", Count: 1b, tag: {Damage: 0}}",
   "feet": "{id: \"minecraft:netherite_boots\", Count: 1b, tag: {Damage: 0}}"

Equips the entity with custom items, note that only few entities are able to visually show the equipped items. "mainhand": "{id: \"minecraft:netherite_hoe\", Count: 1b, tag: {Damage: 0}}" is equipment slot: itemstack nbt The possible equipment slots are: mainhand, offhand, feet, legs, chest, head

To allow dropping the items on death check the custom attribute dropgear.

Get the itemstack nbt values by taking the item in your hand and running this command: /data get entity @s SelectedItem
To easy copy&paste the result you can copy the output from your games log file under minecraft/logs/latest.log Note that " has to be " in json/datapack. Example:"{id:"minecraft:shield",Count:1b,tag:{Damage:0}}"

Custom AI


  "ai-goals": {                                      
   "brutalbosses:aftercombatregen": {                
     "amount": 1
   "brutalbosses:whirldwind": {
     "potiononhit": "minecraft:wither",
     "potionduration": 200,
     "knockback": 4,
     "cooldown": 200
   "brutalbosses:charge": {}

Add custom AI's to the bosses to give them unique attacks and behaviour. "brutalbosses:charge": {} syntax is ai_ID : {} params. No params means default parameters are used. If you want to use the default parameter of a value you do not need to specify it.

Phases: You can specify health dependent AI behaviour on most custom AI's through the healthinterval AI parameter, which you find in the AI details list below. For multiple health intervals in which the AI is active use this format: "healthinterval": "100-50;30-20;10-0" which would make the AI active from 100% to 50% HP, 30% to 20% HP and 10% to 0% HP.

Duplicate AI's: to add multiple of the same AI you can add a number from 1-4 to the end of the AI name, e.g.brutalbosses:whirldwind and brutalbosses:whirldwind1.

List of AI's, their effects and parameters


Adds minecrafts random walking AI to the entity, makes them randomly path around.

Parameters: {} empty/none


Adds player targeting to the entity.

Parameters: {} empty/none


Adds minecrafts melee attack ai to the entity, which includes chasing it and hitting it. Disables other minecraft attack/move ai's.

Parameters: {} empty/none


Adds minecrafts crossbow attack ai to the entity, which includes chasing it and hitting it. Disables other minecraft attack/move ai's.

Parameters: {} empty/none


Adds a special AI of brutal bosses which switches between melee attacking and using its offhanditem, if the offhand item is a shield it will block.

Parameters: {} empty/none


Adds a special AI of brutal bosses which switches between melee attacking and using its offhanditem, if the offhand item is a shield it will block. Disables other minecraft attack/move ai's.

Parameters: {} empty/none


Adds an AI which rescues the entity when it is stuck in lava for a period of time. Useful esp for fire resistant entities to not have them stuck forever.

Parameters: {} empty/none


Adds an ai to chase its target, disables vanilla movement/attack AI's, as those already do movement.


"healthinterval": "100-0"           The health interval in which this AI is active, in health percent, default: 100-0
"chasedistance": 20             The distance in blocks at which the boss follows its target, default: 2


Adds a special attack AI which shoots a certain amount of fireballs in the given intervals.


"healthinterval": "100-0"          The health interval in which this AI is active, in health percent, default: 100-0
"projectile_count": 3,             The amount of projectiles prepared and shot, default: 1
"projectile_interval": 60,         The interval in ticks between usages, default: 50
"projectile_distance": 25,         The max distance of the target allowed to use this projectile, default: 15
"projectile_speed": 1.0,           The speed multiplier of the projectile, default: 1.0(normal speed)
"projectile_aoe": false            Whether to shoot a projectile on each nearby player when firing, default: false


Adds a special attack AI which shoots a certain amount of wither skulls in the given intervals.


"healthinterval": "100-0"          The health interval in which this AI is active, in health percent, default: 100-0
"projectile_count": 3,             The amount of projectiles prepared and shot, default: 1
"projectile_interval": 60,         The interval in ticks between usages, default: 50
"projectile_distance": 25,         The max distance of the target allowed to use this projectile, default: 15
"projectile_speed": 1.0,           The speed multiplier of the projectile, default: 1.0(normal speed)
"projectile_aoe": false            Whether to shoot a projectile on each nearby player when firing, default: false
"dangerous": false                 Whether wither skulls are dangerous, dangerous means they fly through blocks and glow blue, those are the ones the actual wither uses


Adds a special attack AI which shoots a certain amount of snowballs in the given intervals.


"healthinterval": "100-0"          The health interval in which this AI is active, in health percent, default: 100-0
"projectile_count": 3,             The amount of projectiles prepared and shot, default: 1
"projectile_interval": 60,         The interval in ticks between usages, default: 50
"projectile_distance": 25,         The max distance of the target allowed to use this projectile, default: 15
"projectile_speed": 1.0,           The speed multiplier of the projectile, default: 1.0(normal speed)
"projectile_aoe": false            Whether to shoot a projectile on each nearby player when firing, default: false


Adds a special AI which regenerates health after the boss is not fighting for a while and has no target.


"amount": 2             The amount of health regenerated per tick, default: 2


Adds a special attack AI which shoots a cobweb projectile at a target, creates a cobweb on impact.


"healthinterval": "100-0"          The health interval in which this AI is active, in health percent, default: 100-0
"projectile_count": 3,             The amount of projectiles prepared and shot, default: 1
"projectile_interval": 60,         The interval in ticks between usages, default: 50
"projectile_distance": 25,         The max distance of the target allowed to use this projectile, default: 15
"projectile_speed": 1.0,           The speed multiplier of the projectile, default: 1.0(normal speed)
"projectile_aoe": false            Whether to shoot a projectile on each nearby player when firing, default: false


Adds a special AI which summons reinforcement mobs in an interval.


"healthinterval": "100-0"           The health interval in which this AI is active, in health percent, default: 100-0
"interval": 600,                    Interval at which entities are summoned, default: 500 ticks
"maxcount": 10,                     Maximum amount of summoned entities alive at the same time, default: 2
"count": 2,                         The amount of entities summoned per activation
"ownerdamagepct": 0f,               The percentage of health the boss looses when a summoned minion died
"entities": [                       The list of entities of which a summon is randomly chosen, default: [] empty. To add 
                                    a special entity you can provide the entities NBT used when creating it, by using the
                                    /data get entity @e[limit=1,sort=nearest,type=!minecraft:player]  command. Copy the output of it 
                                    from the latest.log file and replace all " with \" . Example for a zombie summon with nbt data, 
                                    for a small zombie:
          "entityid": "minecraft:zombie",
          "entitynbt": "{Brain: {memories: {}}, HurtByTimestamp: 251, IsBaby: 1b, Attributes: [{Base: 0.0d, Name: \"minecraft:zombie.spawn_reinforcements\"}, {Base: 0.08d, Name: \"forge:entity_gravity\"}, {Base: 0.23000000417232513d, Name: \"minecraft:generic.movement_speed\"}], Invulnerable: 0b, FallFlying: 0b, PortalCooldown: 0, AbsorptionAmount: 0.0f, InWaterTime: -1, FallDistance: 0.0f, CanUpdate: 1b, DeathTime: 0s, ForgeCaps: {\"brutalbosses:bosscap\": {}}, HandDropChances: [0.085f, 0.085f], PersistenceRequired: 0b, UUID: [I; -1356225159, 445793596, -1560838011, 528914832], Motion: [0.0d, -0.0784000015258789d, 0.0d], Health: 18.119999f, LeftHanded: 0b, Air: 300s, OnGround: 1b, Rotation: [88.88051f, 0.0f], HandItems: [{}, {}], ArmorDropChances: [0.085f, 0.085f, 0.085f, 0.085f], Pos: [-59.22638885988113d, 55.0d, 100.53636996754722d], CanBreakDoors: 0b, Fire: -1s, ArmorItems: [{}, {}, {}, {}], CanPickUpLoot: 0b, HurtTime: 0s, DrownedConversionTime: -1}"
          "entityid": "minecraft:skeleton"
          "entityid": "minecraft:husk"
          "entityid": "minecraft:wither_skeleton"
          "entityid": "minecraft:stray"


Adds a special melee AI which does a whirldwind attack in an area around the boss. Can apply potion effects


"healthinterval": "100-0"               The health interval in which this AI is active, in health percent, default: 100-0
"attackdist": 4,                        The distance at which the whirldwind can be used, default: 4
"extradamage": 2,                       Additional damage the whirldwind deals in addition to normal melee hit damage, default: 2
"potiononhit": "minecraft:slowness",    The potion effect applied on hitting an entity, default: none
"potionlevel": 1,                       The level of the potion effect applied, default: 1
"potionduration": 80,                   The duratin of the potion applied in ticks, default: 60
"knockback": 4,                         The strength of the knockback applied, default: 4
"cooldown": 80,                         The ticks between usages, default: 80
"knockup": false                        Whether to do a knock upwards instead of backwards, default: false


Adds a special melee hit AI, which can apply potion effects. Does not include moving and is thus not disabled by e.g. the chasing AI and normally used alongside it.


"healthinterval": "100-0"               The health interval in which this AI is active, in health percent, default: 100-0
"attackdist": 2,                        The distance at which the melee hit can be used, default: 2
"damage": 2,                            Additional damage the hit deals in addition to normal melee hit damage, default: 2
"potiononhit": "minecraft:slowness",    The potion effect applied on hitting an entity, default: none
"potionlevel": 1                        The level of the potion effect applied, default: 1
"potionduration": 60,                   The duratin of the potion applied in ticks, default: 60
"knockback": 0,                         The strength of the knockback applied, default: 0
"cooldown": 30                          The ticks between usages, default: 30


Adds a special charge AI, which speeds up the entity for a short amount of time to charge at its target


"healthinterval": "100-0"            The health interval in which this AI is active, in health percent, default: 100-0
"mindist": 3,                        The minimum distance at which the charge effect activates, default: 3
"duration": 20,                      Duration in ticks of the increased speed, default: 20
"interval": 200                      Ticks between usages, default: 200


Adds a special AI which shoots big exploding fireballs at its target


"healthinterval": "100-0"          The health interval in which this AI is active, in health percent, default: 100-0
"projectile_count": 3,             The amount of projectiles prepared and shot, default: 1
"projectile_interval": 60,         The interval in ticks between usages, default: 50
"projectile_distance": 25,         The max distance of the target allowed to use this projectile, default: 15
"projectile_speed": 1.0,           The speed multiplier of the projectile, default: 1.0(normal speed)
"projectile_aoe": false            Whether to shoot a projectile on each nearby player when firing, default: false


Adds a special AI which shoots items of any kind at its targets, with custome effects The item parameter needs to be in the same format as used in the gear section, check the gear section on how to obtain the right string.


"healthinterval": "100-0"                                   The health interval in which this AI is active, in health percent, default: 100-0
"projectile_count": 3,                                      The amount of projectiles prepared and shot, default: 1
"projectile_interval": 60,                                  The interval in ticks between usages, default: 50
"projectile_distance": 25,                                  The max distance of the target allowed to use this projectile, default: 15
"projectile_speed": 1.0,           The speed multiplier of the projectile, default: 1.0(normal speed)
"projectile_aoe": false                                     Whether to shoot a projectile on each nearby player when firing, default: false
"projectilesize": 1.0,                                      The size modifier for the projectile, default: 1.0
"item": "{id: \"minecraft:nether_star\", Count: 1b}",       The item used to shoot at the target, default: nether star
"damage": 0,                                                The magic damage dealth by the projectile, default: 0
"teleport": false,                                          Whether the boss teleports to the location or entity on hit, default: false
"lightning": false                                          Whether the projectile does lightning on impact, default: false
"explode": false                                            Whether the projectile explodes on impact, default: false


Adds a special AI which applies the given potion effects for the given duration. Also can display an item behind the entity, like a banner.


"interval": 600,                  The interval in ticks between usages, default: 200
"duration": 100,                  The potion duration in ticks, default: 100
"visibleitem": "{id: \"minecraft:gray_banner\", Count: 1b, tag: {BlockEntityTag: {Patterns: [{Pattern: \"bri\", Color: 15}, {Pattern: \"bo\", Color: 15}]}}}",          The item shown behind the entity as visual indicator, default: none.
"visibleitemsize": 4.0,           The size of the item shown behind the entity, default: 1.0
"healthinterval": "100-80",       The health interval in which this AI is active, in health percent, default: 100-0
"potions": {                      The list of potions and their level to apply for the duration above
"minecraft:resistance": 4,
"minecraft:regeneration": 2

Spawn location and loot


  "spawnatchest": {
    "minecraft:chests/simple_dungeon": 5,
    "minecraft:chests/stronghold_crossing": 1,
    "minecraft:chests/stronghold_corridor": 1,
    "minecraft:chests/jungle_temple": 1,
    "minecraft:chests/ruined_portal": 1,
    "betterdungeons:skeleton_dungeon/chests/common": 1,
    "betterdungeons:skeleton_dungeon/chests/middle": 1,
    "betterdungeons:zombie_dungeon/chests/common": 5,
    "betterdungeons:zombie_dungeon/chests/special": 5,
    "betterdungeons:zombie_dungeon/chests/tombstone": 5

The spawn location of a boss is determing by lootable containers put into a structure, when the structure generates with a fitting container then the config's global spawn chance is rolled and a random boss of the weighted pool is chosen and spawned.

The bosses loot consist of custom loot set via gear in the gear section and items found in the chest it spawned next to, so the spawn location also determines the appropiate loot to drop.

You set the spawn location by giving the boss a list of loot table IDs and weights, the higher the weight the more likely this boss it to be chosen of all bosses which can spawn at this loot table.

"minecraft:chests/simple_dungeon": 5, The first entry here is the loottable id, second is the weight of this boss.

Weight is pretty simple, a weight of 5 simply means that for this loottable there are 5 entries for this boss, lets e.g. say you have a zombie boss and a spider boss both on the same loottable. The zombieboss has weight 5, the spiderboss weight 3. Then the list of bosses which a position is randomly chosen from to spawn looks like this:


So the zombieboss has a chance of 5/8 to be chosen and spiderboss has a chance of 3/8. If you want to fine-grain the chances you can add the loottable to the dummy boss, and add an aditional weight there, when the dummy boss is chosen there just won't be a boss spawning.

So to add a boss spawn to a certain dungeon you need to find the loottable ID of the chest used in that dungeon and put it into the bosses spawnatchest list like above. This is how compat with custom dungeon/structures and loot pools is achieved, bosses spawn next to a certain loot table so you can add any modded ID there aswell.

To find a loottable of a chest, or display lootables of chests without bosses in the log you can enable the config option printChestLoottable  which shows the loottable of a chest on first open, or prints a message about unused chests into the latest.log.

Loot dropped is taken from the loot table the boss spawns at to not break any item progression and be in line with the intended rewards of that dungeon/structure. You can use this to adapt boss difficult to loot, e.g. the more difficult bosses you spawn at end city treasures, the easier ones at the simple dungeon loottable.

List of default vanilla loottables used:
  • minecraft:chests/simple_dungeon
  • minecraft:chests/end_city_treasure
  • minecraft:chests/abandoned_mineshaft
  • minecraft:chests/nether_bridge
  • minecraft:chests/stronghold_library
  • minecraft:chests/stronghold_crossing
  • minecraft:chests/stronghold_corridor
  • minecraft:chests/desert_pyramid
  • minecraft:chests/jungle_temple
  • minecraft:chests/jungle_temple_dispenser
  • minecraft:chests/igloo_chest
  • minecraft:chests/woodland_mansion
  • minecraft:chests/underwater_ruin_small
  • minecraft:chests/underwater_ruin_big
  • minecraft:chests/buried_treasure
  • minecraft:chests/shipwreck_map
  • minecraft:chests/shipwreck_supply
  • minecraft:chests/shipwreck_treasure
  • minecraft:chests/pillager_outpost
  • minecraft:chests/bastion_treasure
  • minecraft:chests/bastion_other
  • minecraft:chests/bastion_bridge
  • minecraft:chests/bastion_hoglin_stable
  • minecraft:chests/ruined_portal
  • minecraft:chests/village/village_weaponsmith
  • minecraft:chests/village/village_toolsmith
  • minecraft:chests/village/village_armorer
  • minecraft:chests/village/village_cartographer
  • minecraft:chests/village/village_mason
  • minecraft:chests/village/village_shepherd
  • minecraft:chests/village/village_butcher
  • minecraft:chests/village/village_fletcher
  • minecraft:chests/village/village_fisher
  • minecraft:chests/village/village_tannery
  • minecraft:chests/village/village_temple
  • minecraft:chests/village/village_desert_house
  • minecraft:chests/village/village_plains_house
  • minecraft:chests/village/village_taiga_house
  • minecraft:chests/village/village_snowy_house
  • minecraft:chests/village/village_savanna_house

Thats it, have fun!

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