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Created August 25, 2010 07:49
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Save somebox/549062 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple script that backs up all MySQL user databases separately, with dated filenames
# Dumps all databases to separate backup files named with today's date
MYSQLDUMP_OPTIONS="--compact --add-drop-table --skip-set-charset"
# ---
mkdir -p $BACKUP_TO
DATE=`date +'%Y-%m-%d'`
mysql -e 'show databases' | ruby -e "
to_skip = ['database','information_schema'] do |db|
if !to_skip.include?(db.downcase)
puts %Q(backing up #{db})
cmd = %Q(mysqldump $MYSQLDUMP_OPTIONS #{db})
file = %Q($BACKUP_TO/#{db}_$DATE.sql)
system %Q(#{cmd} > #{file})
# remove old backups
/usr/bin/find $BACKUP_TO -mtime +90 -type f -exec /bin/rm '{}' \;
# remove zero-length backups
/usr/bin/find $BACKUP_TO -size 0 -type f -exec /bin/rm '{}' \;
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