Thanks for watching my talk, Domain-Driven Desire at Øredev 2016. Here's a list of resources that inspired me, and will hopefully inspire you:
- 🎥 Martin Fowler on Microservices - goes into concepts, teams, patterns
- 🎥 Fred George on Microservices - rants, rants, rants
- 🎥 Microservices at NetFlix Scale - great talk
- 🎥 Entity Microservice Trap (Fred George) - gotchas
- 🎥 Deploying and Scaling Microservices (Sam Newman) - great talk, great book too
- 🎥 From Monolith to Microservices (Rodrigue Schaefer) - Zalando: legacy replacement, microservices, culture and attitudes around the concepts
- 🎥 Software that Fits in Your Head (Dan North) - WATCH THIS!
- 🎥 Anti-Fragile Cloud Architectures - circuit braker pattern, failover, architecture with many code-based demos
- 🎥 DDD & Microservices (Eric Evans) - A bit slow. But he's the expert.
- 🎥 Ask The Product Manager - all you needed to know about Agile!
- 🎥 Code Review as an Architectural Necessity - challenging how we talk and think about architecture, and how teams create things
- Taking Microservices Home (Zhamak Dehghani) - How to evolve an organization to use microservices
- Eventsourcing, Why Are People Into That? - nice overview of why events help solve problems around domain-driven design and org structure. But I don't believe CQRS must be a part of that.
- The Log: - LinkedIn's Jay Kreps wrote this in 2013, an insighful discussion of logging, and why they created Kafka.
- 10 Modern Software Over-Engineering Mistakes - harsh words, but reality is spoken here
- Stream processing, Event sourcing, Reactive, CEP… and making sense of it all - Confluent
- Conceptual Debt is Worse than Technical Debt - totally.
- Choose Design Over Architecture - classic, API views are what they call "orchestration" but whatever
- Microservices Trade-Offs, Martin Fowler - the giant of software makes some good points
- Strangler Applications, replacing legacy - this is what we all need to think about doing
- On Writing Product Specs - great advice, keep it lean
- Spotify Engineering Culture - if you don't know this, you have to watch it. Lots of hype around Spotify, but it's been a game changer.
DevOps, Process, IT
- 📗 The Phoenix Project, Gene Kim - super great book, a must-read if you're into DevOps
- 📗 Building Microservices, Sam Newman - one of the best books out there
- 📗 DevOps Handbook, Gene Kim - very new, looks great
Product Management and Process
- The Evolving Product Manager Role
- Why Agile Breaks Your Organization
- Why I'm not a big fan of Scrum
- The Human Cost of Tech Debt
- Living in the Age of Software Fuckery
- The Cost of Delay
- 📗 User Story Mapping, Jeff Patton - great insights to UX/PM processes
- 📗 The Five Dysfunctions of a Team - scary stuff
- 📗 The Goal - a biz classic, makes you think about the big picture
- 📗 The Mythical Man-Month - a dinosaur, but still going strong
Engineering Culture and Team Leadership
- 📗 Managing Humans, Michae Lopp - probably had the most impact on me personally
- 📗 Leading the Transformation, Gary Gruver - great view on how to change companies
- 📗 Work Rules, Lazlo Bock - modern HR for happy engineers
Blogs, News
- - programming smarter
- - awesome links every week, product, design, engineering
- - great advice for team leaders and engineers
- - swiss designer, insightful
Hi Jeremy, great talk today!
Any chance you could share your slides, too?
Anyway, thank you for an inspiring session!